

The Four Stones diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, are stones of exceptional beauty. The origin of the emerald's name comes from the Persian "zamarat", then Latin "smaragdus", translating as "green gemstone". This magnificent stone belongs to the beryls (from the ancient Greek "beryllos" meaning "coloured crystal seawater"). Its wonderful color makes it a highly sought-after stone coveted for millennia.

It has taken some extremely special conditions for the formation of emeralds, which in turn justifies its rarity. Emerald is part of the silicate mineral group. It is composed mainly of beryllium, copper and nickel. chromium, iron and vanadium. These components are not located in the same layers earth. Beryllium comes from the earth's magma and the other components come from the mantle terrestrial. The bubbles of magma to the mantle. The content of these components is at the origin of the many colors of green.

The most beautiful emeralds are those with a transparency, with a dark green intense. Emerald remains sensitive to shocks, also attributed to him a way of cutting it known as "emerald cut". It reduces the risk of accidents during setting. Emeralds have named inclusions: lacunae, frosts or crystals, to certify their authenticity. They have a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs. In conclusion, beauty and rarity of an emerald depend first and foremost on its color and transparency. Incredible green emerald symbolizes the renewal of fertility and life.

History of the emerald

In Egypt some 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians were already mining emeralds mines not far from the Red Sea.

In 2000 BC, the Babylonians used, a priori, the emeralds as currency.

Thereafter, these mines were once again exploited by the Greek miners at the time of Alexander the Grand (356 to 323 BC). They were discovered in 1816 by Frédéric Cailliaud, explorer (1787 - 1869).

Cleopatra, Queen ancient Egypt (69 - 30 BC) was particularly fond of emeralds. They were the embodiment of national pride. Cleopatra possessed sumptuous jewels with emeralds, and she had custom of offering them on which his portrait was engraved. In 47 BC, Cleopatra acquired these mines and today, even if these mines had been discovered 2,000 years before Egyptian deposits bear the name Cleopatra's emerald mines.

The Celts and the Romans also loved this fabulous stone, which they extracted from mines located in present-day Austria.

In its encyclopedia "Natural History", Pliny the Elder (23 - 79 A.D.), writer and naturalist, claims that the emperor Nero (37 - 68 A.D.) used emeralds to improve his eyesight. He describes the emerald of a green so powerful, that after having contemplated, all the other greens of nature seemed blander.

Emerald figures in writings from the Middle Ages, as in the legend of the Knights of the Round Table. The Holy Grail, the chalice sought by knights, would consist of of emeralds.

In the 16th century, emerald arrives in Europe via through the Spanish Conquistadors. In They brought back specimens of Colombia are exceptional, both in terms of their size than by their color.

Since the 16th century century, the jewelry industry continues to use emerald as a precious stone. Nowadays Colombia remains the main importer, supplying the finest pieces and producing 60% of global production.

The deposits rough emerald

The main deposits are located in Brazil and Russia, etc.

Emerald and its virtues in lithotherapy

The benefits of the emerald stone on the map psychic

Pierre of balance, emerald is also a stone of love and harmony. It relieves and soothes emotions. It releases feelings of love. It encourages unconditional love between two people. It can even reveal a great romanticism.

It's also a stone of friendship, which develops qualities such as compassion and empathy and understanding. It encourages tolerance and wisdom. Thus, it can be quality relationships. It promotes loyalty and sincerity.

Emerald also facilitates parent-child relationships, restores understanding and discernment. Visit dialogue is once again possible when tensions and contributes to the reconciliation of family.

This stone engenders forgiveness, kindness and goodness. It avoids rushing to judgment and develops the ability to listen. This helps to avoid get carried away too quickly in the event of conflict. It builds resilience and gives to free themselves from the shackles of past.

Emerald stimulates memory, knowledge and learning. It inspires the desire to learn and understand. On the professional side, she improves group relations through development of attention and open-mindedness.

The properties of the emerald stone on the plan physique

Emerald, by its soothing power, helps to combat stress and its consequences.

It has an action that makes people want to go out again. in a state of intense sadness. It gives off energy.

Emerald promotes proper functioning of the plexus chakra solar.

The meaning of emerald in astrology

Emerald, a precious stone, has virtues and beneficial properties on the whole in all natives of the zodiac.

But these powers are even more pronounced for signs from the month of May.

This May represents the month of renewal and of green colors in nature. These astrological signs are :

  • Taurus symbol of the Earth, of fertility and loyalty. This sign also represents perseverance and determination possession. It is highly reliable and stability. Wearing a emerald helps to soften its character by being more attentive to others. This sign likes to possess and acquire material goods. In fact, he's afraid of running out of something. Generous, he loves to share with friends and/or family. Step by not, he knows how to build a future for himself and overcome the difficulties he encounters. He is very honest and also very stubborn. He is almost impossible to change his mind. He misses and hates change. In love, he develops great sensuality and tenderness. He exudes an incredible charm that allows him to multiply conquests. But above all, he wanted to found a family and live peacefully;

  • Gémeaux : symbol of communication and exchanges and movement. This sign represents curiosity, adolescence and studies. He is often described as sociable, pleasant and spiritual. His company is often sought after. He still needs intellectual emulation and wearing an emerald stimulates his memory. He is constantly on the lookout for new knowledge, because its behaviour eternal student. He doesn't like a life of routine, he likes to be in perpetual motion. Often very talkative, he always has something to say. to tell. Be careful, because underneath carefree and superficial, he hides a great deal anxiety and anguish. However, it is a natural optimist and always ends up see the bright side of things. In love, it's a great seducer. He loves to go from flower to flower flower and dreads commitment. But he does romanticism and dreams of experiencing the great love.

The stone and the emerald chakra of the heart

Emerald helps to open the heart chakra and harmonizes it. This creates a calming on the emotions. It is a stone of unconditional love and placed on the heart, it develops feelings of love or friendships. It encourages openness to others, sharing, loyalty. It strengthens courage and the strength to face emotions negative.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the emerald

Emerald is a precious stone that needs to be regularly maintained. As soon as it arrived in your home, you need to purify, then recharge your emerald. From extraction to your home, the stone has been in contact with many energies, both positive and negative. The following operations are to be carried out on at least once a month or after a intensive use.

Pass your emerald under tap water with a little soap. Gently scrub with a soft brush. teeth to remove all impurities. Dry with a soft cloth. You can also purify it with incense, but avoid to use a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge it at morning sun for about 2 hours or place it on an amethyst geode or on an a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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