Yellow Jasper

Jasper Yellow

The incredible jasper's distinctive feature is that it comes in a wide range of finishes. Some have been identified very recently. All the varieties come in a wide range of colors different properties, different virtues, different associated astrological signs.

Jasper can have several aspects. It is a sedimentary rock containing 80 to 95% silica. Jasper is a variety of microcrystalline quartz and can also contain clay and calcite, pyrolusite or hematite.

It has an appearance in the form of nodules or sometimes as a filling in cracks. It can be found all over the world and from all colors. It also has all kinds of patterns, mottled or ribboned. It is a mineral that has undergone numerous transformations, sometimes classified as mineral, sometimes as rock according to its degree of impurities.

Special feature remains the infinite range of its aspects, all of which different from one another. Jasper gives the impression that Mother Nature had fun drawing on these stones. Jasper is a stone complicated to identify because of its various appearances. Its colors range from green to yellow, from red to white, from blue to black, from brown to red. gray, etc.

Properties of the jasper differ according to their additives (manganese, alumina, iron hydroxide) and its inclusions (agate or opal). Jasper should mainly its colors according to the oxides of iron. This diversity of colors shapes makes each jasper stone unique. Visit jaspers are named according to the regions in which they are found. are exploited, according to the person who according to their color, according to the motifs.

The "jasper" name comes from the Greek "iaspis" meaning stone spotted. Jasper has been known for centuries millennia. In the Bible, he is the first stone of Jerusalem's walls. It is reputed to act against bites spiders and snakes. From In ancient times, this stone was used as a protective stone, a good luck charm and an aid to a healthy pregnancy. Amulets in jasper were carved by the Egyptians and deposited with the mummies to promote their successful transition to the afterlife.

A large number of civilizations have used this stone to engraving cylindrical seals and talismans with astrological or religious images. By elsewhere, for Amerindians and in the Middle Ages, jasper was said to have the ability to make the rain.

In conclusion, the jasper is a stone that has been used extensively in the history. It is found in stone ornamental, in jewelry, on vases, and in mosaics, etc.

The deposits of rough yellow jasper

The main yellow jasper deposits are in Australia.

Histories and origins

Yellow Jasper generally has a beautiful yellow color clear. However, it can have yellow tints. with different nuances, be more ochre, mustard, golden and sometimes even to light brown. Its surface is smooth and opaque appearance.

The yellow of this stone is due to the presence, to a greater or lesser extent, of of iron oxide. When jasper yellow with mineral inclusions, from numerous patterns or ribs are then present.

So, yellow jasper is also a microcrystalline variety of quartz. Like many jasper varieties, it is a sedimentary rock made up of up to 95% clay silica. It possesses large, granular crystals and is found as nodules in cracks. Present throughout the world, it can be found in other varieties of jasper such as in the mokaïte jasper, printed jasper or jasper landscape.

Historically, the jasper has been revered by many civilizations around the world. Traces of yellow jasper were found during the archaeological digs, however, there are no no myths or legends to back it up. are particularly associated. We know that was used extensively by priests shamans and all spiritual guides.

Yellow jasper has the reputation for delivering a gentle and and an inner strength that makes it possible to mental clarity. Today, it is used in jewelry making and has also many other virtues in lithotherapy.

Green benefits yellow jasper in lithotherapy

Benefits for the skin psychic level

Yellow jasper is an excellent stone for people who seek to open up to others. Pierre de protection, yellow jasper keeps energies away and helps you to see more clearly entourage. It helps identify false friends and to free oneself from them. It protects against feelings such as resentment, envy and anger. jealousy.

He's developing a inner strength and helps to overcome trials of life. It provides tenacity, perseverance and courage. He is a great support emotional impact in the event of tragic events such as the loss of a loved one, a romantic break-up or even unfair dismissal.

This stone increases self-confidence and develops greater self-esteem. It generates enthusiasm and joie de vivre. It's a a wonderful stone for emotional clarity. It helps to see the reality of things and provides a better sense of synthesis. For example, it promotes awareness and good understanding of the situation in order to make progress in life. It allows you to make the right decisions.

Yellow Jasper stimulates the mind, concentration and memorization. It motivates and determination while providing personal development. It helps to overcome the challenges ahead and promotes learning.

Benefits for the skin physical level

Yellow Jasper encourages a healthy lifestyle. It makes you want to eat a balanced diet and be active sport. It is nicknamed "the stone of the diets", it promotes elimination.

This good hygiene life-giving benefits of wearing yellow jasper promotes proper functioning of the plexus chakra solar.

Yellow Jasper promotes fluid circulation and combats states of sadness intense. It helps relieve stress and various anxieties. It provides quality sleep by eliminating tension and by reducing restless thoughts.

Meanings yellow jasper in astrology

Yellow Jasper spreads its energy and virtues over all the natives of the zodiac. However, it develops more affinity with signs astrological charts:

  • Lion symbol of royalty and power and nobility. This sign represents flattery, vanity and generosity. The port of a yellow jasper gives him courage and perseverance to reach your goals. This sign can be very arrogant and has a a constant need to be admired. He loves parties and luxury. Possessing the makes him happy. He doesn't hesitate to work to acquire goods. It is the sign of leisure, education and theater. He can be tyrannical, violent, even aggressive. He can't stand and tends to speak for everyone. the world. He is very sociable and is often surrounded by friends. He can be very generosity. On the other hand natural authority and is used to being obey. Very loyal and straightforward. can't stand pettiness, hypocrisy and the slander. In love, it's all about passion, ardor and charm. It's a great seducer. He's looking for true love, but has great difficulty in refusing solicitations from the opposite sex. He cannot living without love and a sense of family ;

  • Virgo symbol of the method, of organization and measures. This sign represents medicine, logic and perfection. Wearing a yellow jasper increases the self-confidence and self-assurance. This sign is an anxious and shy nature. He suffers complexes. He is obsessed with cleanliness and doesn't hesitate to perform household chores. Very organized, this sign high standards for him and towards others. He's easy to criticize and perfection. Very helpful, his a practical mind solves any problem easily. Extremely discreet, it is often relegated to the background. Often anxious, this sign suffers from hypersensitivity and susceptibility. However, it is renowned for be extremely kind and can do a great deal of work devotion to his friends. In love, he has trouble showing his feelings and reveals great modesty. Her nature and prevents him from getting his act together. free. He's not spontaneous and has trouble trust. This sign prefers celibacy to couple. However, if he chooses marriage, it's more for its practicality and reassurance than true love;

  • Balance symbolizing balance, harmony and justice and peace. This sign represents harmony, marriage and elegance. Visit of a yellow jasper gives it a great deal of emotional clarity. This sign loves and is very sociable. His company is often sought after, as it is of great kindness. What's more, he's a an excellent mediator in conflicts. He enjoys to please and be admired. His company is and very pleasant. It has real artistic gifts, particularly dance. However, he doubts himself and reveals himself to be a very anxious nature. Hates conflict and tense atmospheres. He dreams of a a fairer world. This sign can show determination and optimism. He has in abhorrence of anything vulgar or dirty. He has a a very sure taste in clothing and has a elegance. In love, he's very romantic and sentimental. It seeks harmony and peace. He is in favor of marriage and will do everything to ensure that his relationship works. He loves children and family.

Yellow and yellow jasper chakras

Yellow Jasper balances the frontal chakra. It is located between eyebrows. A balanced forehead chakra develops qualities such as discernment, wisdom, intuition and concentration and knowledge.

It provides the clairvoyance and the ability to perceive reality as it is. It provokes conscience over love, greed and the personal or professional success. This harmonized chakra allows the person to overcome life's difficulties.

The dysfunctions of the frontal chakra can lead to cause migraines, problems ophthalmology, and even tumors in the eye. brain. If this chakra is blocked, it develops negative thoughts, difficulties learning and a lot anxiety.

Purification and jasper reloading yellow

In his natural environment, yellow jasper purifies and is recharged using the elements that surrounding him. As soon as he is extracted, he meets all kinds of influences and can even lose of its power. The arrival of yellow jasper in your home, it is necessary to purification and recharging. It is necessary to do so quickly in order to benefit its virtues. These operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a month or after any intensive use.

Sink your jasper yellow in a glass filled with spring water and place in the center of a plate with salt for one day. Discard the salt outside your home. Do not your stone in direct contact with the salt. could alter the color of your yellow jasper. You can purify your yellow jasper with other methods, such as fumigation with white sage, the in-ground burial or the one with the use of the Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your yellow jasper by exposing it to the moon's rays (avoid full moon) or by dropping it in the an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

Find our stones and Jasper jewelry Yellow