Reference : 3701459013531

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Minerals - Stones Gross
Pierre(s) : Calcite Honey
Dimensions (in mm): 40 - 80
. Colors: Orange / Yellow / Golden / Honey

Calcite stone honey

Calcite is a mineral composed mainly of carbonate calcium. This stone offers a whole range of colors. In fact, metal inclusions such as iron, zinc, cobalt and copper determine the color of calcite. It can be completely colorless or even transparent (known as Icelandic spar), red, yellow (or honey), orange, blue or green.

It should be noted that that the presence of calcite in various totally different rocks demonstrates the diversity of its structures. This stone forms in sediment environments (formation in surface), in magmatic environments (formation of when the magma cools down and becomes solidifies) or in metamorphic environments (formation of rock under the effect of temperature and pressure variations).

We can find calcite in crystal form or in a shape resembling the marble. It can also seep into caves and form stalactites, long and thin.

Calcite possesses a trigonal crystal system. It can have numerous rhombohedron shapes (not square but diamond-shaped), in elongated prisms or tablets. This stone has white or colourless strokes with a pearly sheen, or glassy. It should be noted that calcite is a a very fragile stone.

Honey calcite or yellow has this color thanks to small iron inclusions, giving it that special hue. very specific.

History of the calcite

There's no such thing as legends of calcite in mythology Greek, Roman, Egyptian, etc.

However, it has it has been proven that this stone was used since Antiquity. Indeed, calcite comes from Latin "Calcis" meaning "lime".

According to some discovered during archaeological excavations statuettes and decorative objects in calcite were made by the Egyptians.

In the 17th century, the mineralogy is making great strides. For example, the Swedish Johan Gottschalk Wallerius refers to a calcite of incredible purity: spar from Iceland. He studies the stone and discovers its phosphorescence and birefringence (at Through the stone, light is diffused in two directions distinct light rays). Studies are on optical properties and specific cleavage of the stone.

A large number of research was carried out and several studies were achieved. Calcite, for example, had various name: "carbonated lime", "aphrite", "spath calcaire" and "focobonite".

Nowadays, we're calcite is also used in the manufacture of cement, lime and building stone, etc. It is used in metallurgy for to melt glass. In the industry it is used in the production of fertilizer.

Calcites "honey" or yellow were present in large numbers. quantity in the 90s but nowadays, they become more complicated to find.

The deposits raw honey calcite

The main deposits are found in Mexico, Canada, the United States and Japan. United States, etc.

Les benefits of honey calcite lithotherapy

His psychological benefits

This stone is a soothing, comforting stone. It fights anxiety and anxiety-related problems. anxiety. It gives you the strength to overcome phobias and doubts.

Honey calcite provides serenity, calm, softness and comfort. It is a stone of stability, which favors self-confidence and self-assurance achieve its objectives.

It provides perseverance and courage. It inspires strengthens the intellect and memory. It's ideal for students in their exams. It also encourages motivation and fights procrastination. It improves assimilation skills and lucidity in reflection.

Honey calcite effectively combats sadness intense. It soothes apprehensions and fears. and doubts. It energizes, purifies and clearer thinking.

The spirit, once free of anxieties, makes it easier to intuition and discernment. Emotions are balanced and help new beginnings on the right footing. This stone is ideal for those in need of subtle support to regain their self-confidence.

Honey calcite or also enriches the capabilities of communication. It offers the most to express themselves in public. She helps build clear and concise captivating.

Ses physical benefits

Honey calcite is a stone that strengthens the body together. It promotes recovery.

Honey calcite or yellow restores energy and vitality to its wearer. It spreads joie de vivre around it. It is excellent for people suffering from intense sadness. It to boost them and get them out of their funk. lethargy. As a result, they can once again projects, or even start from scratch.

It promotes the good of the throat chakra and that of the sacral chakra.

Calcite honey or yellow and astrological signs associates

Honey calcite or yellow is the most powerful of all calcites, it is highly effective on all the natives of the zodiac. Its action is still reinforced in the following signs:

  • Scorpion symbol of death, of the transformations and sexuality. This sign represents desire, passion and mystery. He's tyrannical, possessive and jealous. The port honey calcite soothes the skin his feelings, allowing him to move forward life and be more tolerant. He is violent and excessive. He can a great deal of psychology in order to control his opponent. He knows how to find weaknesses in everyone. However, this sign is whole and loyal, but be careful not to betrayal. In love, he possesses a magnetism that hypnotizes its prey. He wants to possess the other and achieve fusion. It is pacified with the time and can even become a loving spouse and magnet;

  • Lion the symbol of power and the royalty. This sign loves to be admired become very vain. He is a great generosity and shares easily with his entourage. It represents love, creation and luxury. Wearing a honey calcite provides energy and vitality. It is the world of entertainment, theater and education. It is both ambitious and tyrannical. He knows how to be obeyed because his desires are orders. He constantly needs emulation. However, this sign is loyal and frank. He can't stand pettiness. Visit love, he is ardent and burns with passion for the other. He's a great seducer and he never can't stop fluttering about. The seduction is a permanent challenge for him. With maturity, he is able to start a family ;

  • Virgo symbol of the method, measurements and organization. This sign shows a great logic and an eye for detail. Everything must perfect in his surroundings, he is very manic. He's very anxious and wears a honey calcite that enables it to manage its emotions and overcome shyness. He is obsessed with order and cleanliness. This sign can be ingenious and technical. He does not hesitate not to serve and help our neighbor. Often, he hides his lack of self-confidence behind a mask of coldness. He has an annoying tendency to be too demanding with himself. In love, his shyness provokes great modesty. He has and revels in his solitude. If he marries, it's more out of comfort than true love.

The chakras related to honey calcite

Honey calcite, placed on the solar plexus chakra, soothes the tension, anxiety and nervousness. Visit Balanced solar plexus enables and self-confidence and encourages quality of relationships with others.

Honey calcite placed on the crown chakra, at the top of the head, under the fontanel, promotes good production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates biological rhythms. It provides a lot of serenity.

Calcite honey: putification and reloading

On arrival honey calcite in your home, remember to purify and recharge it thoroughly in order to to chase away negative vibes and replaced by positive vibes. That's right, since its extraction, this stone has been faced with a variety of situations, sometimes stressful.

Drop it off at sunrise or sunset for 1 or 2 hours hours. You can recharge it using the fumigation, using a Tibetan bowl or by placing it on an amethyst druse or on an quartz clusters for 24 hours.

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