Reference : 3701459036660

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Balls 08mm
Pierre(s) : Chrysocolla
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s): Turquoise/Black
. Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: AAA = best possible quality

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

Chrysocolla stone has been known since antiquity. Hippocrates, founding father of medicine (-460 -377 B.C.) brings to light the medicinal virtues of this stone. He for eye and face problems. healing certain wounds.

In 315 BC, the famous Greek philosopher Theophrastus describes it precisely in his Traité des pierres. This stone owes its name to two Greek names "chrysos" and "kola", meaning gold" and "glue" respectively.

In fact, in ancient times, Theophrastus explains that chrysocolla stone is used in the manufacture of jewelry. It for soldering jewelry made from gold to with the help of copper, present in the stone chrysocolla.

At the time of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra regularly travels with a chrysocolla on her. The Egyptians this stone under the name of "pierre de wisdom". They attribute virtues to it very useful in negotiations. This stone also has a protection. They also made amulets chrysocolla, which they buried with the mummified children to protect them.

Reduced into powder, this stone was used by Roman physicians as an eyewash for eyes and as an antiseptic for application on wounds to strengthen healing.

About 200 B.C., at the time of the pre-Incan civilization, chrysocolla was used in jewellery-making, in the manufacture of jewelry or ornamental objects. In the pre-Inca mummies, a number of different ornaments made with this stone.

Already at the same time, the Indians of South America considered this stone chrysocolla as a soothing stone, calming overly violent feelings. By elsewhere, it represents the symbol of water of the forest.

According to Pliny the Elder, born in 23 AD, it seems that this green pigment from chrysocolla is found on some tombs of Macedonia. It is also used for accentuate certain architectural details pure, or mixed with gold.

In the Middle Ages, physicians used it for its disinfectant and antiseptic properties healing. They also believed that could alleviate heartburn and even certain problems related to eyes.

Then, during the Renaissance (15th and 16th century), chrysocolla was reduced to powder. It was used as a pigment in or in the painting of wall frescoes. used by painters for their works.

In 1800, the populations of South America make small objets d'art and gold jewelry, in which they inlay chrysocolla. They also consider this stone as a symbol of water and communion with nature. They were even convinced that possessing this stone strengthened physical resistance and bring peace to his carrier.

Nowadays, this chrysocolla stone is mainly used in jewelry for the making all kinds of jewelry. Her many colors (brown, blue or green) are very popular. Sculptures are made with this beautiful green mineral.

This stone is made up of numerous chemical elements, such as oxygen, hydrogen silica, copper, aluminum and hydrogen. The quantity of these various elements is the source of the color of the stone and its inclusions. This mineral is a copper hydroxide silicate, or a hydrated copper silicate. It is relatively due to its high water and oxygen content. copper with a hardness of between 2 and 4 on Mohs scale.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Peru, in the Congo, Australia, the United States Russia, Brazil, France, etc.

The benefits of chrysocolla in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Chrysocolla stone has a number of advantages positive energies. It enables its wearer to not be affected by negative feelings, such as jealousy, anxiety and anguish, distrust and sadness. This stone gives serenity, self-control and peace interior.

It is a stone of appeasement, which encourages positive emotions, such as tolerance, friendship and attentive listening of others. It provides a certain balance, especially in people suffering from mood.

Within its range of action, this stone keeps disputes and conflicts at bay bring calm and exchange. It facilitates quality communication, without aggression and improves relationships.

In fact, it offers the possibility of express themselves clearly, express their desires and its expectations, whether in the environment family or professional. It enables its wearer to feel lighter and to have greater self-confidence.

It accentuates positive attitudes in the life, while warding off harmful influences of certain people. In fact, it maintain self-control while provoking the stability of emotions. It promotes acceptance of certain situations complicated.

This stone is also said to be enhances creativity and intuition carrier. It is also renowned for heals the wounds of the heart and gives strength to start from scratch.

Benefits for your health physics

This chrysocolla stone is known for its soothing properties.

It soothes tension and relieves states of agitation intense sadness. It relieves stress and benefits both the body and the mind. the mind.

The body, freed from stress, functions better and feels great.

It is even said that chrysocolla stone fortifies the body and makes it more toned. This is excellent for people who who work in a manual, physical occupation or for top-level athletes.

Chrysocolla and signs associated astrological

Chrysocolla is a mineral with extraordinary powers. very powerful energy sources in all signs of the zodiac. But it is particularly effective for signs of following:

  • Gemini: symbol of the communication, exchange and intelligence. This sign represents writing, correspondence and the mind. It is witty, light and fun. His company is often sought-after. Wearing a chrysocolla gives him self-confidence and interest in others. It relieves him of his and anxiety. Indeed, under his pleasant and carefree aspects, it conceals a great shyness and many emotions negative. Be careful, as it may turn out to be a great liar and an affabulator. At He's absolutely charming and seductive. He likes to set off to discover other people or rather than others. He mellows out with maturity and can finally experience a true love story;

  • Scorpion: symbol of the death, the end of things and transformations. This sign represents instinct and sexuality. and sometimes what's destructive about human beings. He can be a great magnetism and the desire to control others. He is very psychologically minded and can quickly detect the weaknesses of those around him. However, this sign is loyal and whole. He can completely to one person, but be careful not to not betray it. Wearing a chrysocolla stone helps him to find peace and calm. to maintain sincere relations with others. It is very difficult to understand and has great sensitivity. In love, he is passionate and exciting. He loves to dominate the other, he has a great need for possession and relationship. More sentimental than would like it to be, it can become attached over time and find peace. He has a sense of family and he loves children;

  • Fish: symbol of infinite, unlimited and faith. This sign often has artistic gifts. Wearing a chrysocolla encourages creativity and intuitions. It often represents sacrifice, hardship and mystery. Instead, he seeks to flee from the real world and take refuge in his world of dreams and sweetness. He is highly suggestible, and can quickly indulge to all kinds of addictions. It is very difficult to define, because it's so paradoxical. Often a maverick, he likes to live by night. He has the need for compassion and turns to to the most disadvantaged. But he is content to but can't really help them. At love, this sign can at the same time be of great romanticism or, on the contrary, be a great seducer. He constantly needs to idealize the other, otherwise he runs away.

The chakras and the chrysocolle

The chrysocolla placed on the throat chakra facilitates understanding, communication and dialogue. It allows you to express yourself clearly.

The chrysocolla placed on the plexus chakra absorbs certain negative emotions, such as remorse, guilt and anger. shame.

The chrysocolla placed on the heart chakra soothes grief caused mainly by the breaks and restore the desire to love.

L'interview, purification and recharging chrysocolle

As soon as you purchase your chrysocolla, you must purification and recharging of your stone. In its natural state chrysocolla purifies and recharges alone.

But as soon as it is extracted, it is essential to to purify and recharge it in order to maintain its positive energy. These operations are to be renewed at least once a months.

You can rinse it quickly with water without salt and wipe gently with a soft cloth. with a soft cloth. You can also purify with incense or a bowl Tibetan.

You can recharge it by exposing it to the moonlight for an entire night, or by using the deposited on a quartz cluster or druse amethyst for 24 hours in the minimum.