Reference : 3701459023684

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Stones Rolled
Pierre(s) : Hypersthenes
Dimensions (in mm): 20 - 30
. Color: Grey/Black
. Quality: AA = Very high
. Number of stones in the batch (approx.): 12 to 17
*Stones may vary in size from 17 to 33mm

*The stones are sorted by hand in our Vosges.
**Quantities of stones are given for information only. These may vary. In In all cases, lots are sold by weight and not by weight. per unit.

Non-contractual photo.

The Hypersthene

The hypersthene is an inosilicate (mineral of the silicates) found in the rocks of the orthopyroxene group (common components magmatic rocks). Hypersthene is located between enstatite and ferrosilite. It is note that enstatite contains no iron and ferrosilite contains no magnesium. Hypersthene, on the other hand, is composed of iron and magnesium.

It's transparent to semi-opaque, its color can range from brown, gray, green-black to black. There are also of such darkness that it is compared to tar. On the other hand, sometimes this stone reflects an asterism (optical phenomenon in star shape). The lines forming these stars can be four, six or, more rarely twelve. Asterism is caused by the interference of light with inclusions.

In addition, this stone, held in the hand, reveals splendid iridescent silver-gray highlights. It has a hardness of 5 or even 6 on the Mohs scale and has the ability to reflect different depending on the angle of exposure to the light. light.

So, the hypersthene is widespread in metamorphic rocks and sometimes in certain meteorites rocky and ferrous. A deposit has been discovered in Canada, exactly where where a meteorite exploded. In fact, the Apollo program demonstrated that this stone is also found on the moon. Its name comes from the ancient Greek "sthenos" meaning "and the hyper particle either "very" or "super".

Historically, Abbé René Just Haüy (1743-1822) studied the stone he describes in his famous Traité de minéralogie published in 1801. He had discovered some specimens in the Labrador region of Canada. However, Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817) mineralogist and a Saxon geologist, had already mentioned this mineral, with amphibole. He named it "paulite" in reference to the island of Saint-Paul. Then, in the course of his research, Haüy proved that this stone was a new species of mineral and gave it the name of "hypersthene".

Very few legends are told about the history of this stone. There is one that comes from the squamish, native amerindians of canada. At In southwestern Canada lies Mount Cayley. This name means "landing place for l'Oiseau-Tonnerre" in reference to the legend of Thunderbird. This is a the mythical creature found in the North America's first civilizations. This creature is actually a bird with supernatural power. His wingbeats can cause storms, thunder and his eyes throw lightning bolts. The lightning struck the summit of Mount Cayley, which which would explain why it is made up of soils black. In reality, Mount Cayley is mainly composed of magmatic rocks hypersthene. It is a volcano part of the volcanic belt Garibaldi.

The deposits hypersthene

The main deposits are located in Brazil, South Africa and South Africa. South, Australia, Canada, etc.


Les properties of hypersthene in lithotherapy

Its virtues on a psychological level

Hypersthene is an anchoring stone, providing good psychic protection. It promotes openness towards others. It helps develop the feeling empathy, compassion and understanding.

It provokes accepting criticism without anger or irritability. It creates and constructive exchanges. It is very useful for introverts who have difficulty expressing themselves and defending their point of view.

It keeps the negative feelings such as anger resentment, even hatred. It balances emotions harmoniously, dispelling anguish and anxiety. It provides self-acceptance, gives confidence and trust.

Hypersthene reduces susceptibility or annoyance. At it allows us to put things into perspective and try to understand an interlocutor's point of view by disagreement. It improves communication, whether either on a personal or professional level. And then.., it develops openness, honesty and conveys ideas with conviction. The message is more convincing and has a greater impact.

This mineral restores strength and courage. It helps you difficult decisions in difficult situations complicated. It even reduces hyperactivity to facilitate introspection. It brings harmony within the couple, the family or the between colleagues.

In conclusion, life balance is improved and quality. Attention to is fruitful and makes you more serene when it comes to conflictual contexts.

Its virtues physically

Hypersthene is an energizing stone. It encourages recovery physical activity.

It promotes the good how the solar plexus chakra works.

This fighting mineral tension by releasing the body from accumulated stress.

Hypersthene helps to fix the magnesium provided by a balanced diet.

Hypersthene and astrology

Hypersthene is a mineral with many benefits and physical effects on all natives of the zodiac. It is particularly recommended for the following signs:

  • Cancer symbol of the family, the home and the children. origins. This sign represents the mother childhood nostalgia and sensitivity. Le wearing a hypersthene allows him to open up and develop communication skills. This sign needs to be surrounded and evolve in a climate of security. His relatives are for him. He's very creative and that to free his mind. He's very scared of abandonment and will do everything in his power to make indispensable. Extremely shy, he hides behind aggression. He sometimes infantile reactions and may start to sulk. As he grows more confident, he makes a very attentive parent who knows protect his children. In love, he knows how to sentimental and full of tenderness. This is one of the most faithful signs. The success in his relationship is his priority ;

  • Virgo symbol of the method, of organization and rigor. This sign represents logic, perfection and cleanliness. Wearing a hypersthene brings him confidence and self-assurance. This sign is obsessed with household chores. It is linked to science and medicine. He is always on the lookout to perfection, and shows himself to be high standards not only for him, but also for the others. He's extremely fussy and can be very critical. This sign is a real A workaholic, he doesn't count the hours. He is usually very discreet and doesn't appreciate demonstrations affection. In love, it's not sentimental and is very modest. He suffers from and is terribly afraid of being rejected. So he prefers to keep to himself. If he marie, it's more about practicality than by passion;

  • Capricorn : a symbol of ambition and perseverance and maturity. This sign represents social success, stubbornness and duty. He is very introverted and wears of a hypersthene allows him to open up to others. Professional success is a matter of importance for this sign. It shows maturity very early and is very reasonable. He is very organized and rigorous. He has and has few friends. He would rather be alone than badly accompanied. We have tend to think of him as psychorigid, yet he can be humorous and self-mockery. He is extremely reliable and loyal. He loves to acquire material goods or land. In love, this sign suffers from shyness and avoids passionate relationships. However, he's looking for love sincere and lasting. He aspires to found a family and have children.

Hypersthene and chakras

Hypersthene harmonizes the plexus chakra solar. It is located above the navel. This chakra represents self-esteem and willpower, instinct and relationships with others. This energy center helps digest food, complicated decision-making. A balanced solar plexus chakra generates self-confidence and, above all, the exchange of quality, constructive with entourage.

Reloading and purification of hypersthene

The hypersthene, before entering your home, has been manipulated on numerous occasions. Over the kilometers travelled, it was inevitably in contact with more or less good influences. It will therefore need to be purified and recharged before being used. to wear it. The following operations are to be carried out repeat at least once a month or after intensive use.

Plunge in your stone in a clear glass filled with spring water (avoid salt) for about 3 hours. You You can also purify it using the fumigation (for lighter purification) or in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your stone by placing it in direct sunlight for 2 hours. hours. You can also put it in a amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

If your stone is really drained of all its energy, prefer the in-ground burial method on several days.

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