Reference : 3701459039845

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendants - Pendants rolled stones
Pierre(s) : Manganocalcite
Color: Pink/White/Gray
Specifications Quality: A = Good

*Sold without cord
Photo non contractuelle

Histories and legends

Manganocalcite is a mineral that belongs to the calcite group. This mineral is composed of calcium carbonate and manganese.

It is in fact a calcite with a strong manganese content. Calcite is a mineral which can display a wide range of colors in depending on its components. It can be white, green, yellow, red or pink.

Calcite has a composition including various metals such as iron, zinc, copper copper, lead, magnesium, strontium, zinc, copper barium, aluminium, vanadium, nickel, zinc chromium, cobalt or manganese. The variety calcite containing manganese is therefore called manganocalcite or sometimes pink calcite. Indeed, manganocalcite is pink with inclusions white.

The higher the manganese concentration in calcite, the higher the manganocalcite will be dark pink to red. It can be confused with rhodocrosite. These stones are very similar, it's ultimately the amount of manganese that will differentiate.

Manganocalcite has a system trigonal rhombohedral crystal. For For the record, a rhombohedron is a polyhedron with 3 dimensions, resembling the cube, but with diamond-shaped faces.

It has a hardness scale of 3 to 4. of Mohs, which makes it a relatively soft. As an example, diamond has the hardest 10 on the same scale.

Manganocalcite or pink calcite comes from the Latin "calx" meaning "limestone" and mangano is used as a prefix to indicate the presence of manganese. Indeed, Pliny the Elder (23 AD / 79 AD), famous naturalist, describes it perfectly in his encyclopaedia Histoires Naturelles, as well as than all other calcite types.

However, very little information is available for manganocalcite, because it was not not differentiated from calcite. Therefore legends and myths allude to calcite. not manganocalcite in particular.

Calcite formation takes place when the liquid calcium, shellfish, corals and algae settle on the muddy bottom of a ocean or salt lake. Then, this set solidifies, then the sedimentation. Sedimentation occurs when particles of different materials cease to and get together in diapers.

This stone has the property of being fluorescent lamp. Exposing a lamp black light, it reveals a color resplendent pink.

Nowadays, manganocalcite is used to in jewelry design and lithotherapy. It is also used in the industrial sector in the manufacture of cement and lime.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in the Peru.

The benefits of the manganocalcite in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Manganocalcite is pink in color. The pink is associated with tenderness and love. It is the softest stone for soothing and soften emotions. It allows you to feel its veil of softness.

She develops feelings of forgiveness, empathy and compassion. It enables overcome resentment, anger and hatred. It provokes openness towards others with listening skills and understanding.

It also frees you from all kinds of trauma. Wearing manganocalcite to overcome emotional shocks, depression and panics, fears, apprehensions, and the anxieties.

Manganese is reputed to restore the intimacy and its formation sedimentary rock provides simplicity in the to solve certain problems. For example, the emotional healing can take place in the greater peace of mind. Serenity pervades the bearer of this incredible pink stone.

This stone brings him peace and reconnects with its inner self. Its vibration encourages the opening of the heart and meditation. Stone of forgiveness, it frees fear and grief. It encourages acceptance self-confidence and confidence. self-confidence.

Manganocalcite is a great support when such as the loss of a loved one, divorce or redundancy. It calms and releases tension and stress.

Depositing manganocalcite in a chamber promotes peaceful, uninterrupted sleep nightmares.

Benefits for your health physics

Manganocalcite promotes the good how the heart chakra works. Wearing this stone soothes and helps combat stress and its consequences. For example, reducing of stress leads to a reduction in tensions.

Manganocalcite enables the body to fix calcium. In fact, lack of calcium causes many inconveniences.

Wearing a manganocalcite provides a quality, recuperative sleep. It helps the wearer's vitality, vigor and energy.

Manganocalcite and signs associated astrological

Manganocalcite provides softness and well-being on all the natives of the zodiac. Some astrological signs develop an affinity with this pink stone. It is the cases for the following signs:

  • Lion: symbol of the power, royalty and generosity. This sign represents pride, vanity and the loyalty. Wearing manganocalcite reinforces its altruistic side. This sign is the sign of love, glory and loves to evolve in a world of leisure and luxury. He loves being center of attention. It tends to speak for everyone. He manages always to be at the forefront. He is narcissistic and sometimes despotic. He knows how to to be obeyed by those around him. He is a great generosity and is always attentive for those close to him. He tends to be arrogant and proud. He forgives neither betrayal nor pettiness. Often in a good mood, this sign is very sociable and is often invited. His culture and knowledge a lot. In love, he's passionate and ardent. Loyal and honest, he seeks the soul sister. Be careful, as it has trouble repelling advances of the opposite sex and loves to conquer new prey. He craves love ;

  • Balance: symbol of the justice, harmony and peace. This sign represents contracts, vanity and diplomacy. Wearing manganocalcite reinforces the altruistic side of this sign and the relieves anxiety. In fact, this sign and kindness, as well as a sense of humour. a lot of listening. He is often empathy and compassion. It possesses many gifts, especially that of dance. He likes to move in social circles. This sign hates conflict and proves to be a an excellent mediator. He hates solitude and always needs to be admired and surrounded. He's a great crowd-pleaser and his company is in demand. However, it tends to be vain, distant and cold. He is extremely determined and often gets what he wants. He is paradoxical, because it loves routine and adventure. He shows great taste and hates anything dirty or vulgar. In love, this sign is extremely romantic and very sentimental. He is in search of the great love. He favors marriage and is very faithful;

  • Fish: symbol of religion and esotericism. This sign represents faith, mystery and the unconscious. Wearing manganocalcite soothes him, giving him softness and tenderness. He has tendency to flee from reality and take refuge in a dream world. He is very impressionable and can quickly fall into all sorts addictions. He is sensitive and hates reviews. He has an extravagant side and possesses a particular style of dress. This sign is very creative, especially in the world of music. Its nature is difficult to define, because it is twofold and paradoxical. It has anxiety and even has anxiety attacks. He hates to lead or command. Professionally, he turned down responsibilities. He evolves in a world populated and he's not realistic at all. He likes to take refuge in his bed, from which it is difficult to go out. In love, it can be both faithful or libertine. He dreams of finding the soul sister, and yet he's having a hard time fitting in. He likes to multiply his conquests while being for marriage. As the years went by, he ended up soften. He can finally think about wedding.

Manganocalcite and the chakras

Manganocalcite helps balance the chakra of the heart. The heart is the origin of love and has a pink radiance. The chakra of the balanced heart enables self-acceptance and others. It engenders compassion and pardon. He exudes a strong will to caring for others. It develops the joy of live and let emotions flow freely.

The unbalanced heart chakra, or too much narcissistic behavior. The no one is interested in others. She becomes critical, often jealous irritable.

The blocked heart chakra causes the total closure towards others. The person wipes numerous sentimental failures. She finally persuade herself that she doesn't need love. Then, she locked herself away in numerous physical or intellectual activities.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the manganocalcite

In its natural environment, the manganocalcite can be purified and recharged with surrounding him. But his extraction at your home, it has been contact with a wide range of influences and can lost its effectiveness. As soon as it arrived in your home, you will need to purify and recharge before use. Operation The following maintenance procedures should be carried out once per month or after a session of lithotherapy.

Deposit your manganocalcite in a glass spring water for 2 or 3 minutes hours. Place in the center of a plate. filled with sea salt: never put your stone in direct contact with the salt. Dispose of the salt outside your home. Dry your stone with a soft cloth. You can also also purify it with fumigation using white sage or a Tibetan bowl. You you can also use the burial in the ground for one week about.

Recharge your manganocalcite by exposing it to the sun's early morning rays (avoid full sun). afternoon sun) or the rays of the moon (apart from the full moon). You can also also place it on an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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