Reference : 3701459040469

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Sons de Perles - Sons 08mm Beads
Pierre(s) : Onyx
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Black
Pearl size: 08mm
. Quality: A = Good
. Wire length (approx.): 42cm, corresponds to 2.5 bracelets

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

The best-known legend belongs to the Greek mythology. It is said that this fabulous pierre noire owes its name to the nails of Aphrodite. The beauty had fallen asleep his son, young Cupid, to amuse himself. cut his fingernails with a sharp knife. his arrows.

He set off with his booty for Olympus, but that which belongs to the Gods and Goddesses be altered. The deities of Fate resumed possession of Aphrodite's nails and the into fine stones, called onyx.

The word onyx comes from the Greek "onux". which translates as nail or claw. One of the of onyx is that it does not stick to the surface. wax. It was therefore widely used in Rome to make cameos and seals, which were closed their mailboxes. They used of this stone to make ornamental objects or statuettes.

In the Middle Ages, onyx, with its dark color, was associated with hatred and evil. The black represented darkness, death and the darkness. It was even thought that owning an onyx could bring misfortune. In China too, the black stone was very bad reputation.

And yet, in the Bible, God speaks to Moses and dictates his instructions in the the creation of a sanctuary and preparation of clothing and badges priests. He evokes a pectoral of judgment which will have four rows of stones and in the fourth row will be chrysolite, beryl and onyx.

In Asian countries, the black mineral was considered a source of misfortune. However, the Indians attributed to it the power to protect against evil spells and alleviate pain.

And so, for several centuries and in several civilizations, black onyx will be associated with anger, hatred and despair. Then, at the end of the 19th century, this stone came back into fashion thanks to Queen Victoria. The black was a color reserved for mourning. But Queen Victoria affected everything this color and decided to wear through its jewelry. Fashion was thus launched in England, where onyx fury.


Onyx belongs to the large family of silicates. It is a variety of chalcedony as does agate, which belongs to the quartz. It has a translucent or opaque appearance, from black with a few white stripes on some specimens.

The formation of onyx takes place in volcanic rocks, in rock fissures igneous and metamorphic. The constitution of these rock was formed by the action of heat and pressure. We sometimes find water-polished onyx in the shape of a pebbles.

The onyx has a conchoidal break and a vitreous lustre. Its hardness is 7 out of Mohs scale. For comparison, diamond has a maximum hardness of 10 on the same scale. Today, onyx is used in jewelry-making. It is also used for the creation of various ornamental objects in the lithotherapy.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, in Australia, China, Russia and the United States, etc.

The benefits of onyx in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Onyx is a veritable shield against the elements. negative energies. It brings harmony and peace of mind. The bad thoughts give way to calmer ones. It is excellent for people who think and to those who are in contact with from harmful influences.

This stone boosts self-confidence and self-confidence. It leads to better emotions while limiting the risk of feelings of sadness, anxiety and anxiety. It brings serenity and fights effectively against stress. It generates stability in people who are fickle or moody.

Onyx is an anchoring stone that helps to enjoy the present moment and rooting to the soil. It facilitates openness to others and the exchange of information. quality. It encourages empathy and compassion. The confidence generated by wearing of an onyx facilitates contact with entourage.

This stone is particularly recommended for during meditation sessions. It is said that wearing an onyx stabilizes the spirit and encourages introspection. Understanding yourself better allows you to to get on with life. It helps maintain absolute concentration and can be recommended for students or in training.

Onyx is a stone that develops the senses responsibilities, helping to overcome life's obstacles and difficulties. It helps to stop looking at the past and face the future. future without apprehension while savoring the present.

Benefits for your health physics

This stone enhances the proper circulation body fluids.

Onyx promotes the proper functioning of the throat chakra.

This stone is reputed to combat stress and its consequences on the body. It reduces stress.

Onyx and astrological signs associates

Onyx is a stone with a wide range of benefits. virtues acting on all the natives of the zodiac. However, some astrological signs are more sensitive to the action of this stone. These are the following signs:

  • Lion: symbol of the power, vanity and royalty. This sign represents nobility, arrivisme and flattery. Wearing an onyx enhances and self-confidence. This sign loves be the center of attention. He even tendency to speak for everyone. He in a world of pleasures, parties and fun. luxury. He's a hard worker and doesn't count hours to achieve his goals. He is looking to make a lot of money, because he loves acquiring property. He shares a lot with those around him. He is very arrogant and susceptible. He can't stand losing, and he can't stand to be criticized. He shows a lot of pride, loves to be admired and flattered. It can to be despotic and tyrannical towards the others. He's capable of making big anger if resisted. However, he is sociable, courteous and often much appreciated. At He loves to seduce. Loyal and straightforward can't stand betrayal. He seeks marriage very early. However, he loves to go conquest of new prey. He mellows out with time;

  • Scorpion: symbol of the end of things, of transformation and passion. This sign represents instinct and magnetism. and possession. Wearing an onyx encourages development of empathy and empathy skills compassion. This sign is mysterious and secret. He has a taste for success and is capable of to achieve his goals. He can be violence and aggression extremes. An excellent psychologist, he has a knack for identify all the weaknesses of the other person. He can be extremely manipulative. Whole and loyal, this sign can devote itself body and soul when he loves. However, he can be high standards for himself and his family. surroundings. Underneath his violent exterior, he possesses a naturally loving and affectionate. He has a great sense humor, but be careful, because it can quickly become ironic. With great determination, he doesn't give up until he's finished. At love, he often experiences complicated relationships. It's fair to say that his relationship with his other half. Manipulative, he looks for situations where it can make a sexual experiences. With the years, he is ready to build a relationship sustainable;

  • Sagittarius: symbol of spiritual evolution, religion and the esotericism. This sign represents travels and the philosophy. Wearing an onyx helps him to overcome negative emotions, such as anguish and anxiety. This sign smiles at optimistic about life. Her enthusiasm is infectious. It is spontaneously followed by those around him. He may manage a team at a professional level and doesn't even have to be authoritarian. He loves discovering new lands. He lives his life 100% and can't stand immobility. It can be extremely generous with those he loves. He hates routine and multiplies projects. However, he has to see them through. He can't stand to be told what to do, and to be told what contradicts him. In love, he is unstable and paradoxical. He's a pleasure-seeker who likes to enjoy of life, multiply conquests and participate to new sexual experiences. At the same time, he dreams of finding the soul sister. He is torn between the two behaviors. He doesn't want to give up his freedom, and if he marries, it's out of convention. Maturity will bring serenity.

Onyx and the chakras

Onyx helps balance the root chakra. It is at the base of the spine, at the perineum. When the root chakra is balanced, the person is stable and feels comfortable in her own skin. She feels safe, confident and self-assured. She is then overwhelmed by a sense of well-being and comfort. She shows a lot of energy and physical vitality.

The root chakra, unbalanced, too open, leads to all kinds of excesses. The person is hot-tempered, bossy and selfish. She is materialistic and seeks to accumulate objects and money. She can succumb to various addictions. She has a tendency to abuse tobacco alcohol, and food.

The root chakra unbalanced, underactive, is the source of many fears. The person fears of being rejected, of running out of money, of food. She can no longer let go and is plagued by many doubts. She fears losing her job and suffering from stress. She is extremely negative.

Maintenance, purification and recharging onyx

As soon as onyx is extracted, it can no longer be purify and recharge with the help of elements of nature, such as water or the sun. earth. As soon as it arrives in your home, the following operations are required purification and recharging. These operations are to be renewed for maintenance at least once a year month or after a lithotherapy.

Put your onyx under running water for a few minutes. a few seconds. Dry carefully to ensure to remove all impurities and the accumulated negativity. You can also purify with sage fumigation white or in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge it with the moon's rays all day long night: choose a full moon day. Otherwise, you can place it on a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.

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