Reference : 3701459045792

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 16mm
Pierre(s) : Jasper K2
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Grey / White / Blue
Color(s) : Grey / White / Blue
Color(s) : Grey / White / Blue Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = High

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

Natural stone owes its name according to their color, mythology, religion, etc. their history or place of extraction. This is exactly the case for this stone named K2 jasper.

This K2 jasper comes from Mount K2 located in Himalaya, the world's second highest peak at 8,620 metres altitude. Discovered in 1520, K2 jasper is not has no associated legends or myths. In fact, very little is known about its history.

In the 16th century, only those living in near Mount K2 were familiar with this stone. They attributed to it an immense power to protection and healing. Indeed, they worn as pendants.

But at this altitude, the environment is hostile and stone quarrying conditions K2 jasper are extremely difficult. Oxygen is rarer and you need to have a excellent physical condition to carry out the ascent of this mountain.

Thus, this stone is relatively rare on the gemstone market due to the enormous difficulties for its extraction.

K2 jasper has this name but in reality this stone is composed of 80% silicate, granite speckled with blue azurite inclusions and/or of brown biotite.

Granite crystallizes in the depths of the earth, then slowly rises to the surface. It is a magmatic plutonic rock with the following characteristics a grainy, quartz-rich texture. Granite is the result of slow cooling huge masses of magma.

In parallel, azurite is a variety a mineral composed of copper carbonate. This stone has been known for thousands of years. Traces of azurite have been discovered in pots of ointments dating from the 4th dynasty Egyptian. The Greeks called it kuanos meaning cyan and the Egyptians under the name of caeruleum.

K2 jasper, light in color, possesses many magnificent azurite inclusions in the form of intense blue circles. You might think hand-painted and leaves nothing to be desired. no one indifferent.

K2 jasper has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on Mohs scale. For comparison, diamond is the hardest stone, i.e. 10 on this same scale. It's a variety that's widely used in jewelry. Nowadays, many collectors want their own K2 jasper specimen. Furthermore, the this stone's constitution gives it numerous virtues in lithotherapy.

The deposits

The deposit is in Afghanistan.

The benefits of K2 jasper in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

K2 jasper is a stone of great beauty. power. It protects its wearer by absorbing negative energies and influences that around it. It allows you to refocus differences in attitude. He avoids and the need to avoid weaknesses.

This stone is reputed to help develop communication with others. It develops self-confidence and self-assurance. The wearer of a K2 jasper feels more at ease when public speaking. His speech is and his audience is won over. And so it is, oral expression becomes his strong point. This stone fights language tics or stuttering.

K2 jasper helps you to live in the present, and to overcome past traumas. It effectively combats anxieties and fears blockages caused by the traumas of the past. childhood. He faces and overcomes life's difficulties and is a great help at painful moments (death of a loved one, etc.) expensive, break-up or redundancy, etc.).

From a spiritual point of view, K2 jasper spreads the energy of the K2 mountain and provides peace and harmony. It promotes meditation, improves mental connections and stimulates psychic energy. It helps channel and control emotions. It opens the mind, engenders compassion and empathy towards others.

Benefits for your health physics

K2 jasper helps the body function properly throat chakra.

This stone is an excellent mineral for the adolescent development.

K2 jasper helps to overcome states of intense sadness and helps to combat anxiety. It reduces stress and its effects on the whole body.

It balances yin and yang energies. Thus, it harmonizes the body on both the physical, mental and emotional.

K2 jasper and astrological signs associates

K2 jasper radiates positive energy and a beautiful harmony on all the natives of the zodiac. However, some astrological signs develop even stronger affinities, such as the following signs:

  • Gemeaux: symbol of the communication, trade and commerce. This sign represents the written word, loves news technologies and is forward-looking. It is often with great intelligence and curiosity. Wearing a K2 jasper develops communication skills with others. Charming, sociable and very spiritual, his company is sought-after and appreciated. Often in motion, this sign has the ability to adapt to any environment he finds himself in. He hates routine and likes to be surrounded by lots of friends. He knows convincing his audience, handles words with brio and is an excellent speaker. He needs to be mentally stimulated and often behaves of a student. He loves to own new skills. However, it tends to to spread themselves too thinly and not follow through many projects. In love, this sign has difficulty commitment. He likes to multiply relationships and discover new people. He hates routine and fears losing his freedom. However, he is a romantic who believes to true love. In time, he calm and can finally build a lasting relationship ;

  • Capricorn: symbol of the maturity, patience and perseverance. This sign represents solitude, duty and the method. Wearing a K2 jasper allows him to overcome anxiety. Naturally anxious, he hides it under a certain coldness and does not not easily revealed. He has big ambitions and doesn't hesitate to work hard for achieve them. From childhood, he has demonstrated and is very reasonable. Moreover, this sign is associated with the knowledge and expertise. It needs be socially recognized and achieve professional success. Very proud not to betray it, because it is extremely and his vengeance can be terrible. Suffering from great sensitivity, he has to trust. He is self-sufficient, and solitude does not fear. In love, he is of great modesty and has to show his feelings. Terribly complexed, he doesn't open up easily. He dreams sincere love and is very loyal. When he falls in love for life ;

  • Verseau: symbol of the modernity, friendship and freedom. This sign stands for utopia, originality and science. Wearing a K2 jasper allows him to channeling and controlling emotions. This sign shows a lot of psychology and knows how to perfectly understand his interlocutor. He can even manipulate it. He has a very idealistic vision of life and dreams of a egalitarian world where the spread of knowledge would be the same for everyone. It can even go so far as to marginalize itself and become anarchic. He shows a lot of intuition and great originality. However, it can reveal a great intolerance and believe themselves to be superior to everyone else. world. This sign has a very strong personality. difficult to pin down. Often a trailblazer, he likes to go ahead and try things surprising. In love, he can be very and love pornography. He has a unbridled sexuality. He's not looking not to start a family, but to have fun. pleasure. He loves libertinage and his partner will have to love it too. In general, he hates routine and prefers celibacy.

K2 jasper and the chakras

K2 jasper is reputed to promote communication and perfectly balances the throat chakra. This is located on the larynx. This chakra allows you to become aware of reality and lets go. Visit harmonized throat chakra develops the communication and gives to express what we feel (our desires), emotions, feelings). The message is clear and the words used are honest and harmonious.

An unbalanced throat chakra can cause a lack of self-confidence and irony. It leads to aggression and malice. It triggers feelings anxiety, insecurity, immense stress. The person becomes shy, nervous and suffers. insomnia.

Maintenance, purification and jasper recharging K2

The conditions for extracting K2 jasper are extremely complicated, even dangerous. The altitude of this K2 mountain (8,620 m) causes breathing problems and requires intense training. The marketing of this stone is therefore complicated.

This stone diffuses energy and mountain harmony. However, as soon as Upon arrival at your home, you must its purification and recharging, because its The journey to you has been very difficult. These operations should be carried out at least once a year. once a month to keep all the the effectiveness of your stone.

Plunge your K2 jasper into a glass of water of source. Place this glass in the middle of a plate filled with sea salt. After 6 or 7 hours, dispose of the salt outside your home. Gently dry the stone with a cloth. soft cloth. You can also purify it with the white sage fumigation technique (light purification), that of burial in the ground (for at least one year) week) or with a Tibetan bowl for less intense purification.

Recharge your stone by dropping it off at the morning sun for about 3 hours, or in the placed in an amethyst geode or on an quartz clusters for 24 hours.

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