Reference : 3701459026470

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendants - Pendants Donuts
Pierre(s) : Jade from China
Color: White / Green
. Stone diameter: 30mm
. Quality : AB = Standard

Non-contractual photo

Vertus Du Jade De Chine :

On the one hand, in the Chinese tradition, he is considered to be the stone possessing all virtues. On the other hand, jade is also a symbol of balance in the midst of chaos, by this balancing act in the midst of anger. This stone is also associated with longevity and promotes good health. health. This stone is also useful in cases of loss of balance. Furthermore, this stone is also known for being a happiness that attracts abundance to its wearer. Last but not least, Chinese jade is also a very popular very good stone to find more energy and cheerfulness.

Tradition and Symbolism :

Tradition : Noce de Jade 26 years of marriage.
Chemical composition: Double silicate aluminium and sodium.

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