L'Obsidenne silver
Obsidian is a silica-rich volcanic rock. Different types of obsidian exist. They differ in due to the rock's chemical composition. Obsidian is actually a natural glass. It forms during an eruption of rich lava. in silica with less than 3% water. At outlet of the volcano, it undergoes a very the process to a standstill. crystallization.
This can be akin to a piece of lava that has suddenly congealed as it emerged from the volcano. The direct consequence of this phenomenon is the impossibility for the rock to crystallize. The result is creation of a textured volcanic glass uniform and described as mineral amorphous. Obsidian also possesses sharp edges and high-powered blades. finesse. It is a natural mineral with a complex composition.
So, obsidian is essentially composed of silicon dioxide around 70% or more. Its fracture is conchoidal (i.e. criss-crossed with curved and concentric stripes) and its hardness is from 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. It has different colors, different reflections due to the volcano where it was discovery and its various inclusions. It is to emphasize that each deposit, linked to a specific volcano, provides obsidian different.
Green, brown, gray or black, it can sometimes have reflections gold, silver, even all the colours of the colors of the rainbow, (the effect produced by the presence of hematites or magnesites). It it also happens that two obsidian colors mix.
Histories and legends
There are also traces of obsidian in certain objects dating from around 2 to 4 million years ago years, notably in Kenya. During excavations knives, arrows and other artefacts. lances have been discovered. Occasionally, depending on its composition, obsidian can be polished to create mirrors rustic.
As early as 7,000 BC Obsidian was widely used in the Middle Ages. in surgery because of its cut. A trace of trepanning is visible, removal of part of the skull bone either to clean a wound or to bring in the spirits.
In Mesopotamia, some traces of obsidian blades have been identified as early as 5,000 BC.
In Egypt, obsidian was brought in from the Red Sea, Greece or Italy. The Egyptians used it for its beauty, its mystery and its value. They realized the eyes of their statues, especially those in the mask of Tutankhamun (1323 BC). Obsius returns from Ethiopia, brought back obsidian specimens and decided to give them their name, either obsidianus in Latin. Obsidian was used for manufacture of all kinds of objects ornaments, jewelry or tools.
However, at the Mexico, there's another legend. At the time where the natives were short of food, the men went hunting where they had to to face wild beasts, even mammoths. They left women and children the protection of the elders. Then, one day, the tribe was attacked by wild hyenas and fierce. But the elders no longer when the young Obsid, son of the most valiant warrior, saw a black stone on the floor. He tied it securely on a piece of wood. He threw this fortune on one of the hyenas, who howled in pain, making all the others flee. The whole tribe honored the young Obsid and granted him the status of warrior, and the stone was named after him. name.
In the tribe of the Navajos, obsidian was one of the 4 sacred stones. Obsidian Mountain corresponds to Mount Hesperus. In some stories of their creation, the human heart would have been created by the gods with obsidian.
For years mages, wizards and sorcerers. prophets use polished obsidian as a means of mirror. They claimed to be able to read the future inside. But it was Dr John Dee (1527 - 1608) who used it once again to spread his prophecies. He became very famous and the story goes that it made it possible to foil certain plots against the crown English.
The deposits silver obsidian
The main obsidian deposits are located in Mexico, at Madagascar, the United States, etc.

Obsidian silver in lithotherapy
Obsidian has been used for thousands of years by magicians, magi, prophets, and the like to predict the future. This stone has a well-founded reputation for being enchanting. It can be admired during hours.
This magnificent obsidian variety features a surface black lustre with silver highlights. It has a magnetism that fulfills their owner. Silver obsidian is composed of 75% silica, magnesium and iron. They have a glassy appearance.
Obsidian is sometimes used as a protective talisman. It is the result of volcanic lava cooled. It is a relatively rare stone with an iridescent appearance and sparkling and shimmering.
During excavations the discovery of a statue representing Tezcatlipoca, the Nahuatl name for literally translating as "Smoking Mirror", god of Aztec mythology, with a mirror in silver obsidian on his forehead. This is the god the most feared of deities aztecs.
The most beautiful silvered obsidian pieces come from Mexican deposits.
Green benefits silver obsidian in lithotherapy
Benefits for the skin psychic level
Obsidian is known to increase the gifts of clairvoyance and intuition. It encourages spiritual exploration and confidence abroad.
This stone is a powerful stone of protection. It teaches humility and frees its wearer from blockages that prevent him from moving forward. It dispels deep-seated fears and childhood trauma. It provides mirror from the inside and generate a better self-understanding.
Obsidian to get ahead in life, while at the same time providing self-assurance and self-confidence. It encourages the attainment of purity and humility.
This stone facilitates decision-making, helps to assume to face up to its responsibilities and difficulties of life. It is particularly recommended for to people who are sorely lacking in tact. It develops quality communication by allowing the wearer to choose the right words and make beautiful sentences.
During episodes of life, the silver obsidian helps us to keep going in spite of everything. She generates compassion towards others, but also towards oneself. It encourages behaviour less critical and more compassionate towards others.
Obsidian silvered, it instills patience and perseverance. It encourages hard work to achieve its goals. It takes a closer look at meditation and improves the connection between body and mind. It allows you to turn towards the future.
His properties on the plan physique
Obsidian releases psychological and physical blockages. reduces stress. Less stressed, the body works better, it frees itself from tensions.
It promotes the good how the solar plexus chakra works.
In the same way as obsidian in general, it fights against wave damage electromagnetic.
It is said of this stone it strengthens the body.
Obsidian and astrological signs associates
Obsidian possesses powerful powers of protection and anchoring across the entire natives of the zodiac. It is only slightly less than black obsidian, with the possible exception on the following astrological signs:

Taurus symbol of power and royalty and generosity. This sign represents stability, possessiveness and loyalty. The wearing a silver obsidian gives him the patience and perseverance. This sign is linked to the Earth and is referred to as a fertile sign. It a great deal of stubbornness and determination. tenacity. He likes to acquire all kinds of goods. He loves to evolve in a world of pleasures and luxury. It is often calm and lucidity. He's a realist with a personality very balanced. He hates change in habits. He is used to being obeyed and can be tyrannical. He has to himself and to others. He is of great generosity and willingly shares with those around him. He has a very and nothing can change it. opinion. In love, he is sensual and adores caresses. He's very attentive to desires of his partner. He is said to be a lover extraordinary. He has a lot of charm and knows to use it. However, he aspires to found a family. What's more, he's very loyal. ;
Sagittarius a symbol of spiritual evolution, and philosophy. This sign represents religion, esotericism and abroad. Wearing an obsidian helps him fight off his demons, and favors introspection. This sign evokes faraway places. He loves discovering new lands, and has the ability to adapt wherever it goes finds. We tend to follow it naturally, because it exudes optimism and joie de to live. He's jovial, adventurous and enthusiastic. He has the distinction of being lucky. With a generosity and a good sense of humour. humor. He lives his life 100% and has a great ambition. He finds it difficult to sedentary profession. He hates routine and multiplies projects. But he rarely carries them out to the end. He has a provocative side and can be hypocritical. In love, he is seductive and paradoxical. He's looking for the soul sister, yet he behaves like a a true libertine. He cares deeply about his freedom and chooses partners independent. Maturity brings the serenity needed to build a family;
Capricorn a symbol of maturity, seriousness and a sense of of work. This sign represents ambition solitude and perseverance. Wearing a silver obsidian brings her serenity and peace. It allows him to open up to others more. This sign shows coldness and patience. He achieves success after a few years, by dint of work and perseverance. He is particularly organized and methodical. We often associated it with skills and expertise. He is all restraint and has to confide in him. He doesn't reveal himself not easily. In fact, he prefers loneliness and very few friends. We can sometimes perceive him as psychorigid. At On the other hand, there's one person you can count on count. In love, he just can't let himself come on. He suffers from excessive shyness and has a lot of complexes. He remains on his guard and would rather miss out on a story of love, rather than risk suffering. If he starts a relationship, it will be necessarily serious. He is a great faithful and adores children. He has a sense of the family.
Obsidian silver and chakras

Obsidian helps to balance the heart chakra. throat. It is located on the seventh vertebra. cervical. The balanced throat chakra means easier communication. Visit The message is clear and the voice is poised. What the is interesting. This one achieved its objectives by easily ideas in practice.
The chakra of the unbalanced throat, too open, reflects a severe lack of self-confidence. The person is aggressive and says things that are full of hatred. She can't listen to others and often resorts to irony or bad faith. She still insists on having reason.
The chakra of the unbalanced, blocked throat leads to repression of emotions. The person has difficulty and is always afraid of the gaze of others. others. She lives with anxiety and stress. and is often nervous. Her words can and vulgar. She suffers from enormous lack of self-confidence.
Maintenance, obsidian purification and recharging silver
As soon as it is extracted, golden obsidian was confronted with all kinds of influences. It can be charged with negative energy, it is then essential to purify it as soon as it arrives your home. The following operations are required maintenance once a month or after a lithotherapy session.
Dip your silver obsidian in a glass of water from source. Place this glass in the center of a plate filled with sea salt for about 3 hours. Throw the salt out of your house and dry it. stone with a clean cloth. You for intense purification. For a gentler purification, use fumigation with white sage or a Tibetan bowl.
Recharge your silver obsidian in the rays of the morning sun for 2 hours. You can also place it in an amethyst geode or on a cluster of quartz for about 24 hours.
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