Moonstone Sri Lanka

The stone from Sri Lanka moon

The origin of the name moonstone comes from civilizations who named the stones according to their natural appearance or their physical characteristics.

Moonstone was named for its resemblance to with the moon. This stone has a soft color with pearly reflections similar to to the moon.

In ancient times, there was a belief that the moonstone were in fact pieces of solidified moon who arrived on earth. However, the name moonstone is a purely technical name. commercial.

Scientific name of this stone is adularia. In fact, during of the 18th century, a major deposit of this adularia stone was found on Mount Adula, located on the border between Switzerland and Italy. From nowadays, this deposit is unfortunately sold out.

Moonstone is also called Hecatolite in homage to Hecate, goddess of the Moon in mythology Greek.

No matter the name the stone is given, it retains a bond with the moon, which provides it with numerous virtues.

Histories of the moonstone

Whichever civilizations, the Moon and the Sun are that have always fascinated our ancestors. The latter attributed celestial power to the moonstones.

It has been that lunar cycles play a key role in the on the environment, the earth and the seas. They also have an influence on the moods of the men, including disruptions to the sleep.

In ancient times, the Greeks worshipped the moonstone they named hecatolite stone because of its Hecate, their moon goddess. They gave numerous offerings in the hope receive the power of clairvoyance and the protection. This stone was the symbol of fertility and passion. Carried by pregnant women, this stone protected their pregnancy.

In Rome femininity and the gift of clairvoyance were associated with moonstone. At the same time, this stone represented Diana, goddess of the moon and animals. She had the power to turn friendly feelings into feelings of love. It also protected couples.

Indians were convinced that the moonstone was a stone which had absorbed many lunar rays. He Another version explains that the moonstone is actually a fragment of the moon fallen to Earth. Today, in India, this pearly stone is always sacred.

In the Middle Ages, this moonstone was very appealing to women which attributed to it the power to increase fertility and passion. By the the stone was used to protect pregnant women and her fetus during the pregnancy.

In Egypt, the night travellers wore a pendant with a moonstone to protect them from possible and to fight against the spirits evil.

In 1970, the stone became the official emblem of Florida. in honor of the Kennedy Space Center, home of the departure of the Apollo 11 rocket for the first to the moon in 1969.

Composition of moonstone

The stone is a mineral belonging to the silicate group and a member of the feldspar family. Its hardness is 6 to 6.5 on the mohs scale. This makes it a perfect stone for the manufacture of jewelry. This mineral presents a variety of colors, beige, pink, gray, black, with this pearly appearance and the phenomenon of adulescence (shimmering under the surface of the stone with reflection of light between the layers of stone).

The deposits

The main deposits are located in India, Madagascar, India Australia, China, USA, Sri Lanka, etc.

The stone Sri Lankan moonlight

Sri Lanka is one of the world's largest a country extremely rich in stones and minerals of all kinds. The famous white moonstone named Pierre from Sri Lanka. This stone is rather opaque, sometimes translucent.

Sometimes, she has slightly green highlights and is completely pearly. It can also be white and have bluish tones and this famous silver-blue sheen.

It is said that at the south of Ceylon (formerly known as Sri Lanka), one day of the full moon, its rays are transformed into a fascinating colored gem. Of a incredible beauty, this splendid stone has many magical powers.

So, these days, Sri Lankan moonstone is commonly used to used in lithotherapy.

Les benefits of Sri moonstone Lanka

Benefits for the skin psychic level

The moonstone of the Sri Lanka is considered to have a calming influence. It is said to be a stone with a relaxing effect. It exudes a sense of calm and serenity. Sri Lankan moonstone with the appearance soothes and calms the senses. plenitude.

At the same time, she gives a feeling of power and stability, giving the wearer a feeling of particular. It allows him to control and resist all kinds of outbursts emotional.

It distributes tolerance and develops gentleness and sensitivity. It is a stone of benevolence. It harmonizes the different energies in order to to reach a state of calm and peace interior.

This mineral accentuates sensitivity, creativity and imagination. It strengthens intuition clairvoyance and extrasensory abilities. The wearer of this moonstone from Sri Lanka can easily differentiate between people sincere and hypocritical people.

This moonstone Sri Lanka exudes a pure, gentle energy often associated with femininity. It promotes open-mindedness, compassion and empathy. It gives tolerance and kindness of spirit. It removes the fear people who are different from you.

This stone is to reinforce the love that reigns in a couple. It encourages dialogue and communication. It keeps arguments at bay and negative feelings such as jealousy and possessiveness.

Benefits for the skin physical plan

The moonstone of the Sri Lanka has many of the same qualities as all moonstones. It is renowned for its benefits on female cycles.

This stone facilitates fluid circulation the body. It also promotes good how the solar plexus chakra works.

The moonstone of the Sri Lanka has a reputation for providing and recuperative. The wearer feels vitality as soon as it wakes up and can therefore resume physical activity. This activity relieves stress and reduces tensions.

The moonstone of the Sri Lanka and astrological signs associates

The moonstone of the Sri Lanka's many virtues on all the natives of the zodiac. However, the astrological signs of summer have a particular affinity with this stone. This is the case for the following signs :

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, origins and nostalgia. This sign represents imagination, the past and fertility. Visit wearing a moonstone from Sri Lanka. provides the softness he needs. This sign has a great deal of creativity, which he unleashes when he feels safe, in the midst of the his own. He needs to create. for him to relieve his stress. He tends to to suffer from hypersensitivity and to make melancholy. He protects himself by avoiding situations that can hurt him. He likes to be surrounded and those close to you represent everything for him. He is very afraid of being abandoned and will do everything in its power to become indispensable. From a shyness, he hides behind a suit of armour and can thus become aggressive and unpleasant. He has a childlike side and can get quite sulk. It is then up to the other person to do the first step. He likes to attract attention sometimes narcissistic. In love, he tenderness and romanticism. It is very and is looking for a partner who will reassure him. He's very loyal. He can quickly become possessive and jealous. It makes some of these so-called dependents affective;

  • Lion symbol of power and royalty and flattery. This sign represents generosity, pride and vanity. The port of a Sri Lankan moonstone gives it a special tolerance and kindness. This sign likes to evolve in a world of leisure and luxury. It leaves no one indifferent, and you can't help feeling turns over in its wake. He loves getting to be noticed and admired. It can sometimes tyrannical, domineering and overbearing. pride. He even tends to speak on behalf of others. He loves having a court around him him. He's the king. He tends to do everything and wants to be seen. He is of great generosity and loves to share with his entourage. Friendly and courteous, he is used to being obeyed. He hates losing and knows at an early age what he wants out of life. He's a hard worker and does it all to achieve its goals. A great loyalty, he forgives neither backbiting nor pettiness. In love, he is full of ardour and of passion. He loves to multiply his conquests which reassures him of her seductive power. It's the sign of love, and with the maturity, he is looking to start a family ;

  • Virgo symbol of organization, efficiency and method and logic. This sign represents measurements, hard work and perfection. Wearing of a Sri Lankan moonstone enables him to to achieve serenity and peace interior. Often anxious, this sign shyness and a lot of complexes. He's very organized and fastidious. He is the quest for perfection and attention to every detail. This sign is linked to medicine and science. He is obsessed with order and household chores. He likes to put his skills in the service of others. A great discretion, he's a very secretive person that doesn't reveal itself easily. This sign is missing of self-confidence and often finds himself relegated in the background. He is extremely demanding to himself and to others. His spirit practice often works wonders, and it is sought for the resolution of certain problems. In love, this sign is of a great modesty and can't let go. He isn't sentimental and doesn't believe in the great love. He prefers to miss out love story rather than suffer. He has very afraid of rejection. If this sign marries, it means more out of interest than love.

The moonstone of the Sri Lanka and the chakras

The moonstone from the Sri Lanka helps to balance the chakra of the third eye. This chakra is located between the eyes, at the root of the nose. The third eye represents knowledge, intelligence and discernment. The third eye chakra provides wisdom and knowledge. Visit a person who sees things clearly and lucidity.

The Chakra of the unbalanced, overactive third eye, causes excessive intellectualization. The rejects reality and plunges into a excessive mysticism. She is incapable of experience physical pleasures and affirm the truth about everything.

The Chakra of the third eye, unbalanced, blocked, makes the closed to all forms of spirituality. She does not believe in her intuition and her instinct. She's way too into rational.

Maintenance, purifying and recharging the stone of Sri Lanka moon

Since his extraction in Sri Lanka, moonstone cannot be no longer purify or recharge with the help of the elements around it, such as the earth or water. Exposed to various influences positive or negative, the moonstone will be recharged and purified as soon as it arrives in your home. The following operations are required maintenance at least once a year months.

Sink your stone in a glass filled with water for 2 hours. Dry at gently with a soft cloth. For lighter purification, you can use the sage fumigation technique white or in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge it in exposing it to lunar rays outside the full moon. You can also place it in an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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