Wood Fossil

The stones in fossilized wood

Fossilized wood is one of nature's many peculiarities. This fossilized wood is half stone / half wood. half wood. It is also called wood petrified, silicified or xyloid wood. And indeed, the tree has been turned to stone by the principle of petrification. The term wood petrified comes from the Greek petro, meaning "stone". Fossilized wood is the result of of a very long transformation that began for millions of years, over the course of prehistoric era. It is dated more precisely since 225 million years.

Finally good to understand your training, you need to have basics of geology (the science that studies the Earth) to understand its nature and all its aspects. characteristics of a region's subsoil), by paleobotany (the study of fossil plants and the milestones in the history of plants), or paleoenvironment (ancient environments ranging to palaeontology, the study of the fossilization, rocks, etc.).

In fact, there are around 225 million years ago, there was a prehistoric forest of incredible immensity and biodiversity. You could find many varieties of trees: araucarias, schiderias, ginko biloba, etc. At that time, all species of dinosaurs lived together and fed on the vegetation of this forest.

Followed by rains began to fall, pouring out a torrent of downpours, dragging thousands of people of trees. An immense river replaced this and the trees were flooded. Although drowned in water, these trees retained their appearance and constitution.

Unfortunately, comes another devastating event so powerful. A volcanic eruption erupted, forming a layer of ash, covering the trees immersed in water up to 800 meters deep. Once dissolved in water, the ashes will be mixed with the and filled the inside of the trunks, first by fibres, then by sap. Visit plant is caught and buried under the sediments. Over the millennia followed, the plant part will be virtually replaced by minerals and will become stone.

This phenomenon of silicification, caused by the filling of cavities of citrine, agate, opal chalcedony, or even amethyst, will a multitude of colors. The woods fossils come in a wide range of colors different shapes and designs. All these differences are due to the paths taken by trees.

Wooden stones fossils have the characteristics of mineral that has pseudomorphosed the wood, i.e. silica. We'll call them "petrified wood".

It should be noted that that the colors of fossil wood differ according to their composition and indicate to find out more about their training:

- to find out more about their training:

- to find out more about their training
  • presence of iron : red, yellow, orange, brown, violet, black or green;

  • presence uranium: yellow, brown or green in color ;

  • presence of carbon: black color;

  • presence of manganese: blue, violet or black in color ;

  • presence of nickel : green color;

  • presence of cobalt, chromium and copper: blue color and green;

  • presence of silicon dioxide: white color and high purity gray.

Fossilized wood in Madagascar and France Arizona

The main sources of fossil wood are in Madagascar, the United States Egypt, Argentina and France.

Green benefits of fossil wood in lithotherapy

Its virtues on the psychic level

Wooden stone fossil is an anchor stone that connects the Earth. It promotes attention in people with distracting tendencies. It can even to be used on hyperactive children in order to channel their energy.

It provides stability and strength. If too much control and self-mastery, it is reputed to represent the stone of to let go and free oneself from ancient beliefs and habits linked. All this in order to detach ourselves from the pressure from parents, schools and society. It engenders patience and restores self-confidence. self.

By removing these ties of the past, the wooden stone the fossil fuels the serenity of the catch position. Events and difficulties will no longer be insurmountable. She gives you the opportunity to step back show courage in the face of various situations that life imposes. Above all, she reinforces spontaneity and reactions natural.

This is assigned to the ability to enjoy the good things in life of life. It encourages the realization of projects by providing motivation.

This fossilized wood gives us comes from the past, it's a real testimony that facilitates connection to authenticity. It allows the wearer to detachment from material goods.

Its virtues physically

This fossilized wood is particularly for senior citizens, as it reinforces the body. It's also ideal for little ones in their physical growth and intellectual.

It promotes the proper functioning of the chakras heart and solar plexus.

It promotes elimination.

Wood fossils and astrological signs associates

Fossilized wood has virtues that can act on all signs of the zodiac, but these virtues are further strengthened for natives of the following signs:

  • Taurus symbol of stability, of the stubbornness and loyalty. It's a a sign of great patience and perseverance. Fossil wood is a stone that is particularly suited to him, as it is linked to nature and the Earth. This sign is particularly fertile. His personality very balanced and hates change. He is very honest and generosity. He loves to share despite his fear lack. He can't be influenced and doesn't know yet not say no to those he loves. He always manages to overcome life's difficulties. In love, he needs of tenderness. At an early age, he and start a family. He is highly faithful;

  • Lion symbol of the power and the royalty. This sign is of great generosity, but he also loves to be flattered, even vain. This sign represents love and creation. It is very ambitious, has a natural authority and can be a real tyrant. He makes a great deal of self-control: wearing of a fossilized wooden stone allows him to return to more humility and to let go completely. Voluntary, he knew at an early age what he was going to do. his life. He will spare no effort to achieve his goals. In love, he is of passion and ardor. He reassures himself through its conquests and constantly needs to be loved. He finds it hard to remain faithful ;

  • Virgo : symbol of method, measurement, and analysis. This sign has a mind of very logical. He is hard-working and helpful. He can be very anxious and wearing a fossilized wooden stone can help him to bring serenity and confidence to him. This sign often doubts its abilities and reveals great modesty. He has to manage their emotions and let themselves go. go. Fossil wood allows him to letting go. In love, this sign shows a great deal of modesty, he has an unfortunate tendency to be very critical. He can live perfectly well alone, and if he's in a relationship, it's more for practicality than for love real.

Les chakras linked to wood stone fossil

Evidently, fossil wood stimulates the root chakra, focusing on anchoring and knowledge of one's inner self and detachment from material possessions. The chakra root connects us to the Earth and anchors us physically in our bodies. Wood stone allows us to appreciate the pleasures the simple things in life and savour the moments precious.

Maintenance, purifying and recharging the wood stone fossil

Once your fossil wood has been returned to the house, you'll need to carry out maintenance procedures and repeat them at least once a month or after a intensive use.

In effect, your stone will have to be released of the negative waves accumulated during transfer to your home, then recharge it with positive energy.

Soak your wood fossil stone in spring water. Dry with a towel. soft cloth. You can also use salt marine: place your fossil wood stone in a container on a bed of salt.

Place your wood fossil stone in the sun of the for 1 or 2 hours. You can also be placed on a druse or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours minimum.

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