Reference : LFRMLBR3006

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Forms Free Polished Numbered - FLPN Blue Chalcedony
Pierre(s) : Calcedony Blue
Weight: 460g
. Smallest size (in mm): 80
. Size of largest (in mm): 95
. Color(s) : Blue/White
Color(s) : Blue/White
Color(s) : Blue/White Quality: A = Good

*Freeforms have been extracted, shaped and polished at the which gives them a distinctly
** Freeform blue chalcedony placed in the center of the house or a room are perfect for bringing calm, serenity and soothing.
Blue chalcedony is one of the finest stones for inner peace.

Contractual photo

Histories and legends

About 4000 BC, in Asia Minor (more precisely in present-day Turkey) days) was blue chalcedony. This stone is mainly found near hot springs, sedimentary zones or areas of high seismic activity. Its name was awarded because of its provenance from the ancient Greek city of Chalcedon (today Kadiköy in Turkey).

The term chalcedony is used to designate all microcrystalline quartz species and cryptocrystalline (assembly of very fine crystals small). It also refers to the stone gem and a family of minerals. Visit blue chalcedony has a color ranging from white to blue, through to grey. It has various synonyms such as chalcedony, chalcedonite or merlinite.

4000 years B.C., the Babylonians were using in the manufacture of their products. their tools and weapons. This stone turned out to be particularly hard and once sharpened, very sharp.

Later on, the Assyrians fashioned cylinder seals with chalcedony. These are small rollers with signs and symbols carved in relief to emboss motifs on wax. The blue stone did not stick to the wax and allowed for relatively fine and precise precise.

At the time of ancient Rome, the Romans the chalcedony stone to have the power to express yourself fluently in public convincing. Indeed, it seems that the great orator and statesman Cicero carried a blue chalcedony pendant on each of her public speaking. The Romans used of this magnificent blue stone make offerings to their gods, jewels to their gods and their wives (especially brooches or rings).

In ancient Egypt, the Egyptians made a lot of beetles out of blue chalcedony. Indeed, the beetle is a piece of jewelry made for a special occasion. pharaoh, on which is engraved a text relating to a significant event in the reign. They also manufactured jewelry and other objects as offerings. They placed these objects on the bodies of the deceased to help them pass the Judgment of the soul.

Blue chalcedony is cited and described from many times in the divine scriptures. We the Bible, the Torah and the Bible. in the Koran. In the Middle Ages, this blue stone was used as a medicinal stone which soothed people's nerves. angry and overly susceptibility. Indeed, at that time anger was already considered part of behavioral disorders.

Then over the centuries, chalcedony blue was used for decorative purposes, especially in the Renaissance period. This stone has has been identified in several colors, in black, red and green.

Nowadays, the term chalcedony, in jewelry, refers to certain stones of a particular translucent, bluish or grey. It is used in the production of beautiful jewelry (especially rings, bracelets or pendants). She also has many virtues in lithotherapy.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in Namibia, Malawi, Brazil, etc.

The benefits of calcite blue in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Blue chalcedony is a gemstone soothing. It represents gentleness, confers calm and serenity. It is credited with power to overcome grief and sadness. It channels people in a state of overwork, aggressive and unstable emotionally.

This stone improves relations with and encourages openness to others. others. In this way, it facilitates understanding and a willingness to listen others. It encourages generosity and benevolence.

She has the power to chase away feelings and dark thoughts, while allowing place for affection, tolerance, respect and friendliness. It opens its wearer to happiness, to love. Chalcedony is the symbol of maternal love.

It is therefore recommended for people who anxious, nervous and insecure. It enhances self-confidence, memory and effectively combats stress and shyness. It reduces anxiety and even trac.

This stone is perfect for people who suffering from shyness because it reinforces their capacity for expression. It allows you to make public speaking and eloquence quality. This stone is ideal for all professions in which speaking out is fundamental. It even helps to convince his interlocutor.

Benefits for your health physics

Blue chalcedony promotes good health functioning of the throat chakra and the chakra root.

This stone protects against pollutants exteriors.

It facilitates fluid circulation body. For young mothers, it stimulates the production of breast milk.

Blue chalcedony and signs associated astrology

Blue chalcedony is good for everyone the natives of the zodiac, but she's even more powerful on the following signs:

  • Sagittarius: symbol of spiritual evolution, advanced studies and religion. This sign represents travel optimism. He's jovial, adventurous, enthusiastic and lucky. He knows manipulate words and seduce many with the speech. Wearing a blue chalcedony reinforces his ability to communicate. He hates routine and always needs to have projects, most of which he abandoned without seeing them through. This sign is warm, often cheerful. On the other hand, he can be very hypocritical and dishonest. In love, he is very idealistic, seductive and loves seduce. He multiplies his conquests even though he is always on the lookout for a soul mate. He values his freedom and if he marries, it's more out of interest;

  • Capricorn: symbol of ambition, social advancement and and solitude. This sign is avaricious, very patient and persevering. He has a sense of duty and organization. He suffers from hypersensitivity and a lack of self-confidence. The port of a blue chalcedony provides it with and allows him to communicate. This sign shows itself to be old before its time, it is too reasonable and too serious. He doesn't mind in front of work and ends up to succeed socially. At love, he loves solitude and does not seek true love. When he reaches a maturity, he began to think about getting married and start a family;

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, origins and the past. This sign is very shy and lives a lot in the house. nostalgia. He has a restless nature. Visit wearing a blue chalcedony allows him to confidence and makes it easier to communication with others. Sometimes he protects itself from those around it by forging a It can even be aggressive. He can sometimes be very unpleasant. He has need to evolve within its environment and feel safe. He is loyal and serious. At love, he's very sentimental and is quick on the uptake. looking to get married. He loves children and will to protect them.

Chakras connected to chalcedony blue

The wearing of a blue chalcedony acts on the throat chakra. It facilitates communication quality. It allows people who are too shy be able to express themselves clearly in public quality eloquence. It helps language acquisition in children very young children.

Maintenance, purification and chalcedony recharging blue

When buying a blue chalcedony, it is important to is essential to purify and recharge it. Since its extraction, the stone has been confronted with a multitude of energies, whether positive or negative. These operations are to be repeated in the at least once a month or after a intensive use.

Plunge the blue chalcedony into water of source for one or two hours. Dry with a soft cloth.

Put it in the sun for one or two hours or place it on an amethyst druse or a quartz cluster for 24 hours.