Reference : COL0098

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Collars - Collars on Silver
Pierre(s) : Pierre de Lune Gemme
Weight (in carats): 193cts
. Color(s): White / Blue Reflections
Color(s): White / Blue Reflections
Color(s): White / Blue Reflections Necklace size (in cm): 47 - 52
. Provenance of the Stone(s) : Sri-Lanka
. Quality: A = High
. *Sold with case.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name moonstone comes from distant civilizations that named stones according to their natural appearance or their physical characteristics.

The moonstone was so named because its striking resemblance to the moon. This stone has a soft color with reflections moon-like pearlescence.

In ancient times, there was a belief that the moonstone was in fact pieces of solidified moon that arrived on Earth. However, the name moonstone is a misnomer. a purely commercial name.

The scientific name of this stone is adularia. In fact, during the 18th century, a large deposit of this adularia stone was located on Mount Adula, on the border of the between Switzerland and Italy. Today, this deposit has unfortunately been exhausted.

Moonstone is also called Hecatolite in homage to Hecate, goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology.

Whatever you want to call it stone, it maintains a close link with the moon, which provides him with many virtues.

Stories of the moonstone

Whatever the civilization, the Moon and the Sun are stars that have always fascinated our ancestors. Our ancestors celestial power to moonstones.

It has been demonstrated that lunar cycles play an important role on the environment, on the the Earth, and on the seas. They also have a influence on men's moods, by causing disruptions to the sleep.

In ancient times, the Greeks worshipped the moonstone they had named Hecatolite after Hecate, their goddess of the moon. They gave him many offerings hoping to receive the power of clairvoyance and protection. This stone was the symbol of fertility and passion. Span by pregnant women, this stone protected their pregnancy.

In ancient Rome, femininity and giving were associated with the stone of moon. At the same time, this stone represented Diana, goddess of the moon and animals. She had the power to change friendly feelings in love. It also protected couples.

The Indians were convinced that the stone was a stone that had absorbed many lunar rays. There is another version which explains that the moonstone is in a fragment of the moon that fell to Earth. Nowadays today, in India, this pearly stone is still sacred.

In the Middle Ages, this moonstone was popular to the women who attributed to him the power to increase fertility and passion. Subsequently, this stone protected the pregnant woman and her fetus during pregnancy.

In Egypt, night travellers used to wear a moonstone pendant to protect them attacks and to fight against evil spirits.

In 1970, the moonstone became the emblem of Florida in honor of the center's Kennedy Space Center, where the rocket Apollo 11 for the first time to the moon in 1969.

Composition of moonstone

Stone is a mineral that belongs to the silicate group and is a member of the feldspars. Its hardness ranges from 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, making it an ideal stone for perfect for jewellery-making. This mineral presents different colors, beige pink, grey, black, with that pearly look and the adulescence phenomenon (shimmering under the stone surface with reflection of the light between its layers).

The deposits

The main deposits are located in India, at Madagascar, Australia, China United States, Sri Lanka, etc.

The moonstone

The beige moonstone to slightly orange, usually comes from deposits in India. It has a cloudy texture on a beige-brown background. This variety of translucent potassium feldspar can be even a bright orange.

Moonstone is most often found in cabochon form. Less famous than the white moonstone with blue reflections, it is nevertheless appreciated for the softness liberates.

The benefits of the stone of moon in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Moonstone exudes a softness and inspires feelings of peace. It acts on the the nervous system, leading to the dissipation of negative feelings such as anxiety and anxiety. It soothes the wearer and reduces psychic or psychological disorders psychological. It provides access to a state of quietude and serenity.

Wearing a moonstone is excellent for a couple. It strengthens feelings of love and passion. It contributes to maintain quality intimate relationships. By elsewhere, it reduces disputes and re-establishes communication. It promotes understanding and contributes to marital happiness.

This particular mineral develops the sensitivity, creativity and imagination. It also helps to strengthen extra-sensory abilities such as intuition and clairvoyance. It gives the ability to distinguish sincere and sincere people hypocrites.

Moreover, the moonstone worn on the first day of school or the first day in a new company makes it easy to get started, develops communication and exchanges. Visit holder of this stone is guided to meeting others. He possesses a spirit altruistic and enjoys contact with people.

Benefits for your health physics

Moonstone, like most gemstones moon is renowned for its beneficial effects on female cycles.

This stone helps to fight against the states intense sadness. It reduces stress and tension. Placed in a bedroom, it promotes quality sleep. It calms agitated thoughts at the moment of to bed.

This stone is frequently described as promotes proper functioning of the plexus chakra solar.

The moonstone and the signs astrological

Moonstone is a stone that releases feelings of gentleness and peace all over of the zodiac. It also possesses numerous virtues acting on all signs astrology. However, its benefits are accented on the following signs:

  • Gemini: symbol of the communication, exchanges and studies higher. This sign represents intelligence, curiosity and siblings. Visit wearing a beige moonstone develops its and imagination. A great curiosity, he behaves like an eternal student. Indeed, he's always thirsty for knowledge. He is pleasant and witty. His company is often sought after, and he has friends. He's always up to date and has a good sense of humor. He doesn't and is always on the move. He has adaptability. It multiplies talents and skills. However, he has a tendency to skim over subjects and not to go all the way. In love with change, he likes to travel a lot and discover new lands. In love, he's a great charmer. His optimistic nature is a huge hit. He forages from flower to flower and multiplies relationships. He is seductive and pleasant. However, beneath its light appearance dream of finding true love and living a beautiful story;

  • Cancer: a symbol of the family, origins and the past. This sign represents imagination, sensitivity and nostalgia. Wearing a beige moonstone strengthens his extra-sensory faculties and accentuates its intuition. This sign is often anxious and fragile. He constantly needs to be reassured and to evolve in the midst of its own. When this sign feels safe, it develops a lot of creativity. In the midst of his own, he shows great imagination. He needs to feel softness and warmth. serenity around him. He's always afraid of being abandoned and knows indispensable. He likes to help others. He can be unpleasant, because he hides his fragility under a shell. He is not tempted by adventure and prefers his routine. Be careful, because he may start sulking like a child and it's up to the other to do the first step. In love, he's tender, gentle and sentimental. He's one of those people emotionally dependent. His or her partner will need to reassure him constantly. Once he is sensual and loves to have fun. cuddles. On the other hand, he can be jealous and possessive. As soon as he becomes a parent, he reveals strength and protection;

  • Capricorn: symbol of of ambition, social advancement and maturity. This sign represents solitude perseverance and patience. Wearing a pierre de lune beige expands its communications and exchanges with others. From an early age, he knows what he wants in life. He'll do anything to goals. He is a person of trust and responsibility. This sign is associated with knowledge and expertise. He is often referred to as a psychorigid, because he exudes a certain coldness. He has a lot of difficult to trust and doesn't reveal himself easily. Sensitive and introverted, he needs to be recognition, especially in its own milieu professional. He also enjoys his loneliness. Very uncomfortable in her body and in his mind, it will take some time for him to become aware of its value. It is often a party-pooper and is definitely not a party animal. At love, he has a lot of complexes and shows of great shyness. This sign won't let go and finds it difficult to tune his confidence. Full of doubts, he prefers to move on to a love story rather than suffering. Very proud, he dreams of finding sincere, genuine love. With time and the years, he learns to be happy and can have a beautiful relationship.

The moonstone and the chakras

Moonstone balances the sacral chakra. This chakra is located on the belly, about 5 cm in below the navel. It influences emotions, pleasures, sexuality. The sacral chakra makes the person capable of self-sufficiency to herself. She has a fulfilling sex life and feels good about her body. The person does open-mindedness, a sense of responsibility and trust, compassion and empathy.

Signs of a sacred chakra, unbalanced, leading to the closure of the to the outside world. It also represses its emotions and does not open up to others.

The sacral chakra out of balance, too open, causes bouts of gluttony and a hyperemotivity. The person may show aggressiveness, manipulation and has a unbridled sexual behavior. She often part of the so-called dependent population affective.

The sacral chakra, unbalanced, closed often stems from an overly strict upbringing, treating sexuality as something taboo. The person is blocked and possesses many deep-seated fears. She has not self-confidence and is always afraid of being abandoned.

Maintenance, purification and the refill of the moon

Since its extraction, moonstone has not can no longer be purified or recharged at with the help of elements in its environment, such as than the sun, the earth and spring water. From more, the beige moonstone has been in contact with many influential people in the both positive and negative. As soon as he arrived at within your household, it is essential to purify and recharge it. The following operations must be carried out in maintenance at least once a month.

Plunge your beige moonstone into an glass of spring water for 2 hours. Dry gently with a towel. soft cloth. For lighter purification, use the sage fumigation technique or place your stone in a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge your moonstone with rays outside the full moon. You can also also place it in the hollow of a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.