
The budstone (prase quartz or jade) African)

The budstone is a variety of stone that has many names. Indeed, this stone is known under the name of African jade. also known as a quartz prase. Sometimes this stone is even recognized as a malachite with impurities.

As many names for a stone with many lithotherapy virtues and yet no legend is linked to the budstone. Very similar to chalcedony, prase or budstone quartz has numerous inclusions of iron and magnesium.

History of the quartz prase

The etymology of the he name quartz is a bit vague. It seems that this name comes from the word "quaterz", a term referring to low-quality ores. A Another explanation originates from the German name "gewarz" meaning growth or germ. Prase quartz is derived from the Greek name "prason", which translates as leek, in reference to the green color of the stone.

His trail is found under the designation "prasius" given by Pliny the Elder, Roman historian and naturalist. He named her after its exceptional energies and its link with nature.

In the Middle Ages, no distinction was made in the crystals and they were all called quartz. Then Georgius Agricola, 16th-century scholar and father of the of mineralogy, made the distinction in his De Re Metallica book.

Quartz is a a mineral belonging to the silicate group. in the form of crystals of different sizes. It covers a wide range of a wide variety of stones such as rose quartz smoky quartz, prase quartz, etc. In fact can be found in 500 different forms.

A large number of ancient civilizations attribute many qualities of quartz, whether or protection. These include traces of the Egyptians, Phoenicians and Celts, Indians, Greeks, etc. But we we don't know exactly what type of quartz evoked in all these legends.

It may even be that quartz may have been used by the earliest men to make fire. The first term evoking quartz comes from the Greek Theophrastus around -325/-300 BC, or "Kristallos" meaning ice/crystals. The Greeks honored Gaia, the mother goddess, maternal ancestor of the divine races, in him offering quartz.

Various types of quartz were used in all kinds of civilizations. Prase quartz owes its name to its green color. For the Anglo-Saxons or the Germanic, during the spring equinox, the stone was attributed to the goddess Ostara. It was found buried in the ground in the form of small pieces. This stone encourages the growth of vegetation, trees and shrubs. seeds. It can even be used to clean up land impoverished by industry.

We are back many legends linked to jade in general but very little to African jade, another name given budstone or prase quartz.

Budstone in South Africa

The main deposits are in Africa of the South.

Green benefits budstone in lithotherapy

His properties on the plan psychic

Budstone or prase quartz possesses deeply soothing. It's even nicknamed the "stone of forgiveness". It is a extremely beneficial influence on young people children. It reinforces the notion of sharing and socialization. Children learn to play together in a friendly atmosphere caring.

This stone has tension-relieving properties, it is also prevents nervous breakdowns in children like in adults. It provokes the acceptance of authority in general and eliminates many conflicts.

The budstone or the prase quartz helps to free oneself from the chains of and move forward. It opens the mind, which will refocus on the moment present. It provides good management of negative emotions such as anger rancor, even hatred. It's a stone of letting go.

By placing a budstone in your environment, it will be purified and benefit from an aura of tranquility and gentleness. If this stone in a bedroom, it promotes and produces a restful sleep. quality, without bad dreams.

We say of the budstone is a divine stone that offers harmony between body and mind. At It contributes to the release and enhancement of healing emotional and mental bodies. She is renowned for its peace and tranquillity and infuses its wearer with an energy of temperance and peace.

His properties on the plan physique

Budstone or prase quartz strengthens the body. This stone promotes the circulation body fluids.

It soothes. It reduces the effects of stress. It releases tensions.

This stone promotes the proper functioning of the heart chakra and crown chakra.

Budstone or prase quartz is a very versatile great help with problems of sexual.

In addition, it fights states of intense sadness and restores a certain vitality.

The stone budstone and its zodiac signs associates

The budstone has great energy and can dispense it to all the signs of the zodiac, but its efficiency is further enhanced in native of the following signs:

  • Aries: symbol of action, of enthusiasm. This sign is driven by impetus. It is dynamic, bold and full of enthusiasm. He was born to lead, command and is always looking to be first. He can get fired up for a cause, and nothing can stop him. will change your mind. Wearing a stone budstone allows him to master this beautiful energy. He always says what he thinks and sometimes this is not always well perceived. Visit On the other hand, he holds absolutely no grudges. He must learn not to spread itself too thin, in order to to achieve his goals. In love, he falls quickly in love and easily inflamed. He has a horror of routine, and if he gets bored, he'll will quickly move on;

  • Cancer symbol of the family, the past and the future. parents. This sign has many imagination and nostalgia. It represents memory, mood swings, and even whims. Wearing a budstone allows him to detach from the past and move on forward. He needs a lot of security and gentleness. Very shy, he can show himself to protect itself. It needs to be surrounded by loved ones and to feel loved. He tends to have a personality very narcissistic. In love, he is tenderness and is particularly sentimental. He's very loyal. When he chooses to start a family, he became an excellent parent;

  • Capricorn a symbol of ambition and solitude and maturity. This sign knows how to show a great deal of perseverance, patience and loneliness. He has integrity and is very well organized, all in restraint. He is often a great coldness and shows great detachment. He is often too serious. The port of a budstone reinforces its serious look, but allows him to free himself and teaches him to forgive. This sign does not tolerate betrayals and finds it very difficult to reconcile his I'm sorry. In love, he is very complex and would rather be alone than suffer failure. He doesn't have a lot of self-confidence. However, once tamed, it becomes a an excellent, reliable and honest partner. Over the wire years, he learns to accept himself.

The budstone and the plexus shakra solar

On a spiritual level, this magnificent gem green, placed on the solar plexus, resolves blockages linked to the past and eliminates fears irrational.

Similarly, deposited on the third chakra the eye, it creates awareness and improves intuition.

Associated with the heart chakra, this stone allows acceptance of others, love of peace and compassion.

Maintenance, purifying and recharging the stone budstone

When buying a budstone and regular maintenance, you'll need to the following operations. Your stone since extraction or after use can be discharged into positive energy and absorb negative energies.

Submerge it in a bath of spring water for 2 hours, then dry it with the with a soft cloth.

To recharge it with energy, expose it to the sun. for 2 hours under moonlight. Choose a full moon day to increase recharge capacity.

You can also place the stone on a quartz cluster or on an amethyst druse for 24 hours.

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