Reference : 3701459026739

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 10mm
Pierre(s) : Yooperlite
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s): Black / Grey / Bordeaux
Special color: Black / Grey / Bordeaux
Special color: Black / Grey / Bordeaux Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

History and legends

In 2018, Erik Rintamaki, passionate dealer of minerals, takes a stroll on a lake beach Superior, near Michigan in the United States, and discover three little pebbles fluorescent.

For the record, fluorescence is a property possessed by certain minerals "absorb and re-emit light in the form of wavelength radiation greater. A distinction is made between fluorescence stops as soon as illumination ceases, from the phosphorescence, which persists". (Source www.larousse.fr).

Curious, he then decides to send the stones from its discovery to the Michigan Tech. The university identified as clasts (fragments of mineral or organic origin used in the rock composition) of syenite containing fluorescent sodalite. This variety unique mineral had not yet been previously identified. These stones have been named "yooperlite" after the nickname "yooper" given to the inhabitants of the peninsula of Michigan.

In an interview with the French TV channel CBS, Erik Rintamaki said "I've been blown away by the sheer number of stones found on these beaches! He also started organizing group hunts on the south shore of the lake. All you need is a black-light lamp and sweep the stones and pebbles on the beach. Thanks to the the presence of fluorescent sodalite, the stones give off an incredible orange or yellow glow to the passage of the UV lamp's rays.

In light of the recent discovery of the yooperlite, there's no such thing as legends or myths related to it. No jewelry or antique objects in yooperlite were only discovered during the archaeological digs.

The main yooperlite deposits are in Russia.

Yooperlite and its benefits in lithotherapy

Psychological benefits

Yooperlite has the reputation of being a stone of truth. Its wearer expresses his feelings and emotions objectively. He doesn't hide his emotions and shows of great frankness. This stone enables release negative thoughts, anger, anger jealousy, etc.

It's a stone that fights phobias and buried fears. Most of the time, this are blockages linked to traumas dating back of childhood. It encourages us to move forward in life and achieve objectives.

Yooperlite encourages introspection and reconnecting with your inner self. She is excellent for meditation. It provides insight and clarity. It facilitates access to inner peace, to serenity.

This stone encourages you to overcome your anxieties, anxiety and boost self-confidence. Visit opens up to others and develops feelings of compassion and empathy. This stone stimulates acceptance and self-esteem self.

It is recommended for students in examination period and to people in retraining, as it facilitates memorization. It gives confidence and a beautiful eloquence, ideal for oral exams.

Physical benefits

Yooperlite is a stone recommended for combat intense sadness. It reboosts the wearer and enables him or her to projects again. He feels invaded by a new energy.

This stone, placed in a room, promotes quality, restful sleep. It banishes nightmares and reduces the number of awakenings night-time. It restores vitality as soon as awakening.

It helps combat weight gain, by encouraging the wearer to adopt a healthy lifestyle. healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

It ensures proper fluid circulation body.

Yooperlite and astrological signs associated

Yooperlite is a stone that acts on all the natives of the zodiac. However, there are a few like many stones, the yooperlite develops affinities with certain astrological signs. These include for the following signs:

  • Lion: symbol of the royalty, nobility and power. This sign represents pride, vanity and the flattery. Wearing a yooperlite allows him to objectively express their feelings and concerns feelings. He often shows of authoritarianism, very accustomed to being obey. He can even be tyrannical. He likes to live in a world of parties and leisure activities. Very generous, he loves to share with those around him. He never spends unnoticed and is often the focus of attentions. He even has the unfortunate tendency to speak for everyone. At ease in group, he is often surrounded by a court that that gravitates around him and admires him. Voluntary, he knows what he wants from an early age do in life. He's a hard worker who always ends up getting what he wants. He can be despotic with those around him, because he expects unfailing devotion. From a loyal and straightforward nature, he can't stand and betrayal. In love, he burns of ardor and desire. It does not tolerate refusal and may take offense. He needs to be and admire. He appreciates conquest which reassures him about his ego. However, he likes the idea of marriage;
  • Verseau: symbol of the modernity, friendship and freedom. This sign represents science, news technologies and originality. Wearing a yooperlite gives him a spirit of insight and clarity, making it easy for him to access to inner peace and serenity. This sign dreams of a more fairer, more egalitarian. It is sometimes anarchy and revolt. His vision of society is very utopian. Entirely focused on others, it's the sign of altruism, universal love and of plurality. He has a high vision of human being and believes in the goodness of humanity. A sign of the future, he likes to develop new technologies. Hard to keep up with is interested in all things innovative. He has often has many ideas in mind and has always a step ahead. But he tends to get started on his projects and not finish. He lives in his thoughts and is very difficult to pin down. Sometimes he shows pride and intolerance. In love, he is wary of passion and prefers to live a friendly relationship. Her partner must be independent and not deprive him of his freedom. He prefers pacs to marriage;
  • Fish: symbol of the religion, infinity and faith. This sign represents mysticism, sacrifice and clairvoyance. Wearing a yooperlite helps combat phobias and fears often caused by traumatic experiences of childhood. This sign is whimsical, idealistic and impressionable. He can thus addictions, living at night and marginalize themselves completely. He is often double and changeable and has a personality difficult to pin down. He is rather introverted and needs his moments of solitude. He enjoys deconditioning and evolving in a world of fantasies. He has a strong artistic, particularly in music. He appreciates art and beautiful things. He has a very good taste in clothing and likes to spend decorating his home. He has intuition, and luck often accompanies it. He often shows great compassion and empathy, often towards those most in need. In love, he is sentimental, romantic and tender. However, it also has a libertine side where he experiments with all kinds of relationships erotic. When he finds his soul mate, he has need to idealize her sometimes detriment. He sometimes devalue. It has to come back to reality to build a story sustainable.

Yooperlite and the chakras

Yooperlite helps balance the body's throat chakra. This chakra is located in the throat, vocal cords and bronchial tubes. A balanced throat chakra enables the person to express his or her innermost emotions deep. She communicates with a clear voice and composed. She loves to give and receives a lot. She has a natural tact and enjoys being listening to others. She distributes her advice that is always of the highest quality.

The throat chakra unbalanced, too much open, triggers low self-esteem. The lack of self-confidence and a lack of self-confidence. She seeks to attract attention with foul language and vulgar. She uses irony to hurt, is mean, manipulative and aggressive. This person is very often faith.

The throat chakra, unbalanced, blocked, trapping the person in a state of unease difficult to manage. She doesn't release her emotions and finds it difficult to express herself. The speeches she makes are often inaudible, incomprehensible and sometimes rude. She often babbles, shows herself stressed and lacking in confidence.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the yooperlite

From its collection to your home, yooperlite could neither purify nor recharge itself at with the help of the elements of nature, such as water, earth or sun. Handled from many times, she met with various energies, positive or negative.

As soon as it arrives at your home, it is important to purify and clean it. recharge. The following operations are to be carried out at least once a year months or after intensive use in lithotherapy.

Plunge your yooperlite into a glass of water spring. Fill a soup plate with salt and place your glass in the center of the glass. plate for about 2 hours. Discard salt outside your home. Dry your yooperlite delicately using a soft cloth. For lighter purification, use the sage fumigation technique or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your yooperlite with the sun's rays afternoon for about 2 hours or place it in an amethyst geode or on an a quartz cluster for 24 hours.