Reference : 3701459022625

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Attendants - Pendants Tips
Pierre(s) : Gray Agate
Dimensions (in mm): 30 - 35
. Color(s) : Grey / White
Color(s) : Grey / White
Color(s) : Grey / White Quality: A = Good
. *Sold without chain
**When polishing the point of the stone may have been flattened

Non-contractual photo

History and legends

Grey agate is an agate that can be is characterized by its numerous patterns and stripes different colors. This natural stone is generally a very light grey, sometimes white to a darker gray. Its appearance can vary: it can be translucent, opaque, ribboned or plain.

Agate has borne its name for three or four years. centuries BC. It was attributed to him by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus (371 B.C./) 288 BC). In fact, he discovered in the Akhates river in the south of France. Italy, and even Sicily. Today, the river is called the Dirillo and it is still all to find, throughout the entire course of this river, several types of agate, in a range of colors multiple, yellow, red, blue, pink, etc.

But gray agate is not found only in this river. Its formation takes place in volcanic rocks, whether they be effusive, extrusive or volcanic. Most of them are located in cavities. basalt or rhyolite, but it can also be used to form in sedimentary rocks.

Gray agate consists mainly of of chalcedony and quartz, and for the most part silica. The presence of iron oxides manganese gives it its ribbon-like appearance and its white stripes. It has a hardness of 6.5 7 on the Mohs scale. For comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10 on the same scale, i.e. the hardest high.

All the characteristics of grey agate above are correct for all agates. However, agate grey stands out slightly, because it is composed of various pieces of buried shells at the bottom of the sea. Be careful, however, not to mix with fossil agate.

In reality, the name grey agate crosses several stones such as agate from the Botswana grey, dendritic agate, agate crazy lace grise. A trace of these agates during archaeological digs. From In ancient times, grey agate was already used in the manufacture of various jewels, amulets or ornaments.

Gray agate, along with the majority of agates are renowned for their power to protection, especially against stings insect bites, snake bites and the certain diseases.

The main deposits are located at Madagascar, Botswana, etc.

The benefits of grey agate in lithotherapy

Psychological benefits

Gray agate is recommended for low morale, loss of motivation and discouragement. It provides real support and encourages its wearer to continue moving forward and overcoming difficulties encountered.

It contributes to having a sharp mind in order to to think things through. It helps you perceive the advantages and disadvantages of certain decisions. It creates a good analysis of problems to improve solve.

Gray agate offers a beautiful lucidity and dispels illusions. It's a stone excellent for meditation. It promotes introspection, reconnecting with the self feelings. It frees the wearer from feelings such as anger, resentment and frustration. bitterness.

This magnificent stone provides a feeling of security for its wearer. It allows him to open up to the outside world without fear. He will then be able to show empathy and concern. compassion for the different people in his entourage.

It helps you manage pressure better while adopting a calm attitude and intelligent. It develops patience concentration and clarity of mind. It gives self-confidence.

Accentuating the in-depth thinking and this magnificent gem will accompany his throughout his personal and professional life. professional. In this way, he can easily difference between trusted and untrusted others.

Physical benefits

Gray agate is an anti-stress stone which brings comfort. It frees the wearer from tensions. In fact, stress has numerous negative consequences on the body.

It is common to give a gray agate to a pregnant woman, in order to protect her and protect your child.

Gray agate facilitates the circulation of body fluids. It provides vitality and of energy.

Gray agate and signs astrological

Gray agate spreads its many benefits and its many virtues for all skin types. of the zodiac. However, there are times develops special affinities with certain astrological signs. This is the case for the following signs:

  • Taurus: symbol of the perseverance, fertility and abundance. This sign represents patience, tenacity and loyalty. Wearing a agate gives it a mind of its own. to make the right decisions. This sign studies the solutions available to him before making up his mind. He's a hard worker relentless. He always manages to overcome difficulties encountered. He wants success to enable him to acquire movable and immovable property or land. Possession makes him happy. From a generosity, he loves to share with his entourage. Very stubborn, he never changes opinion. He has a very balanced. He is straightforward and honest. He it takes a long time to gain confidence, but when we must not betray him. He can have one of his legendary temper tantrums and still not forgives betrayal and pettiness. Accustomed to being obeyed, it does not tolerate refusal. In love, he shows great sensuality. He loves to caress, to feel and desire. It has a lot of charm and is often in demand. As he matures, he seeks to start a family. Faithful by nature, he is very attached to values and peace
  • Gemini: symbol of the exchanges, curiosity and intelligence. This sign represents the mind and movement. The port of a grey agate gives it a sense of security and opens him up to the world outside. This sign can't stand being locked up mentally and physically. This is the sign of movement, liveliness of mind and intellectual curiosity. It adapts wherever it is. Lovers of change, he likes to undertake long journeys far away. Pleasant, light and witty, its company is much appreciated and sought-after. He has a great sense of humor, but underneath this a smiling appearance, hides an anxious and anxious. He is a sensitive person who and refuses to listen to himself. He saves you from negative emotions detachment, carefree attitude and nonchalance. He hates routine and has always needs to be stimulated. It behaves like a eternal student and multiplies skills. He's a natural optimist. In love, he seduces, moves from flower to flower. He loves multiply love experiences. If you want it will flee, but if you reject it, it will be hangs on. He's not jealous and he lives his loves like games. He needs to be to calm down and get serious
  • Scorpion: symbol of the of things, of transformations and of the sexuality. This sign represents instinct mystery and tyranny. Wearing an agate helps him cope better with pressure while enabling it to adopt a more a calm, intelligent attitude. This sign can excessive, tyrannical and violent. He is jealous, spiteful and vengeful. Contrary to what he would have us believe, he is hypersensitive and anxious by nature. He resists pain well whether it's physical or mental. It belongs to the world of night and the depths of darkness. He is extremely psychological and very quickly identify his interlocutor. He can then manipulate entirely. He often walks instinct, he is attracted by power and money. This sign is whole and loyal, but it can't stand betrayal. His revenge will be then terrible. In the event of disagreement, it's best to It's best to avoid pushing him too far. In love, he exudes a certain magnetism and shows itself passionate. He's made to love madly, to merge with the other. He will want to all kinds of sexual experiences. In full, with him, it's all or nothing. Either he loves madness, or he hates it. His relationships are often intense.

Gray agate and the chakras

Gray agate aids balance third eye chakra. It is located between the eyebrows. It is the center of the consciousness, intuition and presentiment. The balanced third eye chakra enables instincts and a sense of responsibility. clarity of mind. It provides knowledge and wisdom. It brings knowledge analytical skills. The person finds the solutions in the event of a problem. It also provides a good night's sleep quality.

The third eye chakra, unbalanced, too closed, can lead to problems psychiatric disorders, damage to health mental. The person no longer trusts to herself and to others. However, she is certain she's right. She likes to have same habits and is not open to changes. She may suffer from head.

The third eye chakra, unbalanced, too open causes total disconnection with reality. The person is no longer rational at all. She is overwhelmed and can no longer concentrate. She may even suffer hallucinations or memory loss. She has to distinguish the real from the unreal.

Maintenance, purification and agate refill gray

From harvest to home, your grey agate could neither be purified nor recharge with the elements of nature like the sun, earth or water. Handled many times, it has necessarily been in contact with positive or negative influences negative. As soon as it arrives at your home, it is imperative to proceed with its purification and recharging. Operations must be carried out at least once per month or after a lithotherapy.

Plunge your stone into a glass of water from source for about 2 hours. Dry it delicately with a soft cloth to remove to remove the last impurities. For a lighter purification, opt for white sage fumigation technique, the use of a flower of life or the a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your grey agate in the light of the afternoon sun for two hours or more. place it on an amethyst geode or on an quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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