List of authenticity reports

On this page you will find various authenticity reports, free to download.

These reports are issued by the LFG from Paris following analysis of certain stone samples we regularly entrust to them.

LGF is the French gemmology laboratory in Paris. It was founded and operates in accordance with the national charter of expertise and the recommendations of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The laboratory is independent.

When we receive a new shipment of minerals, we select one or more samples from a batch and submit them to LGF for analysis. We have adopted this working method to ensure maximum security as to the quality and authenticity of our stones. We would like to point out that, given the cost of analysis, it is obviously impossible to have every stone or pearl sold appraised. However, this method of appraisal enables us to carry out regular checks, thereby ensuring the sincerity of our suppliers and the confidence of our customers.

If you have any questions on this subject, you can contact Geoffrey our natural stone expert at +33

Agate Arbre AB 06mm

Agate Arbre AB 08mm

Agate Bandée A 08mm

Agate Blanche A 08mm

Agate Botswana A+ 06mm

Agate Botswana A+ 08mm

Agate Crazy Lace AB 06mm

Agate Crazy Lace AB 08mm

Agate Crazy Lace Grise A 08mm

L’imprégnation de polymères permet de renforcer une pierre poreuse à l’état naturel. Ceci n’altère en rien la qualité du produit.

Agate Crazy Lace Rouge AA 08mm

Agate de Feu A+ 07.5-08.5mm

Agate Dendrite A 08mm

Agate Fleur De Cerisier A 10mm

Agate Grise Botswana AB 08mm

Agate Indienne AB 06mm

Agate Indienne AB 08mm

Agate Mousse AB 06mm

Agate Mousse AB 08mm

Agate Mousse Jaune A 08mm

Agate Plume A+ 08mm