Reference : PARG0305

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendants - Silver 925
Pierre : Tourmaline Rose on Eudialyte
Color(s): Black / Pink / Gray
Special color: Black / Pink / Gray
Special color: Black / Pink / Gray Quality: AA = Very high
. Batch weight : 29.01g
. Smallest pendant size (without b�li�re): 29mm
. Largest pendant size (without b�li�re): 37mm

Stories and legends

Eudialyte was described for the first time in 1819 and was given the name eudialyte, which comes from the ancient Greek "eu" meaning "good" and "dialtyos" meaning decomposable. The whole translates into easily decomposed, since eudialyte is dissolves easily in acids.

It is a rare mineral of the silicates and the cyclosilicate subgroup, described by the German chemist Friedrich Strohmeyer (1776-1835) on the basis of a sample from the west coast of Greenland.

Eudialyte can be pink, pink-red, pink-purple, sometimes reddish-brown to yellow. It offers a palette of absolutely incredible.

Sometimes, it forms large crystals embedded in the rock. It is found exclusively in magmatic rocks basics.

Centuries ago, the Sami, a people from Lapland, have used this stone to for healing. In addition, a legend tells us that in prehistoric times, their had to face a terrible and bloody giant living on the Kola Peninsula in the north of France. of Russia. It was a terrible battle, and after the killing of this giant, his blood spread across the entire peninsula, forming the eudialyte.

Another legend has it that the fight had place with a dragon. This version explains why eudialyte is sometimes called "Blood of the Sami" or "Dragon's blood".

Eudialyte has a hardness of 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale. For comparison, the diamond has the highest hardness, at 10 out of 10. the same scale.

The marketing of eudialyte is extremely recent, since it began in 1996. It can be found in the form of jewelry, such as bracelets, pendants. In stone form rolled, it is also used in lithotherapy, where its virtues are still studied.

The main deposits are located in mainly in Brazil.

The benefits of eudialyte in lithotherapy

Psychological benefits

Eudialyte is a stone that helps in the and self-acceptance. It encourages the opening of the heart. It frees negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety and gradually replaces them with positive emotions, such as serenity and calm. peace.

During periods of doubt, anxiety or anxiety, eudialyte diffuses a gentle which gradually calms tormented minds. It helps to evacuate this overflow of harmful emotions that tend to keep the wearer in a state of low emotion. It facilitates forgiveness, eliminates resentment and bitterness.

It is a stone that is recommended during important life changes such as a separation, redundancy or birth. It gives us the strength to adapt to every situation and overcome all proofs.

Eudialyte is a stone that encourages creation. It unleashes everyone's creativity, either through writing, music or drawing, and even photography. It reinforces imagination and memorization. It is particularly recommended for all those who are in an examination period or a professional retraining.

This stone allows openness to others. It engenders feelings of compassion and empathy. It eliminates mistrust and gives the desire to help others.

Physical benefits

Eudialyte is a stone recommended for long-standing couples or as the result of a childbirth. It awakens sexual desire and libido. It is said to be beneficial to love.

It is also a stone that attenuates the stress and negativity that deplete carrier. It brings a gain in vitality motivation and dynamism. The person finds the desire to do: the desire to take over a physical activity or work manuals.

The consequences of stress are numerous for the body, so eudialyte helps to reduce tension. It is a stone balance and well-being.

Eudialyte and astrological signs associated

Eudialyte, a powerful stone of acceptance and others, is effective on all the natives of the zodiac. He arrives it sometimes develops affinities about astrological signs following:

  • Aries: symbol of action, dynamism and impetus. This sign represents boldness, ardor and energy. Wearing a eudialyte releases negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety and gradually replaces them with positive emotions, such as serenity and calm. peace. This sign is combative and always wants to be the first. He enjoys verbal jousting with quality contacts. He's a volunteer, decision-maker. He's not afraid to say things frankly and sometimes sorely lacking diplomacy. Strong-willed, he knows how to exactly what he wants from life. His company is in demand. It is recognized natural leadership: born to command. He likes to lead and dominate. His passionate and can sometimes reveal a violent aspect. of his character. He always finishes what he has undertaken. He constantly needs to be in action, wants things to go right and waits for the others to move at the same speed. rhythm. In love, it blazes like an inferno and falls madly in love many times over. He's passionate and fiery. He loves to conquer the other. However, he's a romantic who ignores itself. This sign needs to be stimulated in his relationship: he hates routine. He freedom. A person who is too dependent on him will drive him away;
  • Lion: symbol of the royalty, power and glory. This sign represents nobility, flattery and the vanity. Wearing a eudialyte allows him to deal with major life changes such as a separation, redundancy or birth. This sign likes to evolve luxury and parties. He loves to be the center of attention and admired by all. Visit appearance is essential to him. A great generosity, he willingly shares with his entourage. He tends to speak for everyone. His desires are orders and he is used to to be obeyed. He seeks glory and honors. He loves big meetings family. He is also attracted to games money. Ambitious and authoritarian, he reveals himself sometimes tyrannical. Willing, he knows very early what he wants in life and will do anything to get it. Loyal by nature, he is wholehearted and straightforward. He can't stand pettiness, nor can he tolerate slander. In love, he is ardent and passionate. A seducer, he is reassured by the number of his conquests. He loves to please and seduce. He has need to admire and be admired. Then he is attracted to marriage and its values. His goal is to start a big family;
  • Balance: symbol of the justice, peace and harmony. This sign represents the couple, contracts and associations. Wearing a eudialyte reinforces its openness to others, feelings of compassion and empathy. This sign hates solitude and loves to socialize. He has very good taste in art of decoration and elegance. He loves to be noticed and admired. Passionate about fashion, he pays particular attention to the choice of his clothes. What's more, he has an innate gift for dancing. This sign can't stand and makes an excellent mediator. However, it is very difficult for him to decide on one side rather than the other. He is reputed for his kindness and altruism. He loves help those in need. However, beneath its smiling exterior lies an iron will and a determined character. Unable to be influenced, he detests dirt and vulgarity. He organizes his life around beauty and refinement. In love, he is romantic and sentimental. It does not seek to relationships, but to find its own partner. He needs to be in a couple to to move forward in life. He soon chose the and will do everything in his power to ensure works.

Eudialyte and the chakras

Eudialyte helps balance the body's heart chakra. This chakra is located level of the sternum in advance and between the shoulder blades to the back. The heart chakra, a balanced, harmonized approach to accepting and others. It generates peace compassion and empathy. The person does open-minded and open to new ideas. altruism. She exudes joy to live.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, too much open, provokes two types of behavior. The devotion to a particular subject in the to receive in return. Or the person does narcissism and is not interested in the to others. It is critical, jealous and possessive.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, blocked, leads to depression, selfishness and anger. The person feels hatred jealousy and intolerance. She has many to love and forgive. She is always afraid of being rejected, so she makes a fuss. Sometimes she becomes dependent affective.

The heart chakra, out of balance, under-active, leads to numerous failures on the sentimental or friendly. The prefer to invest in other numerous intellectual and physical.

Maintenance, purification and recharging eudialyte

From its extraction to your at home, your eudialyte could neither purify, nor recharge with the help of elements of nature such as the sun, the earth and water. Handled many times, it has necessarily come into contact with all kinds of positive and negative influences.

As soon as it arrives in your home, it will is essential to carry out the operations following. These operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Plunge your eudialyte into a glass filled with spring water for 2 hours. Dry your stone with the help of an soft cloth. You can also perform a lighter purification with the fumigation with white sage or the use of of a flower of life or that of a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge your eudialyte with the sun's rays afternoon for 2 hours. You can also also place it in an amethyst geode, or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.