Reference : 3701459015245

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Balls 08mm
Pierre(s) : Corail Fossil
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s): Brown / Beige / Gray
Special color: Brown / Beige / Gray
Special color: Brown / Beige / Gray Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality : AB = Standard

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends


Fossil coral is a natural stone, formed during the replacement of coral by agate. It appears in the form of small flowers in the stone.

The fossil coral comes in a variety of natural colors such as white to pink, brown, grey, black black, yellow or red. Variations in corals are caused by the alteration and oxidation included in the mineral of origin.

Corals are the world's largest the most colorful animals in the sea. They can be found in warm tropical seas, with few depth. They feed on plankton. We traces the most ancient fossil corals to the Ordovician period, i.e. more than 450 million years old.

The corals are classified as marine animals with a soft body, a mouth, tentacles and a skeleton. Due to geological conditions particular, prehistoric corals can be fossilized and replaced by agate, with water that passes through limescale. Fossil coral has a hardness of 7 on Mohs scale and is ideal for use in in jewelry.


The origin of the coral fossil finds an explanation in the Greek mythology, more specifically in the Metamorphoses. The Greeks had this ability to explain phenomena they can't. by legends. In In this case, coral formation can be explained by the story of Perseus and of Andromeda.

Personnel owed fight Medusa, also known as the Gorgon, in order to to save Princess Andromeda. He succeeds in beheaded Medusa, and the blood that flowed petrified and turned into coral. He took care to lay the Gorgon's head on the ground to draw attention away from the crowd. But the Gorgon is eternal and her gaze acts on minerals in the vicinity. Thus, it turned to stone.

In fact, Ovid explains the particularity of coral, associated with a plant at that time, to harden at air. The Greek word for coral is "gorgela". for the Medusa was one of the three gorgonians.

In the written word the coral represents the blood of the Lord. Christ and Redemption. Very often used as a talisman to ward off evil fate. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to slip a piece of fossil coral in his pocket. We the power to fight against witchcraft. Fossil coral also had the property to stop bleeding. Homeopathic medicine produced an ointment by reducing fossil coral to powder for homeostatic use. In addition, this powder had virtues for promoting fertility.

A custom that has been until the 20th century, consisted of make necklaces from fossil coral for the to put around children's necks to protect them from bad luck. They even placed a piece of fossil coral in the coffins. At They represented a given currency, so that the great journey of the dead the afterlife, is going well.

In China ancient times, corals were symbols of power and wealth. The American Indians as a sacred stone, protecting bad spells.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in the United States and Indonesia.

Les benefits of fossil coral in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Pierre de comfort, fossil coral helps to combat against states of intense sadness and provides joy and serenity. It opens love and comfort, while offering a unique emotional stability.

Fossil coral calms and soothes overly nervous or irritable people. suffering from great stress. It brings wisdom, facilitates reflection and intuition. This stone is reputed to help relax, overcome and manage conflicts interiors.

She is also perfect for gaining self-confidence and self-confidence. It manages feelings such as shyness, anguish and anxiety. Visit fossil coral gives a logical and positively critical. It also encourages acceptance of its origins and past.

This stone facilitates openness to others. Visit exchanges with others are of a higher quality and the communication is improved. This stone opens compassion and understanding. It reduces feelings of panic and fear irrational. It is also suitable for help overcome the traumas of past.

Also known as that this stone effectively combats nightmares and a good night's sleep. quality, recuperative and invigorating. And so.., it provides vitality and energy.

Ses physical benefits

Fossil coral combat stress and its consequences on our bodies.

It gives back vitality, in particular by providing and motivates you to get back to work. physical activity. It helps combat against weight gain and provides a feeling of well-being.

It promotes the good of the throat chakra and that of the solar plexus.

It promotes a good circulation of body fluids.

The coral fossils and astrological signs associates

Virtues and benefits qualities of fossil coral apply to all the natives of the zodiac. However, there are a few they are even more pronounced on the following signs, particularly sensitive to this stone :

  • Gémeaux : symbol of communication and and curiosity. This sign represents intelligence, the mind. It is close to everything that has to do with the written word, with correspondence, studies, letters and figures. Pleasant and very witty, it hides under a carefree appearance, a deep anxiety and many anxieties. Wearing a coral allows him to overcome his emotions and gives him self-confidence. This sign always needs to be stimulated and often adopts the attitude of a student. Naturally optimistic, he avoids problems and sees the bright side of things. In love, he is charming, pleasant and seductive. He likes to encounters and multiply experiences. However, he is looking for true love and when he finds it, he becomes an excellent spouse;

  • Lion: symbol of power and royalty, of pride and glory. This sign represents generosity, nobility and the flattery. It is the sign of love, of the creation and luxury. He loves to party, enjoy the pleasures of life and evolve in a festive world. Wearing fossil coral gives this sign of quality relationships with others, it improves communication while promoting compassion. However, this sign can show itself authoritarian, tyrannical and sometimes aggressive. He has a constant need to feel admired and surrounded by people who flatter him. He is and loves to share. He is very determined and will do everything to achieve his objectives. Highly loyal, he never doesn't understand pettiness or backbiting. At love, it is filled with ardour, passion and charm. He loves the idea of marriage and family. However, he finds it hard to resist too many demands;

  • Capricorn symbol of ambition, determination and social and professional success perseverance. This sign represents the mountain, solitude and maturity. It is all in restraint, frustration and coldness. He hides a deep shy and extremely complex. Wearing fossil coral gives him self-confidence and helps him overcome his feelings inferiority. This sign is very serious and he's said to be old before his time. Even as a child, he was relentless, a lot of hard work to achieve objectives. He tends to want more and acquire many material goods. Relatively taciturn, he loves solitude and self-sufficient. He has very few friends. At love, he's extremely clumsy when it comes to feelings. Always questioning herself, he'd rather be left alone than risk getting thrown away. However, maturity brings and he eventually learns how to be happy. He will then be able to found a family.

The coral fossils and chakras correspondents

Fossil coral has a highly beneficial action on the root chakra. This chakra is located at the perineum level, at the at the base of the spine, pointing towards the soil. When this is in harmony, a feeling of well-being. It gives off a beautiful vitality. It channels the energy of the earth, absorbed by the feet and legs and creates stability.

Maintenance, coral purification and recharge fossil

With the purchase of your fossil coral, you can clean it in order to to restore its radiance. Rinse under clear tap water. Wipe clean with with a soft cloth.

This stone has no does not need to be purified or recharged because fossil coral doesn't store energy it has absorbed. But he's still a minimum of maintenance is recommended maintain its beauty.