Reference : 3701459007172

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendants - Pendants Hearts
Pierre(s) : Hematite
Color: Silver
Size: 15mm
. Quality: A = Good

*Sold without chains
Photo non contractuelle

Histories and legends

Hematite is essentially composed of oxygen, iron, titanium, aluminum, zinc manganese and a large quantity of water. It belongs to the family of oxides, which are even the most common iron oxide on Earth. It has also been found on Mars. Its iron content, lower than that of magnetite, can reach 70%.

This mineral is black to yellow in color. silver-grey, brown to red or completely red. Exposed to water and crushed, this which is very friable, is easily reduced in the form of blood-red powder. This particularity gave it its Latin name "haematites", from "haima" in Greek, meaning blood. The more finely hematite varieties the more red the color present.

This mineral is found in rocks in sedimentary rocks, in hydrothermal environments, in rocks eruptions, but also as a result of the emanation of gases from volcanoes. The hardness of hematite is 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale.

The appearance of hematite varies according to depending on its composition, location and depending on the temperature at which it crystallizes. It can therefore be presented in the form of lamellae, granular masses, columns, etc. short crystals, etc. Hematite inclusions in various minerals give them a and are highly sought after.

Since prehistoric times, hematite has been used by humans, especially homos sapiens. In fact, they used them as body paint. Then, hematite, in its was crushed and diluted in a mixture of water. Its traces can be found on the frescoes of the prehistoric Chauvet cave dating back 30 years. 000 years ago, then on those of the Lascaux cave, dating back some 20,000 years. The first hematite mines have been in operation for 10,000 years years or so.

The Persian and Babylonian civilizations made numerous hematite cylinders. They hung them around their necks in order to benefit their magical and protective powers. A a number of these cylinders were found dating back 4,000 years.

The Egyptians used to engrave hematite, so considered a precious stone. From mirrors, belonging to wealthy Egyptian women, are made and chiselled in hematite. By elsewhere, they put make-up on their lips with powdered ochre-colored hematite. Hematite powder was reputed to ward off bad luck and disease.

The Greeks and Romans used to grant crushed hematite's many virtues, to treat the eyes, and even to restore sight. It is said to have also heal wounds, burns and other injuries. and stop haemorrhaging on the fields of battle. She was also, on the face of it effective against venomous animal bites and poison in general.

In the Middle Ages, powdered hematite was one of the main components of greyness, painting. This kind glass paint decorates many stained-glass windows or other cathedral masterpieces and churches.

From the 15th century onwards, painting based hematite will be used for the colors of the faces in portrait painting. Then to During the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci used chalk sticks in hematite.

Nowadays, hematite is always used in the production of iron and in the cosmetics. It is found in in the metallurgy industry or as aggregates in the composition of heavy concretes. It happens that many specimens are used in or are simply collected by lovers of beautiful stones.

The deposits

The main deposits are in China, in Brazil, Argentina, France, etc.


The benefits of hematite in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Hematite is an anchoring stone harmony. It brings a little too dreamy. This stone develops the ability to listen, both to the others and ourselves. It also teaches patience and compassion. It provides quality relationships.

This mineral gives strength and courage, to face the challenges of the future with serenity. life. It helps to overcome shyness doubts and lack of self-confidence. Hematite generates self-confidence and energy and optimism.

It allows you to assert yourself and strengthen your will. It is also recommended for to combat addiction and compulsive behaviors (smoking, alcoholism...), bulimia, anorexia).

Hematite is renowned for stimulating concentration and memory. It is ideal for for students, for people in retraining or vocational training. It facilitates the study of technical subjects and scientists.

Hematite is said to help people too angry or too nervous to find the right appeasement. It teaches them to analyze events with calm and hindsight. It allows you to overcome all kinds of fears and phobias. It also provides quality sleep keeping anxiety at bay.

Benefits for your health physics

Hematite is a stone that enables fix the iron contained in a diet and strengthens the body by general.

This mineral promotes healthy blood circulation body fluids.

Hematite promotes the proper functioning of the third eye chakra.

Hematite and signs associated astrological

Hematite has many virtues and benefits properties acting on all natives of the zodiac. However, its actions and benefits are reinforced in the following signs:

  • Aries: symbol of action, enthusiasm and impulsiveness. This sign represents ambition, competition and audacity. Visit wearing a hematite helps calm her and anger. This sign is made for command and commands respect. So he likes to and sometimes overdoes it. authority. He is always looking for first place, because he loves competition. With his stubborn nature, he will do anything to get what he wants. He is also often too direct. He tends to say out loud what he's thinking and maybe sometimes hurtful. He doesn't give up adversity. On the contrary, it seems to stimulate. If it fails, it rises again more determined. In love, he likes to play seduction. It has a lot of charm and appeals a lot. He always needs to be because he hates routine. He appreciates fiery passions;

  • Verseau: symbol of the future, technology and science. This sign represents freedom, equality people and utopia. He dreams of a world where everyone would have equal rights, with the same same access to knowledge. The differences would be accepted and everyone would be free. Visit wearing a hematite gives him greater confidence because he has a tendency to have a natural very shy and self-conscious. He hates hierarchy and can sometimes become anarchistic and revolutionary. He loves his freedom and is not ready to let her down. This sign loves to be admired and possesses a style of dress particular. He is creative and always needs to have projects. However, these projects are rarely successful. He can also intolerance, and often thinks he's the only one. the only one who's right. In love, he can't stand routine and loves adventure. However, he is wary of overly passionate relationships. Her partner must be surprising. He must be both friend and lover. He must not especially not to encroach on his freedom;

  • Fish: symbol of faith and artistic gifts. This sign represents the unconscious, mystery and sacrifice. He is highly suggestible and can quickly fall into various addictions. The port of a hematite gives him the will to resist temptation. It's a idealist who lives in his world of daydreams and who creates his own virtual world. It can even become marginal. He often lacks perspective and his emotions get the better of him. He has a flair for bargains and it can become an excellent financier. He has a mind creative and thrives in the artistic activities. This sign tends to be very anxious and stressed. He refuses all positions of responsibility. In love, it can to be either totally dedicated or be very libertine. He shows a lot of eroticism and indulges in every kind of excess. With maturity, he aspires to start a family and becomes more serene.

Hematite and the chakras

Hematite perfectly balances the chakra chakra. The root chakra is the first chakra located at the level of the perineum. It is at the base of the spinal column. When this chakra is harmonized: energy flows correctly without excess or lack. The wearer of the hematite feels a certain security and stability. Well-being and of vitality.

Maintenance, purification and recharging hematite

As soon as hematite was introduced to your home, it's time to purify and clean it. recharge. In fact, your stone has been contact with all kinds of influences since its extraction.

You can purify it with techniques such as fumigation with white sage or in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your stone by exposing it to the solar or lunar rays for several hours hours. You can recharge it by placing it in an amethyst geode, or on a quartz cluster for a minimum period of time of 24 hours.

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