Reference : 3701459009886

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Balls 06mm
Pierre(s) : Pierre De Lune Rose
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : White / Beige / Pink
Specifications Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

Origin of the name

The origin of the name moonstone comes from civilizations who named the stones according to their natural appearance or their physical characteristics.

Moonstone was named for its resemblance to with the moon. This stone has a soft color with pearly reflections similar to to the moon.

In ancient times, there was a belief that the moonstone were in fact pieces of solidified moon who arrived on earth. However, the name moonstone is a purely technical name. commercial.

The scientific name of this stone is adularia. In fact, during the eighteenth century, a major deposit of this adularia stone was found on Mount Adula, located on the border between Switzerland and Italy. From nowadays, this deposit is unfortunately sold out.

Moonstone is also called Hecatolite in homage to Hecate, goddess of the Moon in mythology Greek.

No matter the name the stone is given, it retains a bond with the moon, which provides it with numerous virtues.

Histories of the moonstone

Whichever civilizations, the Moon and the Sun are that have always fascinated our ancestors. The latter attributed celestial power to the moonstones.

It has been that lunar cycles play an important role in the on the environment, the earth and the seas. They also have an influence on the moods of the men, including disruptions to the sleep.

In ancient times, the Greeks worshipped the moonstone they named hecatolite stone because of its Hecate, their moon goddess. They gave numerous offerings in the hope receive the power of clairvoyance and the protection. This stone was the symbol of fertility and passion. Carried by pregnant women, this stone protected their pregnancy.

In Rome femininity and the gift of clairvoyance were associated with moonstone. At the same time, this stone represented Diana, goddess of the moon and animals. She had the power to turn friendly feelings into feelings of love. It also protected couples.

Indians were convinced that the moonstone was a stone which had absorbed many lunar rays. He Another version explains that the moonstone is actually a fragment of the moon fallen to Earth. Today, in India, this pearly stone is always sacred.

In the Middle Ages, this moonstone was very appealing to women which attributed to it the power to increase fertility and passion. By the the stone was used to protect pregnant women and her fetus during the pregnancy.

In Egypt, the night travellers wore a pendant with a moonstone to protect them from possible and to fight against the spirits evil.

In 1970, the stone became the official emblem of Florida. in honor of the Kennedy Space Center, home of the departure of the Apollo 11 rocket for the first to the moon in 1969.

Composition of the moonstone

The stone is a mineral belonging to the silicate group and a member of the feldspar family. Its hardness is 6 to 6.5 on the mohs scale. This makes it a perfect stone for the manufacture of jewelry. This mineral presents a variety of colors, beige, pink, gray, black, with this pearly appearance and the phenomenon of adulescence (shimmering under the surface of the stone with reflection of light between the layers of stone).

Les deposits

The main deposits are located in India, Madagascar, India Australia, China, USA, Sri Lanka, etc.

The stone from lune rose

Moonstones used in lithotherapy each possess different properties depending on their color. The pink moonstone evokes feelings of softness, tenderness and, above all, love. This stone naturally conveys an impression of security and peace of mind.

Moonstone opens up to the feeling of universal love and unconditional. This mineral connects man and nature. It is reputed to ward off negative elements that pollute the everyday life.

Nowadays, we're we live in a world of competition and jealousy, resentment, even hatred. Love is less and less present and this stressful. Fortunately, the stones have a beneficial effect in lithotherapy. Such is the case with pink moon.

Les benefits of pink moonstone in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Moonstone pink is linked to inner emotions and deepest self. It helps resolve certain blockages linked to childhood trauma. It is a stone of resilience. The wearer a pink moonstone will be able to advance and overcome life's difficulties.

This stone generates calm, serenity and soothing. It develops compassion, empathy and understanding of others. It interest in others and love for them. help. At the same time, she provides the self-control, balance and composure.

Moonstone rose is a stone of love and acceptance of oneself. It opens the door to unconditional love. It gives us the strength to fight negativism and pessimism. It is a stone of benevolence and harmony.

It is well known to promote wisdom and passion. It is the stone of new beginnings, of change and end of cycle. It motivates its wearer to take on new challenges and embark on new new adventures.

This stone is also recommended for couples experiencing problems. She re-establishes communication and a quality. It can also be used to repair certain and get off to a flying start. bases.

Ses physical benefits

Moonstone rose is renowned for its beneficial effects on female cycles.

This stone enables combat states of intense sadness. It restores joie de vivre and the desire to make things. For example, it can resume physical activity.

The business is excellent for the proper functioning of the body. It reduces pain. It helps to relieve stress and, therefore, reduce tensions.

Moonstone pink promotes fluid circulation body.

The stone from pink moon and astrological signs associates

Moonstone rose provides multiple virtues and benefits effective on all natives of the zodiac. However, special links are being forged with certain astrological signs. This is the case for the following astrological signs:

  • Taurus:

  • Scorpion:

  • Balance:

The stone from pink moon and the chakras

Moonstone rose helps balance the heart chakra. It is located at the level of the sternum in front of and between the shoulder blades behind. It is at the origin of unconditional love. It allows self-acceptance, compassion and forgiveness. The balanced heart chakra develops open-mindedness, a willingness to make and accept others as they are. are. The person exudes joie de vivre and serenity.

A heart chakra unbalanced, too open, generates two opposite behaviors. Either the person too much devotion and expects a lot from recognition or, on the contrary, it is narcissistic and interested only in herself. The becomes critical, jealous and demanding.

A heart chakra unbalanced, blocked, is often closed to others. The person does not know how to forgive or love. She may show anger, frustration indifference and intolerance. She has tendency to cling to others, to possessions materials and becomes dependent affective.

Maintenance, purifying and recharging the stone of rose moon

Removed from her home natural environment, pink moonstone cannot be purify and recharge. By In addition, it is in contact with many influences, both positive and negative. Visit the following operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a month.

Plunge in your stone in a glass filled with water. source for 2 hours. Dry your stone gently with a soft cloth. For lighter purification, use the white sage fumigation method or put it in a Tibetan bowl.

Expose your stone of pink moon to lunar rays outside the full moon to recharge it. You can also also place it in an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.