Reference : 3701459067893

For professionals only

Bracelet argent 925 lapis lazuli AA+ modèle 4 (1 pièce) :
For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Bracelets Silver 925
Pierre(s) : Lapis Lazuli
Strap size: 17 to 21cm
Metal : Silver 925
Color(s): Blue / Indigo / Speckled Gold / Gold Mottled White
Size of pearls: 7.40 - 8.40mm
. Batch weight : 7.50g
. Quality: AA = Excellent

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

Lapis lazuli is one of the stones that has the most legends and myths about it. The first traces of this fabulous stone date back to minus 7,000 years BC JC.

Lapis lazuli is a metamorphic rock with variations in composition. Belonging to the silicate family, lapis lazuli is composed of limestone and approximately 20 to 40% lazurite. It is this presence of lazurite, which gives the stone its beautiful deep blue color.

In addition, it also contains veins of pyrite, which give it a yellow sheen. This pyrite has sometimes been mistaken for gold. Sodalite, calcite and augite are also present in this stone.

Lapis lazuli has a low hardness either from 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale. For In comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10 in the same scale.

Lapis lazuli is a blue stone beautiful. The fewer veins of pyrite or calcite chips, the more it has of value.

The name of this stone comes from the Latin "lapis" meaning stone and "lazuli" meaning lazuli meaning azure. Literally, the translation of its name is "pierre d'azur". However, the pierre has gone by other names.

It has even been confused with sapphire. The greatest geologists and naturalists have makes the mistake. Such is the case with Theophrastus, (371 - 288 BC), philosopher and naturalist by Pliny the Elder (23 - 79 AD), Roman naturalist writer and Georgius Agricola (1494 - 1555), father of mineralogy and metallurgy. The latter point to a star sapphire because of its beautiful blue and white of these golden spots.

A large number of archaeological sites have shown the existence of this stone for 7 years 000 years BC. Numerous objects, jewels, amulets and daggers are discovered. He it seems that this incredible stone was traded between Afghanistan, Mesopotamia and Egypt.

During the Bronze Age (2700 BC to 900 BC) years BC), lapis lazuli is nicknamed "the stone of stones" by the Sumerians. We have superb artefacts were found in the tombs of the Royal Cemetery of Ur in Iraq and in the Palace Royal d'Ebla in Syria. It evokes the vault and is reserved for the elite, the elite of the princes and gods.

In the Near East and Egypt, all kinds of of objects are then made (statuettes seals, amulets and jewelry). Visit lapis lazuli becomes a stone of virtues powerful. Stronger than evil, this stone is the symbol of perfection. It becomes spiritual, political and social power. physical. It is then used to represent the eyes of deities. By elsewhere, Tutankhamen's mask has lapis inlaid lazuli on the edges of the eyebrows.

The Romans attributed benefits to it aphrodisiacs and use them as an antidote against insect bites and stings or snakes. Crushed, this stone is used as a cosmetic.

In Europe, during the Middle Ages, lapis lazuli was ground to make strong ointments healing powers. As early as 1400, lapis lazuli is used as a pigment for paint. It is in the sky over the Sistine Chapel at Rome. This pigment is relatively expensive so it will be replaced by a pigment in the 19th century.

Nowadays, this lapis lazuli pigment is always available and can reach the price of 20,000 per kg. The price varies according to quality and provenance.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in Afghanistan, Egypt, etc.

Lapis lazuli and its benefits in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Lapis lazuli is a stone of openness to others. It develops communication and facilitates friendly exchanges. It also makes it possible to to overcome shyness. She encourages express themselves without restraint, without fear of criticism.

This stone provides the necessary assurance to take control of your life and no longer be subjected to domination. It restores self-confidence and leads to healing emotional.

Blue represents serenity: this stone brings calm, represses emotions and combats stress. Lapis lazuli helps to combat anxiety, fears and and traumas of the past. She is recommended in times of sadness intense.

Lapis lazuli is a stone of stimulation intellectual and artistic. It develops imagination, ingenuity and creativity. This makes it ideal for all those who need to create (artists, writers, authors, composers, etc.).

This stone allows its wearer to diffuse tenderness, benevolence and a sense of happiness. It facilitates introspection and helps to identify problems psychological. It gives you the strength to fight the hidden causes of unhappiness felt.

Lapis lazuli is an invaluable aid when it comes to complicated times, such as divorce, loss of a loved one, dismissal professional, etc.

Benefits for your health physics

Lapis lazuli is a stone with a reputation for to overcome insomnia, restless nights and nightmares. It diffuses a soothing gentleness tormented spirits.

Placed in the bedroom, this stone provides quality, recuperative sleep. It restores vitality and vigour from the very start. awakening.

Lapis lazuli promotes healthy function solar plexus chakra.

It effectively fights states of sadness and anxiety. This helps to eliminate stress and its consequences on the body.

Lapis lazuli and signs associated astrological

Lapis lazuli is an extremely versatile stone. and the effectiveness of its benefits can be on all the natives of the zodiac. But it certain astrological signs may be even more receptive, especially the following:

  • Aries: symbol of energy, enthusiasm and action. This sign represents boldness leadership and dynamism. Wearing a lapis lazuli helps him get back on his feet after a setback and not let it get him down. He shows a lot of stubbornness and willpower. When he wants something, he'll do anything to get it. He has a very stubborn nature. The family is very important to him and he can be of great generosity. Competitive, he enjoys compete with others in any field. He is often the first, and he loves it. He is very frank and always says what he thinks. He is sorely lacking in diplomacy hurtful. He's a spendthrift, too, looking for the professional success. In love, he has a heart and often falls in love. He loves multiplying relationships and discovery of others. Over the years, he has and started a family. He likes the idea of marriage;

  • Taurus: symbol of the earth, fertility and stability. This sign represents loyalty, determination and jealousy. Wearing a lapis lazuli soothes her and brings him serenity. This sign is reliable, it is connected to the earth and nature. He likes to own and acquire land and real estate. It is extremely materialistic. It evolves in a world of parties and pleasures. He loves luxury and generous. Very stubborn, he is impossible to change his mind. It's someone reliable and honest. But be careful not to betray him, for his wrath will be very violent. In love, he is a great seductive and passionate. He is a sensuality. He loves to caress and be caressed. tactile. It has a magnetic charm. But he wants to start a family;

    - he wants to start a family;

    - he wants to start a family
  • Virgin: symbol of the method, logic and criticism. This sign represents organization, perfection and work. The wearing of a lapis lazuli overcomes shyness. In fact, this sign is very complex and very anxious. His anxious nature often makes it take second place plan. He's a real workaholic and he has a wealth of knowledge. He is often called upon for his logical mind. Careful of the smallest detail, this sign is demanding and highly critical. He is obsessed by order and can't stand dirt. He is discreet and his modesty is often an obstacle. to its success. In love, this sign is great modesty. He can't give himself up completely. Often complexed, this sign prefers solitude to failure sentimental. If he marries, it's often for the sake of it. the practical side of marriage and not love.

The lapis lazuli and chakras

Lapis lazuli is an excellent stone for balances the throat chakra. It helps to express themselves freely. The speech is crystal clear, clear and concise. This balanced chakra provides quality communication. The voice is harmonious and the words are honest. He develops the feelings of compassion, empathy and understanding for others.

The unbalanced throat chakra, either too open, leading to a lack of self-confidence and towards others. The person becomes ironic and can pour out a multitude of words to the point of total incoherence. She is not listening at all to the others.

Blocked throat chakra generates difficulties in expressing themselves. The person does not dare for fear of being ridiculed. She can become rude and inaudible. She is shy and nervous.

Maintenance, purification and lapis refill lazuli

Since its extraction, your stone has not to purify and recharge themselves with the elements of nature. She has even been contact with all kinds of energies. It is therefore necessary to proceed with its purification and recharge it as soon as it arrives at your home.

The following operations are to be performed in maintenance at least once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Your lapis lazuli is a stone with a very low hardness. It is essential to handle with care. Pass it quickly under running water. Dry gently with a soft cloth. You can also purify it with the help of fumigation with white sage or using a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge it in the morning sunshine for an hour or place it in a geode. or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.