Reference : 3701459018819

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Baroques
Pierre(s) : Diopside Green
Appearance: Chipped / Polished
. Color(s) : Green / Transparent
Color(s) : Green / Transparent
Color(s) : Green / Transparent Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = High

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

The diopside owes its name name due to the double aspect of the prism's faces Greek for "two" and "aspect". Visit green diopside is also known under various names, such as vertelite, diopside imperial or serbelite. Russian green diopside has long been known as "the emerald of Russia", because of its beautiful green color. But in mineralogical terms, it's a error, as diopside does not belong to the beryl family.

In 1800, the Brazilian José Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva (1763 - 1838), naturalist, statesman and first mentioned green diopside. It belongs to the silicate group and contains manganese and calcium.

But in 1989 that green diopside has been commercialized by Russia after the fall of the Wall in Berlin. He seemed to have the same characteristics, namely brightness and the beauty of green, than emerald with less cost.

The diopside of Russia has a beautiful green color intense and pure, which can sometimes blue reflections. Like emerald, this a slight shade of blue gives the stone depth. This variety owes its hues to the significant presence of chromium.

At the same time, the diopside of Russia has the particularity to come from of Yakutia, a region located at the bottom of the Eastern Siberia, where the mountains of Verkhoyansk. These mountains are renowned for being in the coldest region of the hemisphere north. Temperatures fell to minus 71.2°C in January 1926.

This region, in due to its inhospitable climate remains a a real obstacle. For your information, the Yakutia is the region where 99% of the world's Russian diamond production. In fact, he diopsides are highly resistant to often found in diamond mines. As such, they are an important indicator of presence of diamonds nearby. Sometimes even diopsides are embedded in the diamond.

But this stone has one major drawback: its fragility. Visit Indeed, its hardness is between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale. It is therefore for the manufacture of pendants or earrings to avoid scratches. On the other hand, large green diopsides have a darker color and move away from the brilliance of emerald. It is therefore to limit the size of stones to two carats.

Other mines have have since been discovered, notably in Pakistan, increasing market supply. However, the the most beautiful pieces are those in from Russia. But the extreme cold complicates mining operations and is therefore behind price rises every year. year.

There is no such thing as many legends linked to the green diopside. We says that in the past, it was customary to that the diopsides had fallen from the tree of life. Each deceased was then buried with this stone to allow the life begins anew. In other cultures, green diopside was associated with peace and tranquility. All you had to do was on the forehead for sweet dreams during the night.

The diopside carries also known as the "Stone of Tears". It is said to have the ability to externalize its weeping sorrows purifying.

The deposits

Main features deposits come from the United States and Brazil, South Africa, France, etc.

Les benefits of green diopside in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Green diopside is a stone of comfort in the trials of life life. This stone helps to overcome difficulties encountered and to take the right decisions when faced with difficult choices to move forward.

In fact, the green diopside helps manage the impact caused by childhood trauma. He fights old pains and takes advantage of present time. It encourages us to live while leaving the past behind. aside. It drives thoughts the practice of negative thinking and positive.

His influence has an impact on all energy centers, unblocks the traumas, blockages and pain stored in the psyche. It can be said that it's a stone of resilience.

It's also a stone for letting go that provides quality meditation and develops intuitive abilities. It helps you to live serenity, peace and fulfillment. Visit well-being, self-love and a sense of well-being. of others.

During impacts or great pain, this stone offers analysis and acceptance capabilities to combat the resulting sadness. Visit green diopside provokes compassion and empathy and understanding of others. It improves relationships with family and friends.

Ses physical benefits

Green diopside is a stone of protection. It is renowned for strengthen the body in general.

It provides a psychological well-being that helps combat against intense sadness. It restores energy and vitality to the body.

It has an action anti-stress.

The diopside green and astrological signs associates

Green diopside is effective in all zodiacal natives, but it is also has an enhanced action on the following signs :

  • Gémeaux A symbol of exchange and curiosity and intelligence. This sign represents movements and adolescence. Wearing a green diopside helps you forget certain past traumas that make this sign anxious and distressed. He hides this aspect of his personality under a charming exterior always cheerful. His presence is much sought-after, because he always has something to say and is of a very pleasant nature. It shows spirituality and intelligence. It's a sign that succeeds in activities trade-related. He is always in the movement and hates routine. He is constantly and loves to discover new new things. In love, he's a seducer who knows how to be charming and pleasant. He conquests. In reality, he is very romantic and dreams of true love. She is that he'll finally be able to live a full true love story;

  • Virgo symbol of analysis, of organization and measures. This sign represents perfection, logic and critical. Wearing a green diopside helps him to to move forward and no longer suffer from his complex. In fact, this sign demonstrates a shyness and proves to be very complexed. He constantly needs to be and feel safe. It is associated with medicine, hygiene and health. He is terribly manic and is obsessed with household chores. From a helpful, he enjoys helping others and to put his qualities at the service of his fellow man. His fastidiousness sometimes irritates his entourage. Indeed, he is always looking for perfection and tries to do better than everyone else. world. In love, this sign is of great shy and very self-conscious. He dreads to be abandoned and to suffer, then he prefers to live alone. If he chooses to marry, it's never out of love, but out of self-interest ;

  • Sagittarius symbol of elevation intellectual, higher education and religion. This sign represents philosophy theology and travel. Wearing a diopside green reinforces the protective aspect of the this sign. It is said to bring good fortune and even enables premonitory dreams. He exudes optimism and joviality. He needs freedom and loves to roam the world. He can't stand to be held back. to submit. He hates routine and multiplying activities. However, he doesn't keep his promises, even if he does is sincere in the moment. He is generous and often very cheerful. In love, he loves to seduce, and is constantly on the lookout for new conquests. He is paradoxical, because it seeks to make all kinds of experiences while dreaming of the true love.

The diopside green and the chakras

Applied to the chakra of the heart, green diopside is used to soothe emotional shocks and relieve certain disorders psychological. It enables you to analyze situations and emotions, and to overcome difficulties. It serves to strengthen the endocrine system and to fight against diseases. The color of the heart chakra is green.

Maintenance, diopside purification and recharging green

When purchasing of a green diopside or after numerous use, it is essential to purify it and recharge it. In fact, since its extraction, he was probably in contact with various energies, both positive and negative. These operations should be repeated once or twice once a month.

To purify it, he simply run it under running water from the faucet for 1 or 2 minutes to remove all the bad energy. Wipe it with a soft cloth. You can also purify with incense or a bowl Tibetan.

To reload, expose it to the moon's rays, especially during full moon or place it on a druse or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.