Reference : 3701459011902

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 08mm
Pierre(s) : Stichitis
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Purple / Dark
Color(s) : Purple / Dark
Color(s) : Purple / Dark
Color(s) : Purple / Dark Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

Stories and legends

In 1910, the stichtite was described by the mineralogist William Frederick Petterd (1849-1910), who named it in honour of the Australian Robert C. Sicht (1857-1922). Mr. Sicht was Manager of Mount Lyelle Mining and Railway Company, a mining company in Tasmania. From 1893 to 1994, this company, more commonly called Mount Lyell, was the main west coast copper mining company, based in Queenstown, Tasmania. Stichtite was discovered while mining this mine.

Stichtite is an inflammatory mineral species of the carbonate group and of the subgroup of hydrated carbonates, presenting traces of iron. It is a hydroxylated carbonate (with hydrated magnesium and copper) belonging to the hydrotalcite group. This stone is violet or lilac color, which has waxy, opaque layers, occurring in the aggregates of scales or micaceous fibers. It appears in serpentine rocks, we This is known as stichtite on serpentine, also known as atlantisite or tasmanite.

The discovery of the stichtite is extremely recent, and there are no no legends, no myths about her. By On the other hand, this stone is very fragile. Visit Indeed, stichtite has a hardness of 1 to 3 on the Mohs scale. In addition, it is very brittle. For comparison, diamond has the hardness highest, 10 on the same scale. It also has a pearly sheen, resinous and fatty.

Stichtite is of metamorphic origin. The rocks metamorphic rocks are formed during the solid-state transformation of rocks sedimentary, magmatic or metamorphic. These transformations take place over a long period due to changes in the pressure, temperature or moisture content. water.

The deposits

The main in Australia, Brazil and the United States. in Canada.

Les benefits of stichtite in lithotherapy

Benefits for the skin psychic level

Stichtite is an inflammatory soothing stone. It helps fight fears, anxieties and fears of the future. pain. It brings the necessary comfort the loss of a loved one, whether as a result of a death or a break-up. She gives you the strength to put things into perspective and mourn of this loss.

During blockades related to past traumas, stichtite makes them easier to understand and solve. It gives us the strength to move forward, and sometimes even start from scratch. She provides the solution and the way to get rid of all suffering. She works on memories and guilt accumulated.

Stichtite liberates material possessions. Its wearer is more obsessed with acquiring things and refocuses on the well-being of the mind. By for example, he learns to reconnect with the nature and its elements. He is able to recharge your batteries in contact with trees or the earth. He becomes more zen and serene.

This serenity fosters openness towards others and a desire to or help people. It will developing empathy, compassion and understanding. He enjoys listening and help others. It becomes more affordable and more sincere.

Benefits for the skin physical

Stichtite is an inflammatory excellent stone for people suffering from hyperactivity. It refocuses the person and helps her sort through all those ideas in his head. It therefore a better night's sleep. Thus, it provides quality sleep that generates energy. vitality.

This vitality encourages stichtite sufferers to resume physical activity and a healthy diet. The consequences of this recovery on the body. It promotes elimination.

Stichtite and the astrological signs associates

Stichtite is an inflammatory stone with strong vibratory powers. Visit the benefits and virtues it provides act on all the natives of the zodiac. However, stone can sometimes develop stronger affinities with certain signs astrological signs. This is the case for following:

  • Balance: the symbol of balance, justice and peace. This sign represents elegance marriage and harmony. Wearing a stichtite increases empathy for others, develops his desire to get to know and help others. This sign hates solitude and likes to evolve in the midst of social events. He shows great sociability and pleasant company sought-after. He hates conflict and makes a an excellent mediator, restoring harmony. This sign dreams of a fairer, more equitable world. egalitarian. However, it tends to make vanity, appreciates being looked at and especially admired. He has artistic gifts, particularly for dance. Known for his kindness, this sign is an excellent confidant. At times, he suffers from anxiety, anguish and will take refuge in a reassuring routine. So, sometimes he gets bored and set off on an adventure, to meet new people. Underneath its smiling and The company's warm welcome hides an iron will, and determination. In love, he's a great romantic, very sentimental. Love affairs don't tempt him. He is the sign of marriage. It is for harmony and peace in the relationship. He must feel admired and appreciated by his or her spouse, because it has a vital need to please;
  • Scorpion: the symbol of death, sexuality and instinct. This sign represents desire mystery and transformation. Wearing a stichtite helps overcome blockages related to past traumas. This sign can extreme, tyrannical, even, violent. He has a tendency to hold grudges and jealous. He has the ability to identify his interlocutor psychologically and can go to the point of manipulation. He has a taste for success and competition. It can to get what he wants. wants. He hates to lose and ends up winning. On the other hand, this sign is loyal and affection. But be careful he doesn't forgive pettiness or betrayal. Underneath its formidable exterior, it can be affectionate and loving. He is a great He is demanding of himself and of others. He a great deal of sensitivity that he hides beneath aggressiveness. In love, he's passionate, ardent and possessive. He often has relationships complicated love affairs. He seems to shuns simplicity. It seeks to merge with his partner. He has the reputation of being a extraordinary lover. In time, he becomes more tender and makes an excellent spouse;
  • Capricorn: symbol of ambition, loneliness and maturity. This sign represents the elevation patience and solitude. The harbor of stichtite gives him the strength to go from strength to strength. forward, to be able to start from scratch and to free themselves from accumulated suffering. Early on, this sign knows what it wants to do with its life. He is going to work hard to achieve its objectives: social and economic professional. He is methodical, organization and integrity. Instead, it will forsaking leisure for work. It is said associated with knowledge and expertise. He finds it hard to trust. He is cautious and restrained, with a great deal of rigor. It is even perceived as being psychorigid. He likes to acquire and possess numerous real estate and equipment assets. He has very few friends and loves her moments of solitude. It's a proud and resentful sign. He knows no forgiveness. In love, it is impossible nor to let go, nor to trust. He is always on his guard. He prefers not to a relationship rather than suffer rejection. He suffers from complexes and shyness. He can't to be confident. But with years, he becomes aware of his own value and can finally start a family.

The stichtite and chakras

Stichitis helps to balance the heart. This chakra is located on the sternum at the front and between the shoulder blades at back. Heart chakra harmonized, acceptance of oneself and others. others. The person is confident and has open-mindedness. She demonstrates helpful and likes to look after others. She has a beautiful joie de vivre communicative.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, too open, leads to two types of problems behaviours. Either the person demonstrates the greatest devotion to others in the to the detriment of oneself, or it is on the contrary narcissistic and is only interested in herself. She becomes critical, jealous, possessive and demanding.

The heart chakra unbalanced, blocked, shows that the person is totally closed to others. It is in angry, irritated, egotistical and indifferent. The person is unable to love, nor to make decisions. She has always afraid of rejection.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, underactive, causes disappointments in love. This will prefer to invest in all kinds of intellectual activities rather than trying to live a relationship in love.

The interview, purification and recharging of the stichtite

Since its launch extraction to your home, stichtite can neither be purified nor recharged at using elements of nature such as water, sun and earth. She was manipulated numerous times and may have been in contact with various influences, both positive and negative negative. She may even have lost of its effectiveness.

As soon as he joined the in your home, proceed with purification and recharge your stichtite. By In addition, the following operations are maintenance at least once a year months or after use in lithotherapy.

In view of its low hardness, run your stichtite under running water only for a few minutes seconds. Gently pat dry with with a soft cloth to remove any residue. traces of limescale and the last impurities. Then, for lighter purification, use white sage fumigation or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your stichtite to the rays of the moon, outside the or place it on a geode. or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.