Reference : 3701459019250

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Baroques
Pierre(s) : Phosphosiderite
Appearance: Chipped / Polished
. Color(s) : Pink / Violet
Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

Phosphosiderite has a very logical etymology, since it's the combination of two names, i.e. "phospho" for phosphate and "siderit" comes from the Greek "sideros". meaning "iron".

Discovered in 1890, this stone is not classified as a stone However, it is still quite rare. He there are no legends or myths associated with this stone. Due to its recent discovery and its small reputation, we find it very little information about this magnificent stone.

Phosphosiderite is almost always violet or black. mauve, but it can also be found in the following colours shades of green, red, pink or colorless. Sometimes it has slight yellow streaks. much less pronounced than on the turquoise.

In raw form, it has an opaque appearance. However, it it may have a translucent appearance with a slightly glassy sheen. She belongs to the violet stone group such as lepidolite, amethyst charoite, etc.

His composition includes hydrated iron phosphate. It has a hardness of 3.5 and 4 on on the Mohs scale, making it an ideal stone for relatively fragile. For example, diamond has a hardness of 10, i.e. the maximum hardness on this same scale. It is one of the phosphate minerals such as turquoise, limestone lazulite, monazite, etc.

His system crystalline is monoclinic. Phosphosiderite in the form of tabular crystals (in tablet form) or crystals prismatic.

Nowadays, the phosphosiderite is mainly used in jewelry, where it is often cut in the form of cabochons for jewelry, such as rings, pendants and bracelets. We this stone in lithotherapy, as it has benefits and virtues excellent.

Les deposits

The main deposits are located in Brazil, Argentina China, Germany, Italy, etc

Les benefits of phosphosiderite in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Phosphosiderite is a stone particularly recommended for overwork. Helps manage overload to combat stress and exhaustion. It releases emotions such as anger and sadness, buried fears. She replaces them with positive emotions such as joy and happiness and well-being.

This stone enables work on oneself and overcome blockages related to past traumas. It's a stone that gives courage to go forward and new projects. She encourages creativity, inventiveness and increases concentration. It develops imagination.

Phosphosiderite brings peace and serenity. It restores self-assurance and self-confidence. Its wearer will have improved self-esteem. The people filled with anger and hatred will find soothing. They will feel compassion and empathy, and learn to forgive.

This stone is a excellent stability stone. It calms restless thoughts at bedtime. She to ensure quality sleep, and nightmare-free. All you have to do is place a phosphosiderite under the pillow. The wakes up full of vitality and energy.

Ses physical benefits

Stress and the overwork have an adverse effect on our organism.

Phosphosiderite is a stone that effectively combats stress and overwork. It helps reduce impact on the body. It helps the chakra to function properly. solar plexus.

Phosphosiderite provides quality, restorative sleep which gives vitality. The bearer of the stone a renewed interest in physical activity, which is excellent for the body and also to relieve stress.

This stone promotes fluid circulation body.

The phosphosiderite and astrological signs associates

Phosphosiderite is a stone with powerful benefits and with numerous virtues that are effective on all of the zodiac. However, she maintains stronger links with astrological signs following:

  • Taurus: symbol of loyalty, of stubbornness and fertility. This sign represents possessiveness, jealousy and patience. The wearing of a phosphosiderite brings serenity and calm. Linked to to nature and the earth, he moves forward in life his rhythm. He knows exactly what he wants and will do anything to get it. He's looking for the professional success. He likes to acquire and real estate. It is a great generosity to those around him. He is very materialistic and realistic. He doesn't let himself not be overwhelmed by crazy ideas. He is very stubborn and impossible to change. opinion. It is extremely reliable and can count on. It's also a person you can trust. He works hard to to succeed professionally. Very few and can't stand people who don't like him. who are trying to manipulate him. It's not someone attracted by adventure, he doesn't like change his habits. In love, he does sensuality and tenderness. It is very tactile and loves to cuddle. He is looking above all to give pleasure to his or her partner. He wants to start a family and aspires to a quiet life;

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, origins and imagination. This sign represents sensitivity, nostalgia and the past. The harbour of a phosphosiderite encourages creativity and helps him overcome negative emotions. This sign is constantly anxious, it has always need to be reassured. He likes to evolve within his family circle, where he feels at home. safety. He can then give free rein to imagination and inventiveness. He is very generous and loves to take care of others. He evolves in a world of gentleness and dreams. He suffers from the fear of abandonment and does everything in his power to make himself indispensable to others. He has a childlike side that makes him endearing. However, he can be unpleasant and aggressive. It's a way for to protect himself from the outside world. He has a narcissistic side and will do anything to get notice. He's a real workaholic. who willingly takes on the responsibilities entrusted to him. In love, he's sentimental, romantic, and of a great softness. He or she will be looking for a partner who will protect and reassure him. He is part of these so-called emotional dependents. It is extremely possessive and jealous. He doesn't want no adventure, because he wants a relationship stable and serious;

  • Scorpion: symbol of the end of things, of the transformations and desire. This sign represents passion, instinct and mystery. The port phosphosiderite helps him manage his negative emotions and have a little more serenity. This sign can be extreme, tyrannical, even violent. He is wholehearted and sometimes formidable. He loves competition and will do anything to be the winner. He has a innate gift for human psychology. As a result, he is able to detect weaknesses in its customers. and can even go as far as the manipulation. He is very demanding to himself, but also to others. This sign is loyal and wholehearted. He can't stand and his vengeance can be terrible. he's enigmatic and secretive. He is quite difficult to pin down and has a mysterious. In love, he's passionate, magnetic and jealous. He must feel you own your partner totally. It shows its power and grip on the other. He needs to live a love vibrant and tumultuous. He can't stand relationships. Over the years, he grows wiser and more attached. He can make a excellent spouse.

The phosphosiderite and the chakras

Phosphosiderite helps balance the coronal chakra. This chakra is represented by a purple lotus. It is located above the head, at the fontanel. It represents wisdom, altruism and self-knowledge. This balanced chakra enables the person to no longer be focused on itself, it provokes openness towards others. It engenders compassion and empathy. The feel good and get through it without life's difficulties.

The coronal chakra unbalanced, overactive, leads to a lack of rootedness on earth. The person is detached from material possessions and physical pleasures. She experiences stress anxiety and a great fear of the future.

The coronal chakra unbalanced, blocked, closes the person to all kinds of spirituality. This one makes excessive materialism. She can't recognize when his responsibility.

Maintenance, purifying and recharging your phosphosiderite

As soon as it is extracted, phosphosiderite can no longer be purified, nor can the self-recharging with the help of the nature that surrounds it, such as the earth or water. In addition, it has been in contact with numerous influences, both positive and negative. As soon as it arrives in your home, you will need to purification and recharging of your phosphosiderite. The following operations are to be serviced at least once per month.

Dip your phosphosiderite in a glass filled with water from source for about 3 hours. Then dry your stone delicately using a soft cloth. For lighter purification, you can use the fumigation technique with white sage or in a bowl Tibetan.

You can use the by exposing it to the rays of full sunlight. moon. You can also place it in a amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.