Reference : 3701459006182

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Stones Rolled
Pierre(s) : Tectite
Dimensions (in mm): 15 - 40
. Color: Black
Quality: A = Good
. Number of stones in the batch (approx.): 5 to 10
*Stones can vary in size from 12 to 43mm

*The stones are sorted by hand in our Vosges.
**Quantities of stones are given for information only. These may vary. In In all cases, lots are sold by weight and not by weight. per unit.

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Stories and legends

Tectite has this to come from outer space. It is a stone formed by the impact of a stone meteorite on the Earth's surface. It belongs to to the impactite group of minerals, that appear on impact due to the effect of the high pressures and temperatures.

It should be noted that that tectite is not a piece of meteorite, but crystallized debris that, on cooling, give rise to tectite. These are silicates transformed into glass: the tectite is a black-coloured mineral. or brown, sometimes yellow.

Tectite has a hardness of 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale. For comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10, is the highest on the same scale. Its name comes from the Greek "tectos", meaning means "melted". Ejected from space before falling back to earth, she finds herself rapidly vitrified and cooled. It can be be confused with obsidian, however, it does not have the same composition.

Tectite is composed of several minerals of such as iridium, platinum, copper, zinc and nickel or cobalt. These materials cool quickly and turn into small pieces of natural glass, irregularly shaped or rounded, with a diameter not exceeding 4 cm. Tektites are often catapulted to high kilometers from the crater and are given names depending on where they are located. are found.

For Hindu women, the tektites, known as "saitmantakmani", are considered to be the sacred stones of Krishna. The monks of Tibet call them "shambala". At the same time, astrologers consider them to be more of a "moon tears". Tectite is traditionally used as a talisman.

The main places where tektites can be found are in Germany, etc.

Les benefits of tectite in lithotherapy

His psychological benefits

Tectite is a a stone that frees you from anxiety caused by material problems. It combats the fear of running out of money, of food. It soothes the wearer by serenity. It stands out from material goods, the obsession to acquire a lot of things, most of them unnecessary or superfluous. It helps you let go linked to material possession.

It's a stone that stimulates intuition and opens the mind to others. It engenders compassion and empathy. It develops altruism, the desire to help others, and to stop focus on oneself. It makes it easier to understand and care for others.

Tectite helps to dissolve emotional blockages, often caused by trauma related to childhood. It opens up great prospects for and introspection. It allows you to to reconnect with one's inner self and better understand. It is an excellent stone for meditation.

So, this stone is often used to lighten the mind overloaded with negative energies, often caused by major emotional shocks. It is recommended in the event of the loss of a loved one. a painful separation or even, of unfair dismissal. It gives strength to move forward and free themselves from obsessive experiences of the past.

His physical benefits

Tectite is a powerful stone to fight against states of intense sadness. It restores the desire to enjoy life, to go from strength to strength. and overcome the difficulties of the daily.

It is well known to help your body function properly and can better withstand temperature variations, especially in extremes. In this way, the person can live with the heat or extreme cold.

Tectite has a radiation protection action electromagnetic.

Used in lithotherapy, tectite is an excellent anti-stress stone and effectively combats consequences on the body.

Tectite and astrological signs associates

Tectite stone alien, possesses a wide range of powers and virtues acting on all the natives of the zodiac. As is often the case, some stones have more affinity with certain astrological signs. This is the case of tectite with zodiac signs such as:

  • Lion: symbol of royalty, nobility and the glory. This sign represents vanity flattery and generosity. Wearing a tectite helps her overcome her fear of loss (lack of money, food, etc.). She soothes him by allowing him to detach himself from material goods. This sign likes to evolve world of luxury and pleasure. He loves being admired. In fact, he never passes and leaves no one indifferent. It has tendency to speak for everyone. He has ambition, a natural authority that can lead to tyranny. Accustomed to his desires are orders. It is a proud and determined sign. He knows exactly what he wants to do in life. In general, he achieves his goals. He hates to lose and can be an extremely bad sport. He likes to enjoy the pleasures of life and shares generously with those around him. Loyal and it does not tolerate backbiting, nor does it pettiness. In love, he is passionate and seducer. He reassures himself through his conquests. He's in favor of marriage, but he has find it hard to resist the solicitations of sex opposite. He can't live without love;

  • Virgo: a symbol of method, organization and logic. This sign represents classification perfection and medicine. Wearing a tectite allows him to develop his altruism and to stop focusing on oneself. This sign is obsessed with cleanliness and housekeeping. He is enormous demands on both him and his customers. towards others. Often too modest, this sign is also very complex and finds himself relegated to the background. Very ingenious and technical expertise, he puts his skills to work for others. Naturally anxious and distressed, he hides his emotions behind a mask of coldness and can appear psychorigid. He has to let go. He is perfectionist and can be very irritatingly critical of everything. He never can't take criticism and is very touchy. He's a real workaholic who doesn't is reliable and easy to work with. It is reliable and can count on him. In love, he shows a lot of modesty and complexes. He is not demonstrative and does not particularly seek to a relationship. He's too afraid of being rejected. He prefers solitude to suffering. If he chooses to marry, it is out of reason or comfort, not love;
  • Gemeaux: the symbol of communication, curiosity and intelligence. This sign represents adolescence, movement and exchange. Visit wearing a tectite stimulates intuition and develops his altruism. Always on the move, This sign is sociable and charming. Its presence is much appreciated. He hates routine and is very curious. He is looking to the future and loving advances technology. He behaves like a student and is always keen to learn. He has many skills, but tends not to go all the way with his projects. He has a anxious and distressed, which he hides behind an appearance superficial and carefree. He loves big and discover new ways of life different. He has a great ability adaptability. Beware of his moody side, he has an annoying tendency to change moods for no reason. His optimistic side allows him to keep things in perspective at all times. In love, he is witty, funny and charming. He has of humor and is a huge crowd-pleaser. He goes from flower after flower. He likes to multiply experiences. However, he is looking for love and wants to start a family.

Tectite and the chakras

Tectite helps balance the plexus chakra solar. This chakra is located above the navel at front and dorsal D11 and D12. It represents self-esteem will, instinct. Plexus chakra solar energy gives confidence in the person. He's a cheerful, zen person. spontaneous. The person has a lot of respect for others.

The plexus chakra unbalanced, too open, makes the proud person, perfectionist, hater and angry. The person is obsessed with his work. It seeks to control and manipulate those around her. She is authoritarian and is never satisfied. It can even disrespectful and rude.

The plexus chakra unbalanced, closed solar system prevents to be ambitious and combative. She has to turn down solicitations and doesn't know how to not show off. She's shy, indecisive and restless. She is often nervous and lacks self-confidence. She has difficulty manage life's difficulties.

The interview, purification and recharging of the tectite

From the place where your tektite has been picked up to your home, your stone has been many times, and yet it doesn't need neither purified nor recharged.

In fact, she is already positively charged. So, unlike to the majority of natural stones, tectite has the ability to stand on its own itself and spread its positive energy continuous.

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