Reference : 3701459003327

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Balls 06mm
Pierre(s) : Amethyst / Calcedony Blue / Sodalite / Chest Heated / P�ridot / Grenat Red / Cornaline
Appearance: Sparkling / Polished
. Color(s): Red / Orange / Maroon / Green / Light blue / Dark blue / Violet / Violet Transparent
. Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

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Vertus De L' Amethyste :

Symbolizing strength and wisdom. This mineral is associated with the Coronal Chakra, which represents its violet vibration purification, spiritual elevation and renewal. A source of balance and serenity, Amethyst calms all our anxieties and soothes our anger. This mineral strengthens our common sense, increases our capacity for meditation. It helps us to cleanse the mind and banish thoughts obsessional.

Vertus De La Calcedoine Bleue :

Effective for controlling angry outbursts. On its carrier, Blue Chalcedony would favour expressing her emotions, and she would increase his listening capacity. Traditionally, it is credited with ease of speech and blood on the other hand cold. Very positive, it also spreads peaceful emotions and soothes our sorrows. By on the other hand, it relaxes even the most restless and overworked.

Vertus De La Sodalite :

First and foremost, sodalite is perfect for slimming diets because it appease hunger. What's more, it's a very a good stone that keeps our worries and fears. Also very useful to enhance our intellectual faculties as well as concentration when learning. From plus, being a stone of relaxation, it will perfect for relieving stress and anxiety as well as sleep.

Vertus De La Citrine :

Solar stone essentially. On the one hand, it enables man to acquire a new ease of understanding of the world that while increasing its reflexes, as well as than its energy. As a result, it will be very useful for athletes to increase their level. What's more, thanks to it will enable people to find their way back to health be.
On the other hand, rare in nature, this mineral was thus born in the form of Amethyst, but thanks to contact with the earth's magma. was subsequently transformed into Citrine. This stone is, in short, very invigorating and also dynamic, it brings to our action, openness and life. From This stone is also very useful for to succeed in his studies because it learning and memory.

Vertus Du Péridot or Olivine :

First, Peridot has a soothing action on the 3rd chakra (solar plexus). From a on the other hand, the imbalance of this energy center is at the root of most disorders psychosomatic disorders which are thus located in stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and also the intestines. In addition On the other hand, on an emotional level, this stone allows us to overcome our blockages by confronting us with ourselves. By It also enables us to succeed into perspective. As a result, it helps to take a step back from situations that sometimes difficult.
Finally, this stone is very useful for purify and cleanse the body of all its toxicities, but also from pollution it would have absorbed. As a result, this stone is very popular with people living in in large cities or even in polluted.

Vertus Red Garnet :

Garnet energy keeps us moving forward with certainty in life. The Garnet will be a very good stone for people who have finish what they start, or those that don't put everything off until tomorrow.

Vertus De La Cornaline :

Stone of happiness as well as joy she will be for a smile in everyday life. days and take full advantage of its existence.

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