Reference : 3701459011452

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 08mm
Pierre(s) : Manganocalcite
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Pink / Reflections
Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

Storytelling and legends

Manganocalcite is a mineral belonging to the calcites. This mineral is composed of calcium and manganese.

It's actually a calcite with high manganese content. The calcite is a mineral that can display a wide range of properties. many colors depending on its components. It can be white, green, yellow, red or black. pink.

Calcite has a composition including various metals such as iron, zinc, copper, lead, copper magnesium, strontium, barium, aluminum, vanadium, nickel, chromium, cobalt or zinc. manganese. The calcite variety containing manganese is therefore called manganocalcite or sometimes pink calcite. Indeed, manganocalcite is pink with white inclusions.

The more the manganese concentration is high in the calcite, the darker pink the manganocalcite will be to red. It can be rhodocrosite. These stones are very similar, it is ultimately the quantity of manganese which will differentiate.

Manganocalcite has a trigonal crystal system rhombohedral. For the record, a rhombohedron is a 3-dimensional cube-like polyhedron, but with diamond-shaped faces.

It has a hardness from 3 to 4 on the Mohs scale, which makes it a relatively soft stone. For example diamond has the highest hardness, at 10 out of 10. the same scale.

Manganocalcite or pink calcite comes from the Latin "calx". meaning "limestone" and mangano is used as a prefix to indicate the presence of manganese. Indeed, Pliny the Elder (23 AD JC / 79 AD), a famous naturalist, the described perfectly in his encyclopedia Histoires Naturelles, as well as all the other calcite types.

However, there are also very little information about the manganocalcite, because it was not differentiated from calcite. So the legends and myths refer to calcite, but not to the manganocalcite in particular.

The formation of the calcite occurs when the liquid calcium shellfish, coral and algae are deposited on the muddy bottom of an ocean or lake salt. The whole thing then solidifies and begins the sedimentation process. The sedimentation occurs when particles of different materials stop moving and are layered.

This stone has the property of being fluorescent. Set to exposure to a black-light lamp, it then reveals a pink color resplendent.

Nowadays, the manganocalcite is used in the creation of jewelry and lithotherapy. It is also used in the industrial sector in the manufacture of cement and lime.

Les deposits

The main deposits are located in Peru.

Les benefits of manganocalcite in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Manganocalcite is pink. Pink is associated with tenderness and love. It is the stone to soothe and soften emotions. It allows you to immediately feel its veil of softness.

The company develops feelings of forgiveness, empathy and compassion. It helps to overcome resentment, anger and hatred. It provokes openness to others with qualities listening and understanding.

She sets free all kinds of traumas. Visit with manganocalcite to overcome emotional shocks, panics, fears, apprehensions, and anxieties.

Manganese is known for restoring intimacy and its sedimentary formation provides simplicity in resolving certain problems. In this way, emotional healing can to take place in the greatest calm. Visit serenity pervades the wearer of this incredible pink stone.

This stone brings peace and reconnects him to his inner self inner self. Its vibration encourages openness and promotes meditation. Heart stone forgiveness, it frees us from fear and grief. It encourages self-acceptance and provides confidence and self-assurance self.

Manganocalcite is a great help in times of grief such as the loss of a loved one, a divorce or dismissal. It calms and releases tension and stress.

Drop a manganocalcite in a chamber promotes a peaceful, nightmare-free sleep.

Ses physical benefits

Manganocalcite promotes the proper functioning of the heart chakra. Wearing this stone soothes and helps to combat against stress and its consequences. The reduced stress leads to reduced tensions.

Manganocalcite enables the body to bind calcium. Visit calcium deficiency leads to a number of symptoms. inconvenience.

The wearing of a manganocalcite provides quality sleep and recuperator. It enables its wearer to regain vitality, vigour and energy. energy.

The manganocalcite and astrological signs associates

Manganocalcite provides softness and well-being all over natives of the zodiac. Certain astrological signs develop a special affinity with this pink stone. This is the case for the signs following:

  • Lion symbol of power, of the royalty and generosity. This sign represents pride, vanity and the loyalty. Wearing manganocalcite reinforces its altruistic side. This sign is the sign of love, glory and loves to evolve in a world of leisure and luxury. He loves being center of attention. It tends to speak for everyone. He manages always to be at the forefront. He is narcissistic and sometimes despotic. He knows how to to be obeyed by those around him. He is a great generosity and is always attentive for those close to him. He tends to be arrogant and proud. He forgives neither betrayal nor pettiness. Often in a good mood, this sign is very sociable and is often invited. His culture and knowledge a lot. In love, he's passionate and ardent. Loyal and honest, he seeks the soul sister. Be careful, as it has trouble repelling advances of the opposite sex and loves to conquer new prey. He craves love ;

  • Balance symbol of justice and harmony and peace. This sign represents contracts, vanity and diplomacy. Wearing a manganocalcite reinforces the altruistic side of this signs and relieves him of his anxieties. Indeed, this sign always shows great kindness and great listening skills. He is empathy and compassion. He has many gifts, including that of dancing. He loves the social scene. This sign hates conflict and proves to be an excellent mediator. He hates loneliness and a constant need to be admired and surrounded. He's a great crowd-pleaser and his company is in demand. However, it tends to be vain, distant and cold. He is extremely determined and often gets what he wants. He is paradoxical, because it loves routine and adventure. He shows great taste and hates anything dirty or vulgar. In love, this sign is extremely romantic and very sentimental. He is in search of the great love. He favors marriage and is very faithful;

  • Fish symbol of infinity and religion and esotericism. This sign represents faith, mystery and the unconscious. The port of a manganocalcite soothes him, provides gentleness and tenderness. He tends to shun reality and take refuge in a dream world. He is very impressionable and can quickly fall in all kinds of addictions. It is sensitive and hates criticism. He has a extravagance and style particular dress code. This sign is very creative, especially in the music world. His The nature of the problem is difficult to define, as it is twofold and paradoxical. He has a lot of anxiety and even anxiety attacks. He hates managing or order. Professionally, he refuses positions of responsibility. It evolves in a world of dreams, and it is not realistic at all. He likes to take refuge in his bed from which he has difficulty getting out. In love, he can be both faithful and promiscuous. He dream of finding his soul mate, and yet he has a hard time fitting in. He likes to multiply conquests while being in favor of marriage. With, the years, he eventually mellows out. He can finally thinking about marriage.

The manganocalcite and the chakras

Manganocalcite helps balance the heart chakra. This is the origin of love and possesses a pink radiance. Heart chakra acceptance of oneself and others. others. It engenders compassion and forgiveness. It is a strong desire to take care of others. It develops joie de vivre and lets free expression of emotions.

The heart chakra unbalanced, or too open, results in a narcissistic behavior. The person does not has absolutely no interest in others. She becomes critical, often jealous irritable.

The heart chakra blocked causes total closure to the reverse others. The person experiences many failures sentimental. She finally persuaded herself that she doesn't need love. Then she locks itself into many activities physical or intellectual.

Maintenance, purification and recharging of the manganocalcite

In its the natural environment, manganocalcite purifies and recharges with the elements that surrounding it. But from its extraction to your home, she came into contact with influences and may have lost some of its efficiency. From the moment it arrives in your home, it will need to be purified and recharged before use it. The following operations are required maintenance at least once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Drop off your manganocalcite in a clear glass of water for 2 or 3 hours. Place in center of a plate filled with sea salt: be careful never to put your stone direct contact with salt. Dispose of salt outside of your home. Dry your stone with a soft cloth. You can also purify it with using white sage fumigation or a Tibetan bowl. You can also use the in-ground burial technique for a week or so.

Recharge your manganocalcite by exposing it to morning rays from the sun (avoid full sun from in the afternoon) or moonlight (in the afternoon). outside the full moon). You can also place on an amethyst geode or on an quartz clusters for 24 hours.

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