Reference : 3701459026050

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Accessories - Sons de Perles
Pierre(s) : Pinolite
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s): Black/White
Specifications Pearl size: 08mm
. Quality: AA = Very High
. Wire length (approx.): 42cm, corresponds to 2.5 bracelets

Vertus De La Pinolite :

On the one hand, Pinolite is a stone that in short, helps to appease anger and also the violence buried inside body and mind. As a result, this stone brings stability back to emotions.
On the other hand, it is also useful in case of fatigue. For it is a stone of energy and strength. It's also a stone of balance between YING and YANG. From the better the match between our emotions and consequently our mind. As a result, it balances the the body's energies to create harmony between body and mind
. Finally, this mineral is also very useful for meditation, as this stone is perfect for access to inner peace.

Tradition and Symbolism :

Tradition: Inner peace
. Chemical composition: Metamorphic rock composed mainly of magnesite


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