Reference : 3701459052349

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Boules 06mm
Pierre(s) : Cornaline
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Orange
Wrist circumference (in cm): 15 - 16cm
. Size 0 = 24/26 pearls
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

His stories and legends

His properties

Carnalian belongs to the quartz family microcrystalline. It is a red variety of chalcedony. It owes its beautiful color to inclusions of hematite, a natural iron oxide. The intensity of its color, from red to orange, is linked to its iron concentration.

It is also composed of oxide aluminum and silica. This red quartz comes from low-lying volcanic rocks temperature. The vermilion red color is more appreciated, so it is often obtained by heating or exposing the stone in the sun.

Carnalian is not very translucent, even opaque and its pleochroism is weak (ability to to see the light coming through the stone and to show different colors). It has a hardness between 6 and 7 on the Mohs.

Its etymology

Several hypotheses have been put forward concerning the etymology of carnelian. Some assume that the name comes from the dogwood tree, shrub growing in Mediterranean countries oriental. It produces a beautifully coloured fruit relatively identical to that of the cornelian. The origin of the name cornelian comes from from the Latin "corneolus".

Others claim that the name comes from the Latin "carne" meaning meat. But in the In both cases, carnelian owes its name to the its beautiful orange-red color. As early as the 16th century century, the stone was definitively christened "carnelian".

His stories and legends

Carnalian has been used for centuries millennia. At the beginning of the 20th century, Leonard Woolley, a British archaeologist, discovered the the tomb of Puabi. He is a personality of great importance of the Sumerian city of Ur during the First Dynasty of Uruk between 2,750 and 2 550 BC. It is covered with magnificent necklaces and a golden headdress, including and lapis lazuli. The latter is on display in Pennsylvania at the Museum archaeology. In the neighbouring tomb discovered the Ur standard in the form of a small ivory chest adorned with Indian red carnelian. This small chest reveals the history of this civilization. As for on display at the British Museum in London.

Already around 2,700 BC, this stone orange appeared in ancient Egypt. It was given as an offering to Isis, the mythical queen funerary goddess, to accompany the dead in their journey to the afterlife. Carnelian was also used as a stone of magnificence and ornamental, for protection. We identified on pharaohs' headdresses and on the talismans. Moreover, this stone orange-red colors, combined with of the sun, spiritually represents the god Sun. It could also be found on paintings or used as a natural medicine.

In contrast to the Egyptians, the Greeks and Romans used this stone exclusively for the manufacture of jewelry and seals. curative powers. Gods and symbols of good luck were engraved in the red stone. Pliny the Elder, Roman naturalist of the 1st century AD describes it in his encyclopedia Natural History. He even distinction between male stones, which are bright red and the female stones, more yellow orange.

In the Middle Ages, people were given powers of carnelian healing. At that time battles were raging, carnelian was to give courage to the warriors and make them protected against hemorrhaging.

In China, the Chinese accentuate color red carnelian, including the oxide of then use it to enamel their products. fine porcelain. The carnelian was ground and transformed into pigment for decorating objects art.

In France, during the Renaissance, carnelian is a stone that appeals to many artists. Then, in the 17th century, the Dutch maritime trade brings in a large a number of cornalines straight from the Orient. Little by little, they spread throughout the jewelry, ornaments and decorative objects in goldsmithing. This trade made them lose their scarcity, leading to a fall in prices. prices.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, Madagascar, Botswana, etc.


The benefits of carnelian in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Carnelian is a stone of serenity and soothing. It has the ability to strengthen self-confidence and encourages spontaneity. It develops joie de vivre and encourages enjoy every moment.

Associated with recklessness since ancient times, this stone gives energy, vitality, courage and regulates excessive egos. It facilitates public speaking and provides a beautiful eloquence. It breeds confidence, but not complacency.

Carnelian encourages the fight against states of intense sadness. It also calms anger, jealousy and resentment. It helps to overcome certain traumas linked to past and becomes a stone of resilience.

For people who are overly sensitive, this stone can make them stronger, give them more and help them to assert themselves. She creativity and encourages concentration by channelling excessive thoughts agitated.

It is a stone reputed to bring joy good humor, happiness and enthusiasm. Its vitamin-rich color radiates a feeling of well-being to manage complicated situations while smoothly. Unlike most stones reds, carnelian regulates excess instead of increasing it.

Genuine good luck charm, carnelian diffuses its protection over the entire household and relationships by maintaining a gentle and serene. It encourages understanding between people.

Benefits for your health physics

Carnalian, for its invigorating action, restores tonus and vitality while stimulating the body.

This mineral reduces stress and its consequences for the body.

This stone promotes healthy circulation body fluids.

Carnalian and signs associated astrological

Carnalian, through its contribution of energy and vitality, providing numerous benefits to all the natives of the zodiac. However, there are a few its virtues are reinforced on the signs following:

  • Scorpion: symbol of the death, the end of things and the transformation. This sign represents instinct, animal and sexual passion and desire. The port a carnelian gives it that vitality and the ability to regenerate. It can be extreme and tyrannical. He may become jealous, possessive and even sadistic. However, this sign demonstrates loyalty and you can count on him. Be careful though not to betray him, for he does not know the and his vengeance can be terrible. He is very idealistic and needs to devote himself to just causes. Very sensitive, He's determined and strong-willed. In love, he is extremely passionate, bewitching and seeks to merge with the other. Very whole, either he likes or dislikes. Over the years, he has calm and can become attached. He thus becomes a ideal partner, very protective;

  • Virgo: symbol of organization, measurement and perfection. This sign represents logic, hard work and medicine. He is obsessed with order cleanliness and is very manic. A natural extremely anxious and complex, the port of a carnelian gives him confidence in his self-confidence. He likes to help his and loves to contribute to the resolution of problems, thanks above all to its practical spirit. Very anxious, he has a hard time managing his emotions and is often too demanding to himself. Dedicated, he is very happy when he feels he can be of great help. help. When it comes to love, this sign shows great modesty. He prefers solitude, because he has too much fear of sentimental failure. If he gets married, it will be more for the practical side than the sentimental;

  • Aries: symbol of action, enthusiasm and dynamism. This sign represents impetus and dynamism. and leadership. Full of audacity, he is stubborn and seeks to be in first place. He loves confrontation and can get carried away on subjects that are close to his heart. But he has tendency to take a stand for causes, which he soon abandoned to switch to something else. He speaks his mind. and sometimes a lack of diplomacy. Wearing a carnelian reinforces its ability to bounce back after a setback. In love, he experiences several blows of lightning, it's all full of ardour and ardor. He hates routine and needs live your relationship passionately.

Carnalian and the chakras related

Carnalian enables the sacral chakra to open and balance The sacral chakra is the second chakra, located about 8 cm from the heart. below the navel. It is of great importance and is the source of well-being. It promotes exchanges with others and provides harmony in life.

Carnelian can also balance the third chakra. This third chakra is called the solar plexus chakra. With the carnelian, it helps you develop your power the success of the objectives to achieve. This chakra is often represented the color of carnelian.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the carnelian

When it arrives in your family or after various uses, it is you need to purify and recharge your carnelian. This allows it to retain all its virtues. The following operations are to be carried out maintenance at least once a year months or after use intensive.

Soak it in a container of water for a few hours. Avoid come into contact with salt, which could damage it. You can also purify it with using incense or a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge it in direct sunlight or place it on a quartz cluster or on an amethyst druse for 24 hours.

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