Printed Jasper

Jasper Printed

The incredible jasper's distinctive feature is that it comes in a wide range of finishes. Some have been identified very recently. All the varieties come in a wide range of colors different properties, different virtues, different associated astrological signs.

Jasper can have several aspects. It is a sedimentary rock containing 80 to 95% silica. Jasper is a variety of microcrystalline quartz and can also contain clay and calcite, pyrolusite or hematite.

It has an appearance in the form of nodules or sometimes as a filling in cracks. It can be found all over the world and from all colors. It also has all kinds of patterns, mottled or ribboned. It is a mineral that has undergone numerous transformations, sometimes classified as mineral, sometimes as rock according to its degree of impurities.

Special feature remains the infinite range of its aspects, all different from one another. Jasper gives the impression that Mother Nature had fun drawing on these stones. Jasper is a stone complicated to identify because of its various appearances. Its colors range from green to yellow, from red to white, from blue to black, from brown to red. gray, etc.

Properties of the jasper differ according to their additives (manganese, alumina, iron hydroxide) and its inclusions (agate or opal). Jasper should mainly its colors according to the oxides of iron. This diversity of colors shapes makes each jasper stone unique. Visit jaspers are named according to the regions in which they are found. are exploited, according to the person who according to their color, according to the motifs.

The "jasper" name comes from the Greek "iaspis" meaning stone spotted. Jasper has been known for centuries millennia. In the Bible, he is the first stone of Jerusalem's walls. It is reputed to act against bites spiders and snakes. From In ancient times, this stone was used as a protective stone, a good luck charm and an aid to a healthy pregnancy. Amulets in jasper were carved by the Egyptians and deposited with the mummies to promote their successful transition to the afterlife.

Many civilizations have used this stone to engraving cylindrical seals and talismans with astrological or religious images. By elsewhere, for Amerindians and in the Middle Ages, jasper was said to have the ability to make the rain.

In conclusion, the jasper is a stone that has been extensively mined history. It is found in stone ornamental, in jewelry, on vases mosaics, etc.

The deposits

The main jasper deposits are in South Africa.

Histories and special features

Printed jasper (or polychrome jasper or even imperial jasper) a was discovered and identified in 2006 at Madagascar by geologists. Its names given to him because of the multiplicity of colors. There is no particular legends or myths related to this magnificent stone. No excavation archaeology has uncovered printed jasper objects.

Like all jasper, it is a sedimentary rock or a rock volcanic, which contains 80-95% silica according to the importance of its inclusions. It is classified with microcrystalline quartz and can be also contain clay. Printed jasper has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. By comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10 on this scale. This is the hardest higher.

Printed jasper, or polychrome or imperial, features multiple colors. It is tinted with gradations of color from red to green, yellow to brown, marbled with beige. This jasper gives the impression hand-painted. Sometimes these motifs seem to represent a landscape or a view of the earth from space.

His warm colors (yellow, orange, red) are colors energizing and illuminating optimism. On the other hand, cold colors (green, blue, mauve) rarer in jasper print, create relaxation and calm. Visit neutral colors such as white and grey, in depending on their shade, can be both warm or cool colors.

This printed jasper fascinates with all its often ribboned shapes and the shades it presents. Apart from its qualities in lithotherapy, it can be used as a magnificent decorative object or as exquisitely original jewelry.

You can feel, on the surface of an imprinted jasper. small demarcation lines that reinforce the impression that the stone has been painted hand. The most striking printed jasper are those formed by coloured stripes distinct. They often offer surprising results like swirls of color. This The subtle interplay of different hues is reminiscent of a abstract work of art, and you can't get enough of the admire it.

Green benefits printed jasper lithotherapy

Benefits for the skin psychic level

Printed jasper develops the imagination. Its motifs and their give free rein to contemplation and to all kinds of interpretations. With dark or red colors, it acts on and strengthens ties to the Earth. The result is increased strength, courage and determination. It can provide stability and safety in the life.

Printed jasper helps to provide life prospects and projects. It is also recommended for periods of discouragement caused by routine. It makes you want to to move forward and change things. It encourages greater vitality and dynamism to be more creative and passionate when daily life. It helps to overcome self-fulfillment.

His colors to encourage action. This stone helps to overcome life's obstacles and difficulties. It helps adapting to personal change or professional. It develops optimism and enthusiasm in carrying out objectives.

Presence tumultuous and turbulent environment, jasper absorbs negative energies. It brings feelings of peace and serenity. It removes stress, relieves pressure and regulates the rhythm of life. It therefore generates more well-being and fulfillment, and less fatigue. It reconnects you to the simple pleasures of life. life.

Benefits for the skin physical plan

Printed jasper is reputed to combat fatigue caused by too many tasks daily repetitive tasks. It gives energy and positivity.

He's got qualities in environments where pollution is prevalent. electromagnetic pollution.

Printed jasper encourages people to adopt a healthier lifestyle and a balanced diet. It provides the desire to get back to work sport.

It promotes the good how the solar plexus chakra works.

It protects against external pollutants.

The printed jasper and astrological signs associates

Printed jasper spreads its benefits to all natives of the zodiac. However, its qualities are with the following astrological signs :

  • Lion: symbol of royalty and power and vanity. This sign represents glory, luxury and festivities. Wearing a jasper print strengthens his courage and determination. He likes to evolve in an atmosphere of celebration and pleasure. A great generosity, he often shares with his entourage. Very proud, he does not tolerate critics. He loves to be flattered and admired. He leaves no one indifferent, even if it has tendency to overdo it. He often talks for and has a lot of natural authority. He can be tyrannical, demanding, and even violent. He evolves in the world of the arts and shows. He is always surrounded by admirers and enjoys being at the center of attentions. With great pride, he hates and failures. Willing and determined, he always gets what he wants and works to get it. In love, he is loyalty. His character is passionate and wholehearted. He loves to seduce and have many conquests. Then over the years, he's growing wiser and wants to start a family ;

  • Cancer:

  • Verseau:

The printed jasper and chakras

Printed jasper perfectly balances the root chakra. Located at the base of the spinal column, this chakra is oriented towards the ground. It serves to root the and represents vital needs, such as than eating, drinking and sleeping. It ensures survival safety, well-being and good sexuality.

The root chakra to ensure the proper circulation of energies. It radiates well-being and comfort and a sense of security. Vitality and a beautiful energy spread through the body.

The root chakra unbalanced, overactive causes anger, aggressiveness, selfishness. The person may become hyperactive and give in to addictions various. It can also have large health problems (obesity, cholesterol...), hypertension, etc.).

Maintenance, purifying and recharging jasper printed

Printed jasper in its natural environment is purified and recharged with the resources of its environment. From its extraction to your home, it has many influences, which can be its effectiveness. It is therefore necessary to purify and recharge it as soon as it is introduced into your home. Visit the following operations are to be carried out in maintenance once a month or after a session lithotherapy.

Sink your jasper printed in a glass of spring water and place it in the middle of a plate filled with sea salt. Do not bring your stone and salt to avoid damaging its beautiful colors. After 7 hours, discard the salt. of your home and gently dry your stone with a soft cloth. You you can also purify it using other methods, such as sage fumigation white, buried in the ground on a or the use of a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge your stone by depositing it in the lunar rays (avoid a full moon) or place it in a amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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