Reference : 3701459034857

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Minerals - Stones Gross
Pierre(s) : Cordierite
Colors: Grey / White
. Dimensions (in mm): 30 - 50
. Quality: A = Good

Histories and legends

Description and special features

Cordierite is a member of the silicates and is composed of silicate of magnesium and aluminum silicate. It is a fine stone with different shades of blue, even purple.

Cordierite shows pleochroism and is available in a variety of colors depending on the direction of the light rays and depending on the viewing angle. It in this case blue, violet and red. yellow. Occasionally, colorless and yellow gray also stand out. All you have to do is move the stone to catch a glimpse of its magnificent reflections.

Etymology, formation and use

This peculiarity earned it the name of dichroic, (duo for two and chroma for color), which isn't the only name for it. attribua. In English-speaking countries, we call it "iolite" or "volithe" in reference to "iol", meaning "violet". It can also known as New Zealand blue quartz, sapphire blue (nowadays, this name is used to describe the which can be confused with sapphire) or Steinheilite (a word coined by the mineralogist Pansner in 1815 as a tribute to the Count of Steinheil, Governor of Finland).

Finally, in France, this stone has been called cordierite by mineralogist Lucas, referring to the French mineralogist Louis Cordier, who described it in 1809 under his name first name dichroite.

Cordierite is found in rocks. as a result of the transformation clay sediments in contact with magma. Its crystals can reach up to 18 cm in size. long. The largest cut cordierite is can be found in the British Museum and weighs 855 carats.

With a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, this stone is perfect for jewelry. By it is insoluble in acid, and the fire-resistant. It is also used in the manufacture of baking trays industry, resistance insulation electrics.

Stories and legends

Cordierite is sometimes associated with Athena, Greek goddess of war and peace wisdom. His followers gave him this stone as an offering and tribute to her beauty.But no text explicitly confirms this allegation.

On the other hand, some scientists have been able to demonstrate how this stone is used by the Vikings, to help them find their way when the the sky was overcast. The cordierite was therefore nicknamed "Viking stone" or "stone compass". They looked through this which served as a filter and allowed the where the sun was.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in India, South Africa and the United States. Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, etc.

The benefits of cordierite in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Cordierite, sometimes referred to as iolite, is a mineral support stone in the delivery of addictions. This stone is renowned for provide quality and quantity of sleep. It keeps nightmares, anxieties and fears at bay. negative emotions. It is a crystal that relieves fear and anxiety. tensions.

In lithotherapy, cordierite is considered an excellent stone anchor, which connects it to the Earth and provides stability. It provides intuition and initiative. This stone.., to everyday life, eliminating hesitation and confusion. It eliminates all obstacles to get on with life.

Thus, it makes the wearer of this stone more confident and positive. He knows better manage change. This stone generates serenity and relaxation. It facilitates make the right decisions and help overcome life's difficulties.

In addition, it increases the sensation of security and comfort. It reduces concerns about the future, leading to optimism. It spreads a feeling of well-being and tranquillity. It enables to look to the future with confidence and self-confidence.

This stone provides access to states of intense meditation. She is particularly effective for beginners who learn about spirituality.

Benefits for your health physics

Providing quality sleep, recuperative and soothing, cordierite helps good recovery and improved physical condition.

It restores the desire to exert oneself which promotes elimination.

Cordierite and its signs associated astrological

Cordierite possesses the virtues of a on all the natives of the zodiac. Its effects are accentuated on following signs :

  • Taurus: symbol of the stability, stubbornness and jealousy. This sign represents tenacity perseverance and patience. Wearing a cordierite reinforces the anchoring link that this sign has with nature and the Earth in particular. Well-anchored, it always manages to overcome life's difficulties thanks to this spirit earthy. He has a very balanced. When he has goals to nothing distracts him from his path. He is very stubborn and often lacks flexibility. He doesn't like change in his life and he has conservative side. He likes to own material goods and making money is fundamental for him. Qualified as a fertile sign, it's associated with abundance and even luxury. In love, he's very sensual, always asks for cuddles and tenderness. He'll soon be looking for a partner for life to start a family. But be careful not to not betray him, for he will not forgive;

  • Balance: symbol of balance, justice and harmony. This sign represents union and contracts, elegance and grace. He possesses particularly in music. Wearing a cordierite reinforces this sign in its choices, because it dispels hesitation. That's why that this sign is renowned for its sense of the justice. He has a hard time choose a side, for he is very fond of the peace. He has an enormous need to be loved, looked at and admired. He likes to be fashionable and is always elegantly dressed. He is known for his kindness and altruism. He has sense of contact. In love, he shows of great romanticism. He is looking to marry very early on, because he loathes solitude ;

  • Sagittarius: symbol of intellectual evolution, studies philosophy and religion. This sign represents distant journeys and discovering new ways of life. It is very optimism and the wearing of a cordierite reinforces that natural optimism. This sign is jovial, adventurous and even reckless. However, it is very lucky and brings good luck to his entourage. He must have an activity that leaves you free to move around and have a job flexible schedule. He hates routine and accountable. He always sets goals to achieve. Provocative and cheeky, he often speaks his mind at the risk of lack diplomacy. He's warm-hearted, generous and often very cheerful. Attention however, to its lack of fidelity, both in love and friendship. In love, he reveals himself is a great seducer and collects conquests. He is careful to preserve his freedom, but over the years he has sought to live a pure and sincere love.

Cordierite and its chakras related

Cordierite, associated with the 3rd chakra eye, reinforces knowledge and understanding. It provides qualities of analysis memory and imagination. This chakra, located between both eyes, can give direction to your life. It eliminates doubts and brings lucidity and clarity. The problems encountered quickly find solutions.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the cordierite

When a cordierite arrives in your home, you need to purify it in order to to free herself from the negative influences since its extraction. The operations The following maintenance requirements must be met once a month or after use intensive.

Plunge your cordierite into a glass of water for 1 hour, then dry it with a hot with a soft cloth. You can also purify it using incense or a bowl Tibetan.

Expose it to lunar rays outside the moon, or recharge it by putting it on a wall socket. amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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