Reference : 3701459020881

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Figurines
Pierre(s) : Quartz Rose
Dimension (in mm): 47~52
. Color(s): Pink / Clear

Histories and legends

Quartz is the most important the most widespread mineral on the crust terrestrial. It is available in a wide range of varieties. Pure, transparent quartz, called rock crystal, contains only silicon. The rose quartz is a silicate with inclusions of various metal oxides, such as manganese, titanium and dumortierite.

Rose quartz belongs to the large silicate family, tectosilicate subgroup. It has a high hardness of 7/10 on the Mohs scale. Most often, it has a translucent appearance, more or less cloudy. Rose quartz can to show a very strong asterism effect wanted. The presence of grapes star-shaped light. It is called then star rose quartz.

The etymology of the The name quartz comes from "quaterz", which means "bad ore". In the Middle Ages, the name quartz encompassed the whole range of crystals. In the 16th century, a German scholar decided that the term quartz referred only to rock crystals. Etymology of the name quartz comes from the German "gewärz" meaning excrescence.

Firsts traces of rose quartz appear in Mesopotamia (Iraq), around 7,000 years ago. Then quartz can be found all over the world, in civilizations, in various forms. It is most often found in the form of jewelry, figurines and amulets, but also in the manufacture of tools (chisels, polishers, etc.) and even arrows.

In ancient Egypt, rose quartz is ground to a powder and used as a for its purifying qualities. From archaeological digs have uncovered beauty masks, in the form of ointments, in tombs. Today, rose quartz is still used in the composition of some beauty products. Mythology links quartz rose to the cult of Isis, goddess of youth divine.

Many others civilizations associate rose quartz with goddess of love, who goes by a different name according to its origins: Aphrodite in Greece, Venus in Rome, Astarte in Phoenicia (Lebanon), Isaar for the Assyrians and Turan for the Etruscans.

In mythology the unfortunate story of the Greek lovers Aphrodite and Adonis. Ares, the jealous husband of Aphrodite, sent a boar to kill Adonis. Aphrodite, informed of the situation, rushed to her lover. During her race, she wounded on a thorny bush, and when she arrived, Adonis was already wounded: their blood mingled. They crystallized and gave rise to rose quartz.

In Rome ancient times, the Romans manufactured and created every kinds of seals. Rose quartz is the stone commonly used to cut these ring-shaped seals. In the Middle Ages Roman seals were widely used to to decorate all kinds of wreaths and vases, relics, etc.

In China and Asia, rose quartz is used for sculpting jade or for the manufacture of statuettes, in particular that of Buddha. Rose quartz figurines also depict animals, birds and flowers.

In 17th-century France century, the rose quartz statuettes known as "chinoiseries" are very fashionable and Louis XIV becomes a very big one collector.

Les deposits

The main deposits are located in Brazil, Madagascar South Africa, Australia, etc.

Les benefits of rose quartz in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Rose quartz soothes and heals wounds heartache and depression. childhood trauma. It develops self-confidence and self-assurance. It helps to become aware of the love we have for each other and fosters acceptance of oneself and others. others.

This magnificent pink crystal brings calm and peace inner self. It combats emotions such as anxiety, anguish or fear. sickly shyness. It brings serenity and to happiness, joy and a sense of love. It fills the gaps affective.

Rose quartz spreads powerful soothing energies and safety. It can be a great help in children, especially adolescents. Visit In fact, during puberty, these children lack and have a strong need for support. reassured.

Disposing a stone of rose quartz in a chamber allows soothing energies and provides quality sleep. It reduces significantly reduce stress and thoughts agitated.

Rose quartz is a stone of love that favors exchanges with others. It provokes openness towards others, eliminates harmful feelings such as jealousy or envy. At the same time engenders compassion, empathy and a sense of belonging. understanding.

Ses physical benefits

Rose quartz eliminates stress and its harmful consequences on the body. It reduces tension.

This mineral is renowned for its benefits on cycles feminine. Rose quartz is also known as Aphrodite's stone.

It promotes the good how the crown chakra works.

Also known as this stone that it helps to counteract geobiological disturbances.

Quartz rose and astrological signs associates

Rose quartz is a very powerful mineral, representing love. It has a beneficial effect on all the natives of the zodiac. However, there are a few certain astrological signs develop affinities with this stone. Such is the case with particularly for the following signs:

  • Aries:

  • Lion:

  • Capricorn a symbol of maturity and solitude and social elevation. This sign represents perseverance, patience and organization. Wearing a rose quartz self-acceptance and gives it a boost. and confidence. At an early age, this sign is going to work a lot. He does not hesitate to give up leisure, which he considers futile. He is methodical, organized and doesn't shy away in front of work. He doesn't reveal himself easily and doesn't trust easily. He is suspicious, restrained and showing a great deal of coldness. This sign is described as psychorigid. Suffering hypersensitivity, he needs to know social and professional success. We often associates it with knowledge and expertise. It takes a long time before to realize his worth. He loves moments of solitude and is self-sufficient. It has very few friends. In love, he suffers from shyness and complexes. He prefers miss out on a great story than to suffer or be rejected. Proud, he's looking for true love. With the years, he will gain self-confidence and finally ready for a great story.

Quartz rose and the chakras

Rose quartz helps to balance the heart chakra. This chakra is is located at the front of the sternum and between the shoulder blades at the back. This chakra has pink radiation. It is the origin of self-acceptance and acceptance of others, of peace and forgiveness. Heart chakra develops unconditional love. This person is very open-minded. She learned to love herself and others. She forgives easily and loves to give back service.

The heart chakra unbalanced, too open, gives rise to two types of of behaviors. Either the person is dedicated totally to others, forgetting about herself or or the person is, on the contrary, egocentric and narcissistic. She can become critical, jealous, demanding.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, blocked, provokes anger, frustration depression, indifference. The person may even become hateful, intolerant and find herself alone. She finds it hard to love and forgive.

Maintenance, quartz purification and recharging rose

Since its launch extraction, rose quartz can no longer be purify, nor recharge with the help of elements of nature, such as the sun, water or earth. It is handled many times and is certainly in contact with various negative or positive influences. Immediately When you arrive at your new home, it is essential to purify and recharge it. The following operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a month.

Plunge in your stone in a clear glass of spring water. Go to this glass in the center of a plate filled with salt for 2 to 3 hours. Caution: never put your stone in direct contact with the salt, this could alter its color. For a lighter purification, you can use fumigation with white sage or a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge your rose quartz in the morning sun for 3 hours hours or place it in a geode amethyst or a cluster of rock crystal for 24 hours.

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