Reference : 3701459026937

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 08mm
Pierre(s) : Spinelle Blue
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Blue/Black
Specifications Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = High

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

Spinel is a a precious stone with a reputation for being confused with sapphires or rubies. Spinel is a magnesium aluminate, coloured with chromium or iron. It has a cubic crystal formation like diamond. However, unlike diamonds that have a perfect cleavage, spinel has poor cleavage, which facilitates its cut.

Spinel is used for etymological origin the Latin word "spina for thorn or "spinula" for small thorn in because of the shape of its crystals. There is a another etymology from the Greek "spinther translating as sparkling or scintillating.

Spinel has a very strong hardness of 8 on the Mohs scale, which makes it provides perfect hardness for use in jewelry. For comparison, diamonds have a hardness of 10, the highest on this same scale. Moreover, unlike rubies and sapphires, spinel is very rarely heated or treated.

Highly requested by or jewellers, spinel is the ideal material for however, in limited quantities, often on the market. Spinels are unique refraction like garnets or diamonds.

Blue spinel is a special stone. In fact, there are very few of blue stones in nature. On sapphire is the most famous. It is topaz obtains its color from the blue with irradiation treatment and the tanzanite must be heated to become blue.

Blue spinel has a color chart that ranges from blue-grey to violet-blue to greenish-blue and blue cobalt. Lighter shades tend to more sparkle and fire depending on type light to which they are exposes.

The most popular colors are the most coveted spinel colors red and blue. In its finest gem, spinel can be judged as much than ruby or sapphire. Thus blue spinel or red spinel is of interest to the or collectors. It can be mounted as a ring, an earring, or as a pendants, etc.

Some spinels cut into cabochons can present a very special asterism with a beautiful 6-pointed star visible under a beam of light.

There's no such thing as legends or myths linked to this stone. The reason is very simple: spinels have been mistaken for rubies (for reds) or sapphires (for blues). They were often confused in good or bad faith with royal or ecclesiastical achievements. What explains its absence from the texts history.

The most popular spinel is the one that adorns Catherine's crown II of Russia. Around 400 carats in weight and a intense red, it now belongs to the Kremlin treasure.

The deposits

The main high-grade spinel deposits are in progress. Burma, Sri Lanka, Africa, etc.

Les benefits of blue spinel in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Blue spinel has many virtues, including that of calming the nervous system, stress and anxiety. It can be used to identify the nature of certain psychological blocks, often linked to childhood traumas. Once the blockages identified, the wearer can then move forward, free yourself from the past, enjoy the present and prepare for the future.

Blue spinel is a stone conducive to meditation and connection with your inner self. It provides spiritual elevation, develops concentration. It facilitates memorization and is recommended for students, seniors training or retraining. It leads to better assimilation of information.

Blue spinel develops self-assurance and self-confidence. If the wearer is a person in full questioning herself, the blue spinel restores self-esteem. It combats excessive shyness, complexes and doubts. The wearer feels well-being and serenity. It is a stone soothing.

In addition, the blue spinel acts on libido problems. It is strongly recommended that couples that have been meeting with a certain lassitude. It rekindles the desire between joint.

His physical benefits

Blue spinel is an anti-stress stone that soothes the system and reduces tension. It proves an energy booster. It also keeps restless thoughts and worries at bay when falling asleep. The wearer does not no longer suffers from insomnia and gets a good night's sleep quality.

Thus spinel gives you the energy you need to overcome fatigue. Moreover, it seems that this blue stone helps the body to perform recover. It is renowned for its benefits on female cycles.

Spinel blue and astrological signs associates

Blue spinel is a stone with powerful benefits and virtues that apply to all natives of the zodiac. However, like many stones, he has a particular attraction for certain astrological signs. This is the case for the following astrological signs:

  • Cancer symbol of family, origins and the nostalgia. This sign represents imagination, home and sensitivity. Wearing a blue spinel allows him to develop self-assurance and self-confidence him. It helps combat shyness and doubts. Indeed, this sign suffers from excessive shyness, which he tends to hide under an aggressive and unpleasant. He likes to be surrounded by his family and friends. When he feels reassured, he becomes very creative. Whatever his for him, it's a way for him to to free the mind. He's always afraid of being abandoned and does his utmost to feel indispensable. Very generous, he loves taking care of others. He sometimes has a immature character, can be capricious and can sulking like a child. He works loyal and conscientious. Visit love, it is very tender and very sentimental. He likes softness and is looking for partner who will protect and reassure him. He's one of those so-called dependents emotional. Adventure or adventures do not tempting, he prefers to have a relationship stable;

  • Lion a symbol of power and nobility and vanity. This sign represents glory, royalty and flattery. Wearing a blue spinel enhances spiritual elevation and develops concentration. This sign loves evolve in the world of luxury and leisure. He loves to be the focus of attention and flattery. He needs to feel admired. He knows that it leaves no one indifferent. By He also has a nasty habit of speaking in the name of everyone. Dominant, proud and determined. He is used to being obeyed and if you contradict him, he gets violently angry. He can be tyrannical and violent. However, the he willingly shares with his court of admirers. Ambitious, he knew early on what what he wants to do with his life. He works to achieve his goals. He has need for professional success for him a good lifestyle. In love, he is passionate, ardent and seductive. He reassures his ego through the number of his conquests. He never can't live without love, and as the years go by, he and can finally build a relationship sustainable;

  • Virgo: symbol of organization, efficiency and method and science. This sign represents logic, perfection and criticism. The port of a blue spinel fights shyness complexes and doubts. Indeed, this sign suffers from awkward shyness and has a lot of anxiety. He is very organized and a perfectionist. He is also of a formidable demand on him and on others. He's very manic and can't stand not dirt. It's also the champion of household chores. He possesses a ingenious and technical. He is often called upon for his knowledge. In this way, he provides a service with pleasure. His lack of self-confidence prevents him from shining and he often finds himself relegated to the background. He hides his complexes behind a cold attitude bordering on the contempt. He's a real workaholic. doesn't count the hours. A great susceptibility, he can't stand reproaches. On the other hand, he is highly critical of others. In love, this sign is paralyzed by his complexes, his shyness and his great lack of self-confidence. He prefers solitude, rather than suffer a failure in love. He married only for comfort or reason.

Spinel blue and the chakras

Blue spinel helps balance the third chakra eye. This chakra is located between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose. It gives access to spiritual intuition and insight. conscience.

This chakra provides knowledge, know-how and intuition. It stimulates memory and imagination. The person demonstrates wisdom and self-understanding. She to overcome the difficulties of life.

This chakra unbalanced, not very open makes the person manipulative. She shows pride and pride. It asserts its power over others and uses its influence to satisfy personal needs.

This chakra unbalanced, closed, makes the person hermetic to any global vision of things. She will develop negative behaviours and doesn't open up to others. She doesn't know deal with everyday problems.

Maintenance, spinel purification and recharging blue

Since its launch extraction to your home, spinel blue could neither purify nor recharge itself with the elements of nature, such as the sun, earth and water. Handled many times, he has necessarily been in contact with influences. He may have lost efficiency.

As soon as he joined the within your household, it is essential to purify and recharge it. In addition, the following operations will be carried out at least once a year months or after use intensive.

Plunge in your stone in a glass of spring water for 2 hours. Dry gently with a towel. soft cloth to remove any remaining impurities. For lighter purification, use white sage fumigation, or a special flower of life or in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your blue spinel under the rays of the full moon or place it in an amethyst geode or on an a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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