Reference : 3701459021338

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Figurines - elephants
Pierre(s) : Larvikite
Dimension: 40mm
. Color(s) : Gray / Black
Color(s) : Gray / Black
Color(s) : Gray / Black Quality: A = Good

Histories and legends

Firsts traces of larvikite date back to more than 295 years ago million years B.C., at the time of the Permian. The exact date of its discovery is unknown. The main deposits of this stone are located in the Larvik region of Norway, hence the name larvikite.

Waldemar Cristofer Brogger, Norwegian geologist (1851 - 1940), identifies larvikite for the first time and describes it in his book "Les eruptive rocks from the Oslo area" published in 1894.

Larvikite is a magmatic rock composed essentially of feldspar. It is a mineral containing little quartz, but aluminum and sodium, potassium, calcium and silicon. It also possesses augite and biotite.

Training takes place at at a depth of 30 km and its crystallization in the near-surface zones sub-volcanic.

All elements that make up the larvikite give it a distinctive opaque or translucent, in shades ranging from blue light to dark blue, black highlights, grey steel or silver bronze. It features a hardness of 6 on the Mohs.

Larvikite is reputed to have been at the origin of the construction of Oslo. It has often served as solid building material. It has was often used in the manufacture of ornamental objects, tombstones, and the and in the production of facades.

It is found in in Oslo. It is also recognized as Norway's national stone in 2007. It is also known by other names such as "blue granite", "granite royal blue pearl", "black moonstone". or "bird granite".

Larvikite is a stone on the facades of many monuments and buildings, sometimes even inside as an ornament. It can be seen UN headquarters in New York, on the mosque of the Sultanate of Brunei, etc.

For the record, the bust of the famous anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl (1914 - 2002), known for his expedition in between the coast of South America and the Polynesia, was decorated with larvikite. He is currently on display at the Casa Chacona museum in Tenerife.

In conclusion, this This magnificent rock is widely used in the building construction. Nowadays, it is also used to make jewelry in jewelry. Its reflections make this stone and unique.

Les deposits

The main deposits are in Norway. You can also in Canada, China and Madagascar, etc.

Les benefits of larvikite in lithotherapy

His psychological benefits

Larvikite is a excellent protective stone. It absorbs negative energies around her, and then eliminate them. It allows you to accompany a loved one in his or her suffering without being imbued with the malaise it send back.

Sourced from the depths of the Earth, it is also a a formidable anchoring stone. It encourages to rediscover its origins and bring back to the present moment. It allows you to focus and achieve them. It develops realism and encourages introspection.

In states of intense fatigue or mental exhaustion, the wearing a larvikite provides the strength to through these blocking emotions. The wearer of this stone can then overcome them and a certain serenity.

This stone is particularly recommended for hypersensitive. It has soothing properties, a a shield against all kinds of evils and sorrows. It is very beneficial to all by giving them excellent analytical skills. It helps you better control your emotions and his fits of anger.

Larvikite encourages reflection, creativity and imagination. It's perfect for all artists, writers or anyone involved in in creation. She is also recommended for people working in social, medical or educational. In fact, it develops the ability to listen, understand understanding and compassion. It enables to adopt the right attitude in all circumstances.

Ses physical benefits

Larvikite enables to bind calcium and sodium. In fact calcium is essential for the proper functioning of the body.

At the same time, the lack of sodium can have serious consequences.

The larvikite fight also against intense sadness. Wearing a larvikite spreads waves soothe and relieve stress. Stress can have a serious impact on the body.

Larvikite and astrological signs associates

Larvikite has virtues and properties that act on all the natives of the zodiac. However, it certain astrological signs develop a special bond with this stone. These signs are as follows:

  • Lion symbol of power and royalty and vanity. This sign represents pride, generosity and flattery. Visit wearing a larvikite helps you control your emotions and anger. This sign likes to situate itself above the rest. He always wants to be admired and does everything to be at the center of attentions. He sometimes talks too much on behalf of everyone. He leaves no one indifferent and has a lot of charm. He loves parties luxury and pleasure. He has an ego and can be violent, even violent. tyrannical. Dominant, he has a lot of determination. He does everything to reach the professional success. He is loyal and great frankness. He can't stand and pettiness. A great generosity, he willingly shares with his entourage. In love, he loves to seduce, to go off to the conquest of new prey. He is charming and passionate. He burns with desire and ardor. He has a great need to be loved and admired. He can't stand solitude;

  • Scorpion symbol of mystery, passion and of death. This sign represents sexuality, instinct and passion. Wearing a larvikite provides him with serenity and soothes it. This sign can be destructive, sadistic and jealous. He loves pornography and man's baser impulses. His sense of psychology allows him to identify his interlocutor. He may even go so far as to manipulate. This sign wants to succeed and shows formidable. It is implacably demanding. He doesn't hesitate to crush anything that gets in the way. his way. He has a great sense humor and loyalty. He is a very ironic, but can't stand criticism. In love, he doesn't give himself up easily. He remains secret and magnetic. He's looking for anything experiment sexually. He can't stand live a calm and peaceful love. He needs passion, is jealous and possessive. However, it's not enough, he wants to start a family and he loves children;

  • Verseau: symbol of the future, news technologies and science. This sign represents fraternity, friendship and originality. Wearing a larvikite confidence and self-assurance. him. This sign dreams of a more egalitarian world. He has very utopian ideas. He even keeps a revolutionary and anarchist side. He has a very idealistic view of life. He possesses an infallible intuition and rarely wrong. Freedom is essential in his life. He likes to be independent. He has many ideas for reforming the world. never puts anything into practice. He hates routine and boredom is his worst enemy. He is often curious and creative. He loves all new technologies. This sign is very mysterious and has a hard time revealing himself. In love, he's wary of passion. He won't is not looking for tumultuous love affairs. He prefers a friendly, loving relationship where he'll feel safer. Besides is not looking for marriage and prefers the pacs.

Larvikite and chakras

Larvikite helps balance the third chakra eye. It is located between the eyebrows, at the beginning of the the bridge of the nose. The third eye chakra balance generates knowledge and memory, intuition and imagination. The person can achieve wisdom and develop altruism. It is detached from possessions material.

The Chakra of the unbalanced third eye, showing a overactive, plunges the person into a mysticism excessive. It rejects reality and physical pleasures. She is incapable of having classic relationships.

The Chakra of the blocked third eye causes rejection of spiritual truths. The person no longer intuition. She no longer seeks to acquire knowledge.

Maintenance, purification and recharging of the larvikite

As soon as it is extracted, the larvikite can no longer purify itself or recharge using the elements that like soil or rainwater. As soon as it arrives at your home, your stone will need to be purified and recharged. Visit the following operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a month or after for use in lithotherapy.

Place your stone under running water for a few seconds. Dry with a soft cloth. You you can also purify it intensely by using the in-ground burial technique for one week. For gentler purification, use a Tibetan bowl or fumigation with white sage.

Recharge it at the afternoon sun for 3 hours hours. You can place it on a pile of on a quartz or amethyst geode for 24 hours. hours.

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