Reference : 3701459043255

For professionals only

For professionals only

Minerals - Stones Rolled
Pierre(s) : Tiger-Eye Tiger - Hawk-Eye Falcon
Dimensions (in mm): 20 - 40
. Color: Blue/White/Gray
. Quality: AB = Standard
. Number of stones in the batch (approx.): 4 to 10 pieces
*Stones may vary in size from 18 to 42mm

*It is possible to find imperfections like impacts on rolled stones.
*The stones are sorted by hand in our Vosges.
**Quantities of stones are given for information only. However, these may vary. In In all cases, lots are sold by weight and not by weight. per unit.

Non-contractual photo

Les benefits of tiger's eye in lithotherapy

Psychological benefits

The tiger's eye, like many stones containing the name eye, has strong protective powers. It is also a anchoring stone. It protects its wearer from influences by sending them back to their own transmitter. It makes him aware of the consequences of his actions.

This stone develops self-confidence and towards others. It encourages introspection and discover the origins of certain emotional blocks. It reveals the real personalities of the people we come into contact with. It brings courage and boldness, strengthens determination and self-confidence. Visit lowering emotional barriers, the friendships and romantic relationships are more harmonious.

Tiger's eye brings calmness and balance. This mineral helps overcome negative emotions, such as worry, anxiety, restlessness and shyness. It is ideal for protection against jealous and envious. It begets autonomy, strong independence of mind and a beautiful freedom of thought.

This mineral provides energy and vitality. It develops the desire to and achieve its objectives. It is perfect for students, people on training or retraining. It increases concentration and memorization. This stone aids creativity and improves openness of mind. It gives you the opportunity to overcome life's difficulties. It stimulates willpower and allows for greater assertiveness self.

Physical benefits

Tiger's eye is a stone that diffuses energy and vitality. It makes you want to to do things, like resume an activity or have a healthy lifestyle life.

Gently practiced physical activity, is excellent and restores flexibility to body.

Tiger's eye promotes healthy functioning of the solar plexus chakra.

Tiger's eye helps fight stress and its harmful consequences on the body and the mind. It reduces nervous tension and promotes quality sleep.

Les benefits of hawk's eye in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

The hawk's eye is reputed to enable open-mindedness and freedom. This is a stone of tolerance and compassion and empathy. It enables its wearer to to be open to new ideas. It helps him to put things into perspective and to combat his fears. buried fears.

By providing the strength to overcome traumas, the hawk's eye stone gives courage to move forward in life and find the happiness. It brings peace and serenity. It combats extreme shyness and encourages its wearer to open up to others.

This fabulous mineral is the symbol of the clairvoyance and intuition. It gives the ability to feel, see and understand certain things with clarity and discernment. We says he acts like a sixth wheel. sense.

The hawk's eye provides self-control and moderation for people who find it difficult to manage their emotions. It provides quality introspection and understanding of its functioning, which stimulates the communication and listening skills.

This stone is recommended for sessions with meditation. It is generally considered to be a stone of courage, because it eliminates fears that block fulfillment personal. It radiates a beautiful energy that eliminates bad vibes and sensations negative.

Benefits for your health physics

Hawk's eye promotes healthy functioning the third eye chakra and the fourth eye chakra heart. This stone protects against pollutants exteriors.

Hawk eye effectively combats stress and intense sadness. It instills vitality, desire and enthusiasm will.

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