Reference : 3701459070176

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Stones Rolled
Pierre(s) : Hawk-Eye Falcon
Dimensions (in mm): 40 - 60
. Color: Blue / Brown / Gray / Black
. Quality: A = High
. Number of stones in the batch (approx.):
*Stones may vary in size from 17 to 33mm

*The stones are sorted by hand in our Vosges.
**Quantities of stones are given for information only. However, these may vary. In In all cases, lots are sold by weight and not by weight. per unit.

Non-contractual photo


This stone is a variety of quartz microcrystalline. Composed of crocidolite, a rock also known as blue asbestos, characterized by straight fibers, it has many similarities with the eye of a tiger.

These crocidolite inclusions give this stone's characteristic iridescence. We speak of also asbestiform inclusions signifying "belonging to the amphibole and amphibole groups serpentine, with a fibrous character typical".

The hawk's eye is essentially made up of of silicon dioxide. It has variations between grey, blue and green. These fabulous reflections are created by its structure fibrous and reflective. We can speak of opaque, glassy crystal.

The hawk's eye is a stone with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. In In comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10 in on the same scale, i.e. the hardest hardness. This hardness enables jewellers to create beautiful jewels with this fabulous stone. Others use them in the manufacture of articles for the lithotherapy.

Nowadays, this splendid stone is sought after by collectors and lovers of rare stones.

Stories and legends

Thanks to certain archaeological digs, we find the trace of this incredible stone in various civilizations.

In ancient Egypt, for example, it was claimed that the hawk's eye was called the "eye of Horus". in reference to Horus, one of their gods, in head of a falcon, from the pantheon. Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris, venerated in various places of Egypt. He is said to be the god of azure: the sun and moon are its eyes. Isis, his mother, hid him to protect him from his uncle Seth, murderer of his father Osiris. À As an adult, Horus fought Set without release. The latter plucked his eye out of the Horus amputated one of his legs. He won the battle and became ruler of the country. of the kingdoms of Egypt. He has masculine and feminine symbolism diurnal.

In Ireland, the Celts believed that the eye of the falcon was a talisman that enabled its carrier to methodically access the upward evolution of being primary.

For Native Americans, especially for the shamans of Peru, the hawk's eye stone was also a symbol of the evolution of mind. It was supposed to help the evolution of the animal mind the human mind.

In fact, this dark, iridescent stone possesses strong symbolism for thousands of years and in different civilizations. This is the angel all-seeing guardian: this dark stone is linked to vision. In addition, this mineral also evokes clairvoyance and intuition.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in Africa the United States, etc.

The benefits of the eye of falcon in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

The hawk's eye is reputed to enable open-mindedness and freedom. This is a stone of tolerance and compassion and empathy. It enables its wearer to to be open to new ideas. It helps him put things into perspective and fight his buried fears.

By providing the strength to overcome traumas, the hawk's eye stone gives courage to move forward in life and find the happiness. It brings peace and serenity. It combats extreme shyness and encourages its wearer to open up to others.

This fabulous mineral is the symbol of the clairvoyance and intuition. It gives the ability to feel, see and understand certain things with clarity and discernment. We says he acts like a sixth wheel. sense.

The hawk's eye provides self-control and moderation for people who find it difficult to manage their emotions. It provides quality introspection and understanding of its inner workings, which stimulates the communication and listening skills.

This stone is recommended for sessions with meditation. It is generally considered to be a stone of courage, because it eliminates the fears that block fulfillment personal. It radiates a beautiful energy that eliminates bad vibes and sensations negative.

Benefits for your health physics

Hawk's eye promotes healthy functioning the third eye chakra and the fourth eye chakra heart. This stone protects against pollutants exteriors.

Hawk eye effectively combats stress and intense sadness. It instills vitality, desire and enthusiasm will.

Hawk eye and signs associated astrological

Hawk's eye is a very rare stone. powerful, with many virtues that apply to all natives of the zodiac. However, some astrological signs have a particular affinity with this incredible stone. This is the case for the signs following:

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, sensitivity and imagination. This sign represents fertility, the home and origins. The hawk's-eye look gives him gives us the strength to overcome and overcome his shyness. Often worried and very fragile, it constantly needs to be reassured and feel safe. He can then give free rein to his imagination and creativity. He lives in a a world of sweet dreams. A great generosity, he likes to take care of others. He is always afraid of being abandoned, so he makes sure he's indispensable. His shyness can make him very unpleasant, it's his way of protecting himself. Suffering hypersensitivity, he struggles to manage his emotions. His seriousness and determination make him a real workaholic. He is loyal and conscientious. He is tenacious and knows how to assume the responsibilities confides. In love, he has many tenderness and gentleness. He's very sentimental, but also possessive and jealous. Very early on, he is in search of true love, because he wants to found a family;

  • Lion: symbol of the power, royalty and generosity. This sign represents pride, vanity and the flattery. The port of a hawk's eye to open up to others and reduce your own narcissistic aspect. This sign likes to be in front of the stage. He loves evolving in a world of luxury and parties. He even has a tendency to speak on behalf of others. This is the sign of love, education and leisure. It likes to be the center of attention, to be flattered and admired. Dominant, he can be tyrannical and violent. He is used to being obey. He can't stand criticism, because he is very sensitive. He is generous and often shares with those around him. He is combative and hates to lose. He doesn't mind the task to achieve his ends. He needs feel approved to continue this he undertakes. Loyal and straightforward nor pettiness, nor backbiting, nor even less betrayal. In love, he burns and passion. Multiplying conquests reassures his ego. Rather honest and loyal, he is a great fidelity when he's found his other half ;

  • Verseau: symbol of the modernity, the future and science. This sign represents friendship, freedom and originality. Wearing a hawk's eye enhances clairvoyance and intuition. This sign has an egalitarian vision of the world. It wants everyone to have access to knowledge. He has a utopian vision of life. He can also anarchic, even rebellious. He has need a lot of freedom and independence. If someone is looking to he runs away. He has an intuition and incredible flair. He is of great originality and is often the one that you notice first. It is difficult because he lives in his own thoughts and never delivers. He is always aware of latest technological discoveries. Occasionally, he can be dry, intolerant and even proud. He needs to prove himself useful and spends a lot of time making plans. However, very few are successful. In the event of problems, he tends to bury his head in the sand. instead of confronting them. In love, he's very suspicious and avoids feelings that are too passionate. He'd rather live a friendship love. Instead, he chooses partners who do not deprive him of his freedom. Indeed, he is not ready to give up its independence.

The hawk eye and the chakras

Hawk eye helps balance the chakra solar plexus. This chakra is located above the navel in front and at vertebral level D11 and D12 at the back. This chakra develops self-esteem and self-confidence others. It engenders confidence and self-assurance. The person has the will to achieve objectives. She is cheerful, open and spontaneous.

The solar plexus chakra, unbalanced, too open makes a person proud, vain and perfectionist. She feels hatred and anger towards the people in his life. entourage. She is always dissatisfied, irritable and lacking in attention to others. Disrespectful and rude, she spends her time to criticize.

The solar plexus chakra, unbalanced, closed, prevents the expression of emotions. The lack of fighting spirit, self-confidence and assertiveness. She is shy and submitted. She suffers from nervousness and distrust. She doesn't know how to overcome difficulties of life.

Maintenance, purification and eye refill from falcon

From extraction to arrival in your home, your hawk's eye stone has encountered many influences, positive as negative. It's essential that when you bring your stone home, from the to purify it of harmful energies and in order to benefit from its power.

Put your stone under running water. Dry carefully with a towel. soft cloth. You can also purify it with fumigation with white sage or in a bowl Tibetan.

Place your hawk's eye stone in the sun afternoon for 2 hours. You can also also recharge it by placing it in a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.

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