Obsidian Spider

L'Obsidienne Spider

Obsidian is a silica-rich volcanic rock. Different types of obsidian exist. They differ in due to the rock's chemical composition. Obsidian is actually a natural glass. It forms during an eruption of rich lava. in silica with less than 3% water. At outlet of the volcano, it undergoes a very the process to a standstill. crystallization.

This can be akin to a piece of lava that has suddenly congealed as it emerged from the volcano. The direct consequence of this phenomenon is the impossibility for the rock to crystallize. The result is creation of a volcanic glass texture uniform and described as mineral amorphous. Obsidian also possesses sharp edges and high-powered blades. finesse. It is a natural mineral with a complex composition.

So, obsidian is essentially composed of silicon dioxide around 70% or more. Its fracture is conchoidal (i.e. criss-crossed with curved and concentric stripes) and its hardness is from 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale. It has different colors, different reflections due to the volcano where it was discovery and its various inclusions. It is to emphasize that each deposit, linked to a specific volcano, provides obsidian different.

Green, brown, grey or black, it can sometimes have reflections gold, silver, even all the colours of the colors of the rainbow, (the effect produced by the presence of hematites or magnesites). It it also happens that two obsidian colors mix.

Histories and legends

There are also traces of obsidian in certain objects dating from around 2 to 4 million years ago years, notably in Kenya. During excavations knives, arrows and other artefacts. lances have been discovered. Occasionally, depending on its composition, obsidian can be polished to create mirrors rustic.

As early as 7,000 BC Obsidian was widely used in the Middle Ages. in surgery because of its cut. A trace of trepanning is visible, removal of part of the skull bone either to clean a wound or to bring in the spirits.

In Mesopotamia, some traces of obsidian blades have been identified as early as 5,000 BC.

In Egypt, obsidian was brought in from the Red Sea, Greece or Italy. The Egyptians used it for its beauty, its mystery and its value. They realized the eyes of their statues, especially those in the mask of Tutankhamun (1323 BC). Obsius returns from Ethiopia, brought back obsidian specimens and decided to give them their name, either obsidianus in Latin. Obsidian was used for manufacture of all kinds of objects ornaments, jewelry or tools.

However, at the Mexico, there's another legend. At the time where the natives were short of food, the men went hunting where they had to to face wild beasts, even mammoths. They left women and children the protection of the elders. Then, one day, the tribe was attacked by wild hyenas and fierce. But the elders no longer when the young Obsid, son of the most valiant warrior, saw a black stone on the floor. He tied it securely on a piece of wood. He threw this fortune on one of the hyenas, who howled in pain, making all the others flee. The whole tribe honored the young Obsid and granted him the status of warrior, and the stone was named after him. name.

In the tribe of the Navajos, obsidian was one of the 4 sacred stones. Obsidian Mountain corresponds to Mount Hesperus. In some stories of their creation, the human heart would have been created by the gods with obsidian.

For years mages, wizards and sorcerers. prophets use polished obsidian as a means of mirror. They claimed to be able to read the future inside. But it was Dr John Dee (1527 - 1608) who used it once again to spread his prophecies. He became very famous and the story goes that it made it possible to foil certain plots against the crown English.

The deposits

The main obsidian deposits are located in Mexico, at Madagascar, the United States, etc.

Les obsidian properties spider

Obsidian can be used change over time. In fact, it can crystallize in places as if to snow obsidian or flowering obsidian. He these fractures are sometimes filled with silica and are reminiscent of spider webs. name spider, which means spider in English.

This phenomenon of fracture gives obsidian its name spider. This variety of obsidian is in black, dark blue or dark grey with complex patterns in light grey, light green or blue clear. It is mainly composed of volcanic.

Each stone obsidian spider has a patterned finish and remains a unique specimen. And so it is, this obsidian spider is a great success with collectors.

Discovery recently in Mexico, this rock has neither legends and myths belonging to him specifically. It is mainly used in the manufacture of jewelry and lithotherapy destination.

Green benefits obsidian spider in lithotherapy

Benefits for the skin psychic level

Obsidian spider, like most obsidian, is a stone of anchorage and protection. It allows you to take full advantage awareness of the present moment and living it intensely.

Energy-rich protective, this stone reflects the energies negative effects. In this way, it relieves the person of the many negative influences it is exposed to can be permanently exposed. It promotes and the ability to see the future. dark side of the people in his entourage.

But it also makes it possible to also to encourage introspection, which sometimes reveals the darker side of personality of its wearer. It encourages self-acceptance, while at the same time providing confidence and self-assurance. It can release psychological blocks by uncovering certain buried traumas.

In fact, she also develops acceptance of others, provides empathy and compassion. The wearer of this obsidian spider opens up to others and develops listening skills. This stone tends to become more compassionate and more understanding.

Obsidian spider relieves tension and helps you gain creativity. It contributes to the evacuation of stress, anguish and anxiety. Very useful during meditation sessions, it calms and tormented thoughts, and encourages the letting go. It focuses on problems to be solved and provides solutions to apply. At the same time, it allows you to develop intuition.

Benefits for the skin physical plan

Obsidian spider is reputed to help consolidation of certain parts of the body.

This stone encourages its wearer to have a healthy diet and active lifestyle physical. It gives the necessary vitality. This healthy lifestyle promotes good how the solar plexus chakra works.

Obsidian spider calms agitated thoughts at the moment of bedroom. Placing this stone in a bedroom provides quality, nightmare-free sleep. The wearer of this stone wakes up full of energy. vigor and energy.

Obsidian spider and astrological signs associates

Obsidian spider, like most obsidians, has powerful virtues for the whole body. natives of the zodiac. However, it has links with the astrological signs of the spring, namely:

  • Aries symbolizing impetus, dynamism and enthusiasm. This sign represents action, conquest and daring. The harbor of a spider obsidian provides it with more compassion and empathy for others. This sign likes to lead and commands respect naturally. He impresses with his enthusiasm and determination. He is very combative and aims always in first place. He appreciates confrontation and always has good arguments. Obstinate and impatient, no one can change his mind. He has an immature side and can throw a tantrum if things don't work out. not go his way. He likes to own money and spend it. He works to achieve his goals. He is and is sorely lacking in diplomacy. It can sometimes be hurtful, authoritarian, even violent. The family means a lot to this sign. In love, it is passionate, full of ardor. He loves to go to conquer new prey. It tends to fall in love very quickly. He hates routine and needs passion and stimulation ;

  • Taurus: symbol of stability and loyalty and fertility. This sign represents patience, perseverance and tenacity. Visit wearing a spider obsidian strengthens ties with the earth. In fact, this sign is extremely linked to nature. He likes to own things real estate. It is said to be very materialistic. He evolves in a world abundance and luxury. He often displays generous with those around her. He moves through life calmly and serenely. It is very realistic and does not have a dreamy temperament. He knows what he wants life and always ends up getting it. Very stubborn, nothing can change his mind. He always overcomes difficulties of life. However, it lacks flexibility and adaptability. He hates change and likes to be at home surrounded by his family. At love, he's very sensual. He likes to be petted and cuddled. He is especially in search of the love of his life. Highly faithful, it provides safety to his other half;

  • Gemeaux: symbol of communication, the exchanges and intelligence. This sign represents curiosity, writing and trade. Wearing an obsidian spider helps her cope with emotions negative. He is naturally sociable, fun and witty. But underneath it all superficial, it hides a lot of anxiety. Paradoxically, it is often cheerful and optimistic. Spontaneous, he is always surrounded by friends. His company is pleasant and sought-after. He hates routine and behaves as an eternal student. He seeks the stimulation and multiplies skills. However, it tends not to go all the way. his projects. With his great curiosity, he is resolutely forward-looking. He loves discover all the new technologies. He has to stabilize, as it is always on the lookout to move forward. In love, he's light, charming and witty. He loves to discover the other and forages from flower to flower. He's afraid commitment, because he fears for his freedom. However, he is a romantic and believes in love. crazy. As the years go by, he calms down and can finally start a family.

Obsidian spider and chakras

Obsidian spider helps balance the heart chakra. It is located at the front of the sternum and between the the shoulder blades in the back. Heart chakra acceptance of oneself and others. others. The person is filled with compassion and empathy. She learned to love starting by loving herself. She releases an infectious joie de vivre.

The heart chakra unbalanced, too open, can lead to both types of behavior. Self-sacrifice for others, while hoping for recognition in return. Or on the contrary person closes himself off from others and becomes narcissistic and egocentric. She can be critical, jealous and angry.

The heart chakra unbalanced, blocked, locks the person in a world of selfishness and anger, indifference and hatred. It can neither love, nor forgive. She clings to others and can become emotionally dependent.

L'maintenance, obsidian recharging and purification spider

Since his extraction to your home, your obsidian spider has been in contact with many energies and influences. It may even have lost some of its efficiency. It is therefore important to recharge it and purify it as soon as it arrives in your home. In addition, the following operations are to be serviced at least once per month or after a lithotherapy.

Plunge in your stone in a glass of spring water. Place the glass center of a plate filled with sea salt for about 3 hours. Throw the salt away of your home. Dry the stone gently with a soft cloth. You can also purify it using sage fumigation or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your obsidian spider in the morning sunlight for 2 hours. Or place your stone in an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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