Reference : 3701459041206

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendant - Stones Breakthroughs
Pierre(s) : Jasper H�liotrope
Color(s): Black / Grey / Red / White
Specifications Dimensions (in mm): 20-30
. Quality: A = Good
. *Sold without cord
. *Side drilling

Photo no contractual

Histories and legends

Heliotrope jasper is a variety of jasper. It is sometimes called the blood jasper. In reality, it is a variety of red-speckled chalcedonies in due to the presence of iron silicates and red jasper.

Héliotrope comes from the Greek words "helios" meaning "sun" and "trepeinï". meaning "to turn". Literally, heliotrope translates as "turned towards the sun". Pliny the Elder, Roman naturalist (23 AD / 79 AD), author of encyclopedia called Natural History, cites the name of this stone for the first time. He this name, because when the stone is in the water and turned towards the sun. spots shine and look like tracks of blood.

Heliotrope jasper is also known as jasper. or bloodstone, because in the Middle Ages, people believed that this stone contained the blood of the Christ. Many thought that when Jesus was on the cross, his blood had cast on jasper on the ground. This is how the heliotrope jasper, which is said to possess extraordinary powers, including the ability to cure or to make the wearer invisible.

Since ancient times, heliotrope jasper was already known for its miraculous virtues. The brilliance of its red spots once immersed in water would have been a catalyst for modify the climate, and even invoke storms.

The Babylonians used jasper heliotropes for divination. The placement of stimulated their psychic faculties and gave the impression of a path to to follow.

In ancient Egypt, during battles, the warriors used blood jasper bewitched as amulets to enhance their forces.

The stone of heroes, heliotrope jasper was inlaid on armor and swords. We gave him the power to develop courage and to fight with dignity until end.

In ancient times, people attributed all powers to heliotrope jasper. By for example, he would have treated tumours and venomous bites. All you had to do was reduce it and mix with eggs. This preparation was supposed to promote heal wounds and stop the development of bleeding. Heliotrope jasper was also used to treat the ability to protect travelers.

Nowadays, heliotrope jasper is a very popular exceptional stone for the realization of jewelry, decorative objects and lithotherapy. Its hardness ranges from 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. In comparison diamond has a hardness of 10.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in Africa Brazil, Canada and Germany, etc.

The benefits of jasper heliotrope in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Heliotrope jasper is a stone balance. It brings together the benefits of a green stone, and those of a green a red stone.

Green is often associated with nature at the spring and symbolizes renewal. Green of a heliotrope jasper helps to rebuild yourself after a sentimental or professional failure. It gives you the strength to bounce back and start again. Visit heliotrope jasper is an excellent remedy for heartaches and quickly consoles them.

Red is a color that generates energy. dynamism and courage. It encourages the wearer to fight back and regain dynamism. It helps to overcome deep-seated fears, anxieties and anxiety.

The combination of green and red provokes combative reactions, bursts of pride and a tremendous will to fight. Jasper Heliotrope helps to overcome shyness and lack of self-confidence. It eliminates negative emotions that prevent personal development.

The wearing of a heliotrope jasper develops and optimism, leading to the right decisions and makes it easier to take a step back of life. It effectively combats stress, feelings of anger and hatred. It acts as a bulwark against harmful energies, soothes and opens dialogue with others. By elsewhere, it fights narcissism.

Heliotrope jasper is perfect for all people with artistic professions. It encourages imagination and inventiveness.

Benefits for your health physics

For thousands of years, the heliotrope jasper is reputed to be a stone of good be.

Heliotrope jasper promotes good health circulation of body fluids.

It promotes the proper functioning of the solar plexus.

Heliotrope jasper encourages its wearer to a balanced diet. This a healthy diet for good health elimination.

Heliotrope jasper and signs associated astrological

Heliotrope jasper is a stone with a high numerous virtues that act on the whole of the zodiac. Some signs astrological affinities develop even further with this stone. For example of the following signs:

  • Taurus: symbol of perseverance and determination. loyalty. This sign represents patience tenacity and reliability. Wearing a jasper Heliotrope gives it dynamism and courage. This sign has powerful links with the Earth and the nature. He often shows a lot of stubbornness and it's impossible to do it change his mind. He's very stubborn. With its down-to-earth spirit, this sign is pragmatic and has a lot of logical. He dislikes change and analyzes each situation in depth. So it doesn't decisions lightly. He has a very materialistic, likes to possess goods or investing in real estate. It's a great who always manages to overcome life's difficulties. Be careful not to betray, for he will be angry. terrible. In love, he's looking for tenderness. He really appreciates cuddles. Very sensual, it likes to touch, caress and wants to be touched. above all, to give pleasure. He wants to found a family and live in peace and quiet;

  • Scorpion: symbol of the death, instinct and sexual desire. This sign represents mystery, transformations and magic. Wearing a heliotrope jasper helps to fight anger and negative feelings. This sign wants to succeed and gives you all the means to achieve it. He has a enormous demands on him, but also on his entourage. Highly loyal, he can't stand not to be betrayed. He always succeeds because he has a good sense of psychology. He his interlocutor and can even go as far as to the point of manipulating him. He often shows tyranny, excess and sometimes violence. Fascinated by extremes, he can love eroticism and even pornography. He has a destructive, secretive side. He doesn't open up and maintains the mystery of its personality. In love, he's jealous. excessive and possessive. He exudes magnetism and seeks total fusion with its partner. He wants to own and control everything the other. Over time, he becomes attached doesn't hesitate to start a family;

  • Fish: symbol of infinity, religion and intuition. This sign represents clairvoyance and imagination and fantasy. Wearing a heliotrope jasper gives him confidence and self-assurance. him. This sign tends to doubt himself and lives in a world of sweet dreams. He needs to be surrounded by family to feel at home. safety. It is sometimes a great sensitive and can't stand reproaches. Highly suggestible, it can succumb to various and marginalize themselves. A great Generous, he likes to share with his friends. He is reputed to have artistic gifts, particularly in music. He has a great flair and intuition to seize the right opportunities. business. This sign loves to move in water or living by a lake, sea, etc. He likes to be fashionable and sometimes wears extravagant. In love, he lacks self-confidence him. He's also very loyal. He can be tender, romantic or like to be libertine. However, he has a strong sense of family and aspires to find his soul mate.

Heliotrope jasper and the chakras

Heliotrope jasper balances the chakra of the heart. This energy center is located at the from the sternum to the front. It generates self-acceptance and acceptance of others. It enables to evolve in peace, provokes compassion and forgiveness. It provides the ability to love oneself ourselves to be able to love others.

The harmonized and balanced heart chakra develops unconditional love, an enormous understanding of oneself and others. It provides the willingness to care for others and to be someone very helpful.

The unbalanced heart chakra, by being too open, leads to behaviour narcissistic and egocentric. They often triggers criticism, jealousy and requirement. On the other hand, feelings of injustice and lack of understanding can appear.

Maintenance, purification and jasper recharging heliotrope

In its natural environment, jasper heliotrope is purified and recharged with the the elements around him, water, sun, sea and earth, etc. On his journey to your home, it may have been in contact with negative influences. It is essential to purify and recharge it. The following operations must be carried out in maintenance at least once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Plunge your heliotrope jasper into a glass of spring water, place it in the center of a plate filled with sea salt. After a few hours (about 4 or 5), dispose of the salt outside the your home. Wipe the stone gently with a soft cloth. You can also use the technique of burying in the ground for 7 days. For less severe purifications the fumigation method is the ideal solution. of white sage or use of a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge your stone by exposing it to the lunar rays (one night is enough) or by deposited in an amethyst geode or on an quartz clusters for 24 hours.

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