Reference : 3701459047574

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Figurines - Pyramides
Pierre(s) : Peristerite
Dimensions (in mm): between 15 and 25mm
. Color(s): White / Black / Transparent / Reflective Blue
Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo
. *Products are made by hand. They feature irregularities and are not all identical.

Histories and legends

Peristerite is a stone with a very large controversy over her name. Indeed, she is commercially known as "white labradorite or "rainbow moonstone". However, this are not the same stones. They are often confused, as they belong to the feldspars.

For the record, Feldspar is the group the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust more than 50%. It is part of the composition many rocks of volcanic origin, igneous or metamorphic.

However, mineralogically speaking, the peristerite is very different from the stone of moon. Chemically and visually, they have the same characteristics, while at the same time similar properties.

So, there are no legends of their own to peristeritis. In fact, legends and myths mainly concern the stone of moon.

Peristerite is a mixture of albite and oligoclase composed of aluminosilicate of sodium and calcium. This variety of albite has a peristhesis effect (shimmering under the surface of the stone): this are iridescence due to a play of light in alternating very thin layers albite and oligoclase. These iridescences are also known as the "Schiller effect": they feature a blue mirror effect.

Peristerite forms in rocks igneous rocks, magmatic rocks, mainly in the pegmatites (magmatic rocks with large crystals), but also in rocks metamorphic rocks and veins hydrothermal.

This stone has a hardness of 6 on Mohs scale (e.g. diamond has a maximum hardness of 10 on the same scale). Peristerite has a triclinic lens.

The deposits

The main deposits are in India, in Canada, the United States, Mexico and China, etc.

The benefits of the peristeritis in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Peristerite is an ideal stone for regain self-assurance and self-confidence. It helps to realize its true value. It reduces indecision and develops intuition. It helps you move forward in life and overcome difficulties. And more, it eliminates doubts and fears.

This stone is soft and soothing. It brings serenity and peace. By restoring self-esteem, this stone helps to look to the future with plenitude.

This stone provides vitality and energy. It significantly reduces feelings of fatigue and mental workload. It opens the door to communication, compassion and empathy. It encourages altruism.

Peristerite is also a stone of protection against negative energies. It is even recommended for caregivers, caretakers health care personnel and anyone in a helping and listening role. It keeps them away from influences harmful effects.

This stone is also recommended for people who have difficulties with their couple. It encourages calm discussion and without shouting or name-calling. It releases tensions and opens up a constructive dialogue.

Peristeritis helps to overcome negative emotions such as stress sadness and pessimism. It fights against and helps to overcome past traumas. such as the fear of abandonment.

Benefits for your health physics

Peristeritis is renowned for its benefits on female cycles.

This stone provides soothing, restful sleep recovery. As a result, it reduces fatigue and increases vitality. The body, better rested, has much less tension.

This mineral encourages you to drink a quantity of water throughout the day. This helps detoxify the body and improve promote the proper functioning of the solar plexus.

Peristeritis and signs associated astrological

Peristerite is a stone with many uses. benefits both psychologically and physically on all the natives of the zodiac. However, certain astrological signs have particular affinity with this stone. He These are the following astrological signs

  • Gemeaux: symbol of the communication, exchange and curiosity. This sign represents the studies, the mental and the trade. Wearing a peristerite helps him to become aware of its true value and gives him confidence and self-assurance. This sign is always on the move. It is pleasant, light and witty. His company is often wanted. He's an incredible talker and has always a few anecdotes to tell. Very curious, he is always on the lookout learning. It often behaves like a an eternal student. He hates routine and has always in need of stimulation. It multiplies talents and skills. However, it has tend to fly over them. Beneath his smiling exterior and artificial, it hides a lot of anxiety and anxiety. However, he manages to overcome these emotions and a great deal of optimism. Visit love, it seduces, it charms and it forages. He loves to please and conquer new prey. He's a born seducer. He is very afraid of lose his freedom. Yet he dreams of meet true love. Over the years, he is finally able to settle down and live out its beautiful love story;

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, origins and home. This sign represents imagination, sensitivity and nostalgia. Wearing a peristerite provides security and helps her overcome negative emotions, such as stress and anxieties. Often worried, this sign a lot of intuition. He has an enormous need to be reassured and to evolve in a world of gentleness and tenderness. Surrounded by his family, he can be very creative. This sign also enjoys taking care of his family. He's very attentive and a good listener. He has a great fear of abandonment, so he knows how to indispensable. He can be aggressive and unpleasant in order to conceal a large shyness. Highly hypersensitive, he tends to take things too much to heart. Sometimes he sometimes get angry and start sulking. It's up to the other person to come back and apologize. He has a very narcissistic side and loves to be in the spotlight. center of attention. In love, he is a very gentle and sentimental. He is some of these so-called dependents emotional: afraid of abandonment. His partner must reassure him at all times. He loves cuddles and caresses. He is looking to start a family, because the adventure don't tempt him;

  • Sagittarius: symbol of the religion, higher education and philosophy. This sign represents travel adventure and optimism. The harbor of peristeritis enables him to manage his negative emotions such as jealousy and envy. This sign is jovial and friendly, independent and enthusiastic. He needs a lot of freedom, as he likes to roam world. He won't be able to stand being locked in an office. He demonstrates intuition. He has authority that allows it to be followed spontaneously without having to ask. We say that he naturally federates. He hates routine and multiplies projects, which he never rarely ends. A natural optimist, he has the ability to play things down. complex situations. He can be provocative, even insolent. On the other hand, he a great deal of generosity. likes to share with those around him. He hates advice and can be a real handful. bad faith. He becomes sensitive and short-tempered. In love, he is a seducer and is not absolutely not faithful. He likes to conquer and relationships. He loves to do everything experiments and, above all, seeks to his freedom. However, he sometimes dream of true love. With maturity, he will a successful relationship of love.

Peristeritis and the chakras

Peristeritis helps balance the chakra sacral chakra. This chakra is located approximately 5 cm below the navel. It acts on emotions relationships with others, sexuality, self-esteem of oneself. This balanced chakra provides the ability to get back up, whatever the difficulties encountered. The person has self-confidence and openness towards others. She is spontaneous and pleasant.

The sacral chakra out of balance, too open, causes emotions and feelings to be repressed physical problems. The person demonstrates greediness, aggressiveness and a unbridled sexual behavior.

The unbalanced, closed sacral chakra can be triggered by education too authoritarian. The person feels uncomfortable comfortable in her own body. She considers sexuality is taboo. She lacks confidence and she's terribly afraid of abandonment.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the peristeritis

Since its extraction, the peristerite cannot no longer purify or recharge themselves using elements of nature, such as water and soil. soil. In addition, your peristeritis has been manipulated enormously and entered contact with all kinds of energies, but also negative. As soon as he arrived in your home, it is imperative that you purification, then recharging. Visit The following operations must also be carried out at least once a year months.

Put your stone under running water for a few seconds. Dry it gently with a soft cloth. For lighter purification, use the white sage fumigation technique or in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your peristerite with the rays of the full moon. You can also place it in an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.