Fluorine Yellow

Fluorine Yellow

Fluorite or fluorite is a highly prized stone because of its its varied colors. Soft stone with a hardness of 4 on the Mohs scale, it can be clives very easily, i.e. it splits in the natural direction of its layers with a clean cut. It is a mineral mainly composed of calcium.

Pure, she is colorless, so they are organic compounds or various metals, such as iron, zinc cerium, magnesium, chlorine, silicon..., which determine its different colors. The fluorite offers a wide range of colors, from blue to yellow, from green to brown, from pink to red. violet, etc. Some of its crystals are particularly exceptional, because their colors change according to their exposure to luminosity.

As a result, the 16th-century metallurgists discovered that ores containing fluorite can be fluidized more easily. So, in his famous work Re Metallica, Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), founder of metallurgy and the mineralogy, calls this stone "fluorescent lapides" meaning "flowing stone". By It later became fluorite, and then by extension, later giving its name to the gas that is fluoride.

Crystallizations fluorite, as well as its various colors make it a very popular with collectors. But stores or jewelry shops do not represent a small part of the company's operations. this fabulous mineral. In fact, the story fluorite was marked by the discovery of fluorine in 1886. Fluorine is actually a gas halogen, relatively abundant and versatile industrial properties. Prior to this fluorite was used primarily for jewelry ornaments, ornaments, ornaments ornaments, statuettes, etc.

In fact, a number of necklaces of fluorite beads were discovered in prehistoric caves in Belgium. Visit In ancient Egypt, fluorite was used as a stone ornaments or carving statuettes in the gods or amulets in the shape of a beetle. The Chinese sometimes replaced the jade by green fluorite in the manufacture of their statues and used fluorite violet to protect against bad spirits.

More generally, fluorite, thanks to its multiple colors, has used to make the famous vases murrhins. In fact, these vases were made in murrhe, which turns out to be fluorite.

The Greeks associated yellow fluorite with intelligence and know-how. This mineral develops reflection and address.

During excavations archaeological objects made of fluorite have been found in the ruins of Pompeii, the famous city that was completely buried during the Second World War. eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. J-C.

More recently, at the the 18th century, mines that were brimming with "Blue John", famous yellow and blue fluorite, have been mined in the Sheffield area in England. Numerous ornaments, decorative elements, vases or columns were created in Blue John.

In France, the first fluorite mining operation at Voltenne, in Saône-et-Loire, is the driving force behind the creation of balustrades for the Opéra Garnier in Paris.

Nowadays, the metallurgy is the biggest consumer of fluorite. The steel industry, for its part serves as a fluidizer or flux.

Yellow fluorite is one of the most highly prized crystals mineralogists. It has cubes remarkable: it's one of the most beautiful creations of nature, very luminous, soft and glassy.

The deposits of yellow fluorite stones

The main deposits are found in China, Canada, the United States and Japan. France, etc.

Green benefits yellow fluorite in lithotherapy

His properties on the psychic level

Yellow fluorite, with its soft, energizing color, gives the vitality to its wearer. It is a stone of joy and good humor. It brings happiness to those around it, and even a certain euphoria. It is a stone of spirituality for balance in a woman's life. person.

Yellow fluorite is also reputed to be a mineral organization. It opens up a a certain intellectual clarity and thus instability and disorder. Visit consequences will be better memorization, ease of learning, a quality concentration.

So, we say of the yellow fluorite as the stone of the intellectuals, such as students scientists, researchers, etc. Indeed, it also enables better integration of new ideas or the assimilation easy new technologies.

Yellow fluorite is very effective in managing emotions too strong. It soothes and relieves stress, anguish and anxiety. It allows you to release traumatic psychological blockages to move forward in life. Yellow fluorite offers the possibility of overcoming buried fears and build self-confidence. self. It helps to alleviate anger jealousy and resentment and soothes his carrier.

Benefits for the skin physical plan

Yellow fluorite gives vitality to its wearer and encourages him to resume sporting activity. It energizes him and gives him the will to its efforts. This stone, also nicknamed golden fluorite, strengthens cohesion a sense of power, a feeling of belonging and contributes to physical balance and coordination.

Situated on a office, it provides a better concentration and receptiveness. Placed under a pillow, it gives a good night's sleep and increases energy throughout the day. of the day.

Member of Parliament for Stone anti-stress, it significantly reduces all the consequences of stress on the body.

The meaning of yellow fluorite in astrology

Yellow fluorite has many virtues that act on all the natives of the zodiac. However, there are a few its power is even stronger on signs following:

  • Virgo symbol of the method, measurements and of perfection. This sign represents organization, attention to detail and critical thinking. Wearing a yellow fluorite makes it more attractive. self-confidence and greater joy. It helps to overcome shyness and gain self-confidence self. This sign is often obsessed with cleanliness, household chores. He hates mess and dirt. It is linked to health and medicine. Highly ingenious helpful and likes to be useful. Please note his character always in search of the perfection, he often demonstrates great rigidity. He tries to hide his tendency to complex behind a cold attitude. He does often too demanding, and puts a lot of emphasis on often set the bar a little too high. In love, he is too rigid, too complex. Indeed, he can't let go and has a great deal of energy. fear of rejection. He prefers to remain single. If he finally opts for marriage, it will be thanks to its practicality. In fact, it hardly believes in love;

  • Lion symbol of power and royalty and vanity. This sign represents luxury, parties and ambition. He likes to be flattered and admired, so he always surrounds himself court of admirers. He evolves in the world of pleasure, arts and theater. The harbor of a yellow fluorite helps to regulate its moods, he tempers his anger. Indeed, the lion can be tyrannical and violent, and can even too much authority. However, he likes and can even be very generous with those around him. Determined, he knows what he's going to do with his life. As a rule ambition, and ended up with a very successful what he wants. From a wholehearted and loyal, he does not accept and betrayals. In love, he shows passion, ardor and desire. He loves the game of seduction while dreaming of marriage and great love. However, he has tendency not to know how to say no to solicitations, because he likes to conquer;

  • Cancer a symbol of family and nostalgia and sensitivity. This sign represents the imagination, origins and nostalgia of his childhood. Wearing a yellow fluorite to free oneself from the shackles of the past and to move forward. It relieves him of his concerns. In fact, this sign tends take refuge in a world where he feels at home. security. He always tries to surround himself with his loved ones so that he can blossom. He knows quickly become indispensable to his family, and this that reassures him. He hates conflict, because it block his artistic creations. He loves to work and can be extremely involved and conscientious. Sometimes he does arrogance and gives the impression of being to be superior to others. In love, it's a great sentimentalist with a lot of tenderness for donate. He is looking for a partner who can with whom he will spend the rest of his life. life, because he's a very special person. faithful.

Yellow and yellow fluorite chakras

Yellow fluorite perfectly harmonizes the plexus chakra solar. It is located above the navel and is represented by a yellow lotus. A a balanced solar plexus chakra provides self-confidence and gives achieve its objectives. The center makes it easier to make decisions and strengthens the quality of relations with others. The beneficiary of this harmony feels joyful, zen, attentive and spontaneous.

Maintenance, fluorite purification and recharging yellow

When you choose to purchase yellow fluorite, you need to remember to purify and recharge it as soon as it is to your home. This stone, since its extraction, has met with numerous energies, both positive and negative. These operations are to be carried out in maintenance once a month or after use intensive.

Pass your yellow fluorite under tap water during a few minutes to purify it. You can also also use the fumigation technique. Be careful, however, not to purify it with the waves due to its fragility.

Drop off your yellow fluorite to lunar rays (apart from full moon) in order to recharge it or place it on an amethyst geode or on a cluster of quartz for 24 hours.

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