Reference : 3701459026395

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Attendants - Pendants Donuts
Pierre(s) : Larvikite
Color: Black / Gray / Reflective / Silver
. Stone diameter: 30mm
. Quality: A = Good
. *Sold without cord

Non-contractual photo

Vertus De La Larvikite :

On the one hand, Larkvite is a stone for protection from negative energies and also in the face of other people's malice. On the other hand, it is a stone that enables gain a better understanding of world around us. As a result, this stone enables us to acquire greater lucidity and also a better vision of things in today's world. By This stone also helps to introspection and, in so doing, find the right causes of our malaise.
This stone also represents the spirit of earth and water. As such, it is perfect for getting in touch with nature to find peace more easily interior.

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