Reference : 3701459040544

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Sons de Perles - Sons 08mm Beads
Pierre(s) : Eye of Taurus
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Red/Black
Color(s) : Red/Black
Color(s) : Red/Black Pearl size: 08mm
. Quality: A = Good
. Wire length (approx.): 42cm, corresponds to 2.5 bracelets

Non-contractual photo


Genuine bull's-eye stone belongs to to the quartzite family. It is composed of of silicon dioxide and crocidolite (a rock containing also known as asbestos), which makes him gives it its fibrous appearance.

During the crystallization of the eye of bull, crocidolite, composed essentially of iron, integrates silica and solutions hydrothermal vents. Thanks to the pseudomorphosis, crocidolite transforms and loses its toxicity.

It is possible to meet an eye stone which is actually a bull's-eye stone. tiger, heated by the hand of man, in order to give it its incredible red and white colors dark red.

However, the heating phenomenon may have place in nature. This bull's-eye stone may result from a transformation due to a modification of the physical and chemical elements of its environment geology. It has evolved pressure and temperature changes. It naturally sports this beautiful color red-brown.

So, it seems that the heated bull's eye by man or heated in its environment has the same virtues. This stone has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs. In comparison, diamond has the hardness 10 on the same scale.

Histories and origins

Bull's-eye stone owes its name to its shape and reflections reminiscent of the eye a bull or an ox. In fact, you can also find this stone under the appellation oeil de bœuf. This stone is related to the Minotaur in mythology Greek.

The Minotaur is a monster with a body and a bull's head. He is locked up by Minos in the labyrinth built by Daedalus to imprison him. Daedalus would not the Minotaur is discovered and was to protect his labyrinth. Later, the Minotaur will be killed by Theseus, hero of Attica, son of Poseidon and of Ethra.

During archaeological excavations, talismans in the shape of a bull's eye. This stone provided protection for Roman soldiers. It made them stronger and gave them vitality and strength. It protected them from poisons stings, venomous bites or even death.

In the Middle East, the bull's eye had a protection against energy curses and spirits evil.

In fact, eye-type stones all have a immense protective power and the ability to ward off bad luck.

Indian culture, the bull's eye provided prosperity and abundance. According to tradition this stone could even prolong the life of the life of its wearer. It also increased fertility. It is said that she was so that it allowed us to enter into a powerful contact with the parallel world.

Nowadays, the quality of this gemstone attracts jewellers, who use it in the jewelry, such as rings, bracelets, pendants and earrings. It is used extensively in lithotherapy for of its energetic power.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in Africa the United States, etc.

The benefits of the eye of bull in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Bull's eye is a stone renowned for its to face life's difficulties. It gives the courage to stand up after a failure or test. It provides a good analysis of situations.

It provides the ability to cope with various obstacles with strength and vigor. It makes sense offer this mineral to someone in need. following a bereavement, a separation or a professional failure. His strength will help him keep moving forward.

This mineral is an anchoring stone. It increases conviction, confidence and self-confidence. It gives you the ability to take carefully considered decisions. The carrier of this mineral knows exactly where it's going. It is and keeps his feet firmly on the ground. He has a and a more assertive character. It is a stone of stability, which helps to stay rooted.

Having a bull's-eye on you creates a inner peace and serenity. It protects harmful energies and judgments negative effects. It strengthens the will to succeed to achieve their goals. It provides strength to fight for results and repels contrary opinions.

Furthermore, this stone is said to have a mirror function. It acts as a shield against people who send out energies negative effects. It makes of these energies the consequences of his actions.

Benefits for your health physics

The bull's eye is an overflowing stone energy. It gives its wearer quality, recuperative sleep. The you feel rested and full of vitality. This mineral ward off moments of sadness intense and restores optimism.

This stone is excellent for combating stress and its impact on the body. It reduces tension. Less stressed, the feeling better, relaxed and serene.

The bull's eye encourages good circulation of body fluids.

Taurus eye and signs associated astrological

Bull's eye provides its benefits and its virtues on all the natives of the zodiac. Certain astrological signs have more affinity with this mineral. This is the case for for the following astrological signs:

  • Gemini: symbol of the communication, exchange and progress technology. This sign represents the future and curiosity. Wearing a strengthens his self-confidence and him. This sign is pleasant and spiritual. It is often surrounded by friends, because his company is much appreciated. Curious by nature, he is regularly in search of learning. He behaves like an eternal student. He is always happy and optimistic. But sometimes.., it combats anxiety and emotions. It hides this side of his personality under a superficial. He starts many projects, but rarely see them through. This sign does not hold He's always on the move. And in professional level, he tends to multiply experiments. He can't stand routine and love to travel to faraway places countries. In love, he is very seductive. With its natural charm, it is very pleasant. He likes to get to know other people flower to flower. He is very afraid to commit himself, because he doesn't want to lose his freedom. Yet he dream of finding a soul mate. Over the years, he's calmed down and can finally begin a real love story;

  • Lion: symbol of the nobility, power and royalty. This sign represents generosity, pride and vanity. Wearing a bull's-eye strengthens its determination to achieve its goals. This sign likes to evolve in a world of festivities leisure and luxury. He likes to be at the center and tends to speak for everyone. It is the world of education, theater and of reading. He is very ambitious is sometimes authoritarian, even tyrannical. This sign has a lot of pride and won't go wrong. never ask for help in case of difficulties. He manages to get by alone. He likes to share with those around him shows great generosity. His wishes are orders, and beware of those who would contradict him. He can then get very angry. anger. Very early on, he knew what he wanted to do of his life, and he'll do anything to get what he wants. wants. In love, he's loyal and sincere. He won't can't stand pettiness or betrayal. He is passionate, idealistic and ardent. He needs to be loved, but he has a tendency to succumb temptation. It's very appealing and often solicited by the opposite sex;

  • Virgo: symbol of analysis, organization and logic. This sign represents work, complexes and perfection. Wearing a bull's eye helps her overcome her anxieties. This sign suffers from anxiety and complexes. He is terribly shy and unsure of himself, and passes often in the background. This sign is obsessed with housework and cleanliness. It is related to medicine. It has a wealth of knowledge and is renowned for his expertise. He likes to put his talents to work of others. Be careful, however, this sign is often critical and detail-oriented. He's always striving for perfection. He hides his emotions under an armor of coldness and rigor. He is extremely demanding and towards others. In love, he is shy and complexed. Love scares him, he fears a great deal of suffering. He chooses to stay because he doesn't want to lose his freedom. He is neither sentimental nor romantic. If he is choose to marry one day, it will be more of a marriage of convenience of love.

The bull's-eye and the chakras

Bull's eye helps to balance the body. third eye chakra. It is located between the eyes, at the root of the nose. It represents knowledge and intelligence. It provides a capacity for synthesis and analysis particularly effective. The The third eye is the gateway to wisdom, to open up to knowledge. The person perceives others and herself with a great clarity and foresight.

The unbalanced third eye chakra, on active, generates a need for knowledge at the to the point of falling into an intellectualization excess. The person loses the notion of reality and rejects physical pleasures. She feels invested with a truth and plunges into excessive mysticism.

The unbalanced third eye chakra, causes a total absence of intuition. and clairvoyance. Knowledge and understanding are of no interest to the person. She focuses material possessions. What's more, it has to deal with the difficulties of the life.

Maintenance, purification and eye refill from bull

The bull's eye is a stone that must be purified and recharged as soon as it is introduced into the your home. She can provide you with once again. Indeed, after a few weeks, the stone will have drawn on all its energy and will need to be purified and recharged. The following operations are to be carried out also interviewed once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Plunge your stone into a glass of water distilled for 4 hours. Dry it carefully with a soft cloth. You can also purify it with fumigation with white sage or with a bowl Tibetan.

Expose your stone to the sun's rays from in the afternoon for 3 hours. You can also also recharge it by depositing it in a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.

It is important to purify and recharge your stone as soon as it arrives at your home to eliminate vibrations antecedents.

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