Reference : 3701459033225

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Bracelets Rolled Stones
Pierre(s) : Bronzite
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Pearl size (in mm): 06 x 08
. Color(s) : Brown/Black
Specifications Quality: A = High
. *Bead size can vary from plus or minus 1 to 2 mm

Non-contractual photo

Stories and legends

We found no trace of a legend in Egyptian mythology, Greek or Roman bronzite. The etymology of bronzitis is very recent, because it dates back to 1807.

On the other hand, it seems that this stone has been identified in the Greek and Roman empires under the name of enstatite, a derivative of the term Greek "enstate", which translates as "adversary".

In fact, enstatite is also a mineral species of the silicate group, of the pyroxene family. However, enstatite and bronzite are indeed two stones both belonging to the silicate family.

Bronzite differs from enstatite for its composition, which is very rich in iron and magnesium silicate. It owes its name to its color and appearance resembling the bronze. It has a beautiful brown color oscillates between pearly and pale. Her beautiful reflections are the result of weather events and training geology.

It is also said that you can see a cat's eye according to its orientation to the artificial light or sunlight. Unalterable with acid, it melts however, due to the large number of the iron it contains. It is made up of small black or red crystals. green. It is also remarkable with its sparkling submetallic.

In Greco-Roman times, this stone was endowed with numerous medicinal virtues, with protective powers. The Romans crushed the bronzite and reduced it to powder. In fact, this powder was used to combat against mental illness and strengthened nerves. She also had healing powers physics. But among the Greeks, it was used mainly as a protective amulet to give courage to warriors.

Today, bronzitis is used mainly for jewelry making or in the silversmithing. In fact, modern goldsmithing mainly concerns manufacturing, the transformation of various objects domestic use, furnishings and accessories tableware.

The deposits

The most remarkable bronzite deposits are to be found in Brazil, Madagascar Austria, South Africa, etc.

The benefits of bronzitis in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Bronzite is a stone that possesses a unique warm color and offers a wide range of therapeutic properties. It is particularly reputed to bring feelings of well-being, happiness and peace interior.

People suffering from hypersensitivity, who are overly emotional can thus live harmony by wearing bronzite on them. Bronzite helps to free oneself from the wounds of the past and free the mind from the nuisances such as stress or certain buried traumatic events.

It helps to rebuild one's life and to her projects. She has the power eliminate negative thoughts and blockages that prevent anyone from blossom. It promotes self-control and gives you the ability to manage emotions.

This stone also symbolizes tenderness and conciliation. It is of great benefit for people who are too reserved or by fostering relationships with others. It is nicknamed the "courtesy stone" because it develops self-respect and respect for others. It encourages us to reach out to others with confidence and an open mind. We say that it can re-establish links and reconcile people angry with each other others.

Bronzitis develops self-confidence and optimism. It brings great capacities discernment, which in turn encourages the the right decisions in certain situations complicated. It also makes it possible to keep your cool in all situations circumstances.

It provides light energy and radiant. So bronzite inspires courage necessary to achieve our objectives. It effectively combats intense sadness and eliminates tension buried for years, responsible for mental disorders. It soothes and inner peace.

Benefits for your health physics

Bronzite keeps waves away and negative energies. In this way, it invades the body with vibratory waves positive.

In addition, it supports the plexus chakra and the crown chakra.

It ensures proper fluid circulation body.

It's beneficial action helps to eliminate stress-related discomforts.

Bronzitis and astrological signs associates

Bronzite is a stone with powerful medicinal properties for all signs of disease of the zodiac. However, she is particularly recommended for natives of the following signs :

  • Taurus: symbol of the stability, stubbornness and loyalty. This sign represents fertility. It is linked to nature and the Earth. He loves to own, whether material possession or control over others. Wearing a bronzite helps him learn respect of others. This sign never makes decisions lightly, weighing up the pros and cons. He doesn't let himself be influenced. He manages to life's difficulties and hates changes. In love, he is a great sensuality and needs tenderness. He wishes to quickly start a family and is very faithful. Be careful, however, as it can excessive jealousy.

  • Balance: symbol of the peace, justice and harmony. This sign goes particularly well with a stone bronzite. This stone provides soothing fosters quality relationships between people. This sign is for commitments, but he tends to be hesitant when he has to make a decision. He is so much for peace that choosing sides that another poses a problem. This indecision can be very irritating for the people around them. This sign needs to feel loved and admired. He has a taste for order and perfect harmony. In love, he is very romantic. He wishes quickly get married, because he can't stand living alone.

  • Gemini: symbol of the communication, exchange and curiosity. It represents the bond between brother and sister. It is pleasant and charming. His presence is often sought-after, he loves others. The port bronzitis reinforces this sociable aspect. has confidence in the human race. He has always need to be stimulated intellectually. He is moving forward with his life, but has a background anxious. He feels many emotions that he hides from others. Having bronzitis does him a world of good and teaches her to overcome her anxieties. In love, He likes to get to know others. He can be superficiality and flitting around a lot. It will calm down with age and the years.

  • Lion: symbol of the power, royalty and pride. He represents glory, flattery and vanity. Wearing a bronzite causes him to feel respect for others and greater self-esteem. modest. This sign needs to be admired and surrounded by those closest to him. However, he is of great generosity. He loves to share he possesses. Voluntary, he achieves the objectives he sets himself. He does not can't stand pettiness and low blows, and likes to hit back. In love, he is ardent and passionate. He finds it hard to resist and faithful. But when he found the soul sister, it's for life. This sign cannot live without love.

The chakras linked to the bronzite

Bronzite is especially favourable for the chakra of the heart and solar plexus chakras.

She is involved with the heart and reveals beautiful qualities: gentleness, tenderness sociability and well-being.

Concerning the solar plexus chakra, the bronzite enables reconciliation with others and with oneself and improves relationships human beings in general.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the bronzite

Whatever the shape of the bronzite stone you've just acquired, you need to proceed to purification and recharging. In fact, when from its extraction to your home, this stone has been exposed to energies of all kinds kinds. The following operations are to be carried out at least once a month or after intensive use.

Submerge your stone in distilled water and lightly salted for one or two hours. Dry with a cloth soft.

Recharge in the rising sun for one hour or when fumigating. You can also also recharge it on a druse or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.

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