Reference : 3701459064939

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Well-being and Esotericism - Yoni egg
Pierre(s) : Aventurine Green
Dimensions (in mm): 30mm - 40mm - 45mm
. Color: Light green / Dark green
. Quality: A = Good
. *Sold with cords.

Non-contractual photo.

Histories and legends


Aventurine is a member of the quartz. It has different colors due to the presence of mineral inclusions or metal. Green aventurine has this beautiful color due to the presence of fuchsite, a chromium-rich mica. Aventurine brown is coloured by pyrite, aventurine red with hematite and the blue with dumortierite.

Etymology and history

Green aventurine is a stone that exists for thousands of years. However, its name has was attributed in the 17th century by the glassmakers of Murano. Glassmakers made their glass in Venice and were at the origin of many fires. To protect the city, they decided to expatriate to the island of Murano. One day, a glassmaker accidentally spilled copper flakes in molten glass. The result was impressive: the glass shimmered due to the presence of copper. It's called verre aventuriné, because it's Italian, "a ventura" means by chance. The stone mineral aventurine has this appearance shiny and glittery and therefore owes its name to this strange discovery.

In France, we find the trace of green aventurine in the late 17th century in the writings of Mme de Maintenon, first of all governess to the children of Louis XIV, then his secret wife. She describes a rosary that is made of this beautiful green stone.

For thousands of years, aventurine has been and can be found in a variety of civilizations. Its presence has been confirmed in ancient Egypt.

At the time of ancient China, there are about 4 000 years ago, the Chinese recognized green aventurine as Yu imperial stone, associated with the goddess of mercy compassion and love. She protected also mothers and children.

Then, 2,000 years ago, among the tribe of the Incas, green aventurine was used to attract luck and abundance. The Tibetans adorned the eyes of their statues with this stone and used them to correct certain defects of sight. As for the Celts, green aventurine is a stone of spiritual elevation and to know.

More recently, the British Museum in London exhibits a statuette dating back to less than 400 B.C. J.C. It evokes a typical person of the Olmec civilization. This work measures approximately 30 cm and is carved in aventurine. green.

In the 17th century, aventurine was the name given to shimmering stones. But the distinction between natural and produced aventurine by glassmakers is still difficult to establish with certainty.

At this time, a third aventurine becomes famous, that of aventurine lacquers Chinese or Japanese. In trying to reproduced in France, magnificent varnishes with different varieties of aventurines. These are the famous Martin dating from 1728.

The deposits

Aventurine deposits are found at the Brazil, China, Germany, etc.


The benefits of aventurine green lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Green aventurine is very often used in lithotherapy, because it has a excellent influence on the mind. This stone is a lucky stone that brings good luck and rebirth. It brings joy humor and self-confidence.

It is also a stone of protection, because it possesses qualities that enable block harmful energies and emotions negative. It avoids relationships toxic and harmful. It is also highly effective on people sensitive to electromagnetic waves and electrics.

Green aventurine is a soothing stone and calms tormented spirits. By promoting the evacuation of bad vibes, it generates soothing and stimulating benefits for the mind. A calmer mind is more open to serenity. It is an anti-stress stone that to combat anxiety and anxiety.

Wearing a green aventurine gives you the confidence to take the right course of action to see his projects come to fruition. It's a stone of change, providing strength and motivation necessary to start from scratch.

This stone provokes optimism and gives strength to overcome life's trials. By It also develops creativity. It to ensure quality communication with family and professional contacts. This stone encourages introspection. in order to facilitate world.

Benefits for your health physics

This stone is a stone that acts against the and its drawbacks. It is therefore extremely beneficial and releases tensions.

Wearing a green aventurine contributes to the good the functioning of the heart chakra and also to the third eye.

It is excellent for the circulation of body fluids.

It is also said to calm nausea due to motion sickness.

Green aventurine and signs associated astrology

Green aventurine is recommended for all signs of the zodiac, but it also has an action even stronger on natives of the signs following:

  • Aries: symbol of action, enthusiasm. This sign is very impulsive, dynamic. He demonstrates audacity and ambition. Strong, reckless is committed to the causes in which he believes. He doesn't give up and faces the challenges difficulties. Wearing green aventurine reinforces a go-getter attitude that allows him to invest in new projects. He loves movement and change. He is extremely friendly and much appreciated by those around him. He is frankness, which can sometimes cause him trouble. In love, he's quick to catch fire. It shows more desire than feeling true. This is the seduction phase that he loves above all else;

  • Balance: symbol of the justice, balance and harmony. This sign is always on the lookout for peace and harmony around him. He has elegance and a taste for beautiful things. He likes to be admired and surrounded. This sign hates solitude. It is renowned for its indecision on a regular basis. Indeed, he has to choose and decide, because he can't stand not to take sides. He is renowned for his kindness and concern for others. Green aventurine soothes him he needs to blossom. In love, he seeks harmony with its partner and married relatively early. He is then ready to all kinds of concessions in order to keep constructed links;

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, home and origins. This sign has a imagination and creativity. Visit wearing a green aventurine allows him to lead his projects. He is in great need of security and constant reassurance. Naturally shy, he sometimes shows his aggression to preserve himself. He does not does not tolerate conflictual climates and is always on the lookout for harmony and peace. He is naturally drawn to anything that is artistic, because it has a great creativity. In love, it's a great sentimental, often demonstrating great sweetness. From an early age, he built a home where he'll feel safe. It is absolutely not tempted by adventures.

The chakras linked to aventurine green

Green aventurine is linked to the chakra of the heart and brings peace of mind. And so it is, it facilitates meditation and calming by in cases of severe anger. It is a stone balance.

Maintenance, recharging and servicing purification

When buying green aventurine, it is important to is strongly advised to proceed with its purification, then recharging. In fact, it may have accumulated negative vibes since his extraction. These operations must be carried out once once a month or after use intense.

Plunge green aventurine into a glass filled with spring water and leave for 2 minutes. or 3 hours. Dry with a cloth. soft. You can also purify it with fumigation or a Tibetan bowl.

Expose it to the moon's rays, outdoors a full moon so as not to damage the its color. It can also be recharged on an amethyst druse or on a quartz clusters for 24 hours.

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