
The biotite in lithotherapy

Biotite does not have legend. It is said to be a anchoring stone, which connects us to the nature.

This stone has been studied by French physicist Jean-Baptiste Biot, the source of its name. It can accommodate other minerals such as emerald, ruby, kyanite. Biotite belongs to the mica group and contains iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, calcium, magnesium. fluorine and lithium.

Biotite is a mineral belonging to the silicate group, subgroup of phyllosilicates and the micas. Jean-Baptiste Biot has also studied optical properties.

Since 1998-1999, this stone is no longer recognized as a species by the International Association of Mineralogy. The term biotite is part of a series with phlogopite and siderophyllite, annite and eastonite and perhaps considered a synonym. In reality, this The term refers to dark-coloured to light-coloured micas. black with a submetallic, glassy appearance, even pearly.

We find the phlogopite in magmatic rocks (rocks that have been are formed after cooling and solidification of magma) and siderophyllite in pegmatites (magmatic rocks with very large crystals). As for annite, it can be said that it is the limb of the iron end of the group. As far as eastonite is concerned, we know that its name was given by Samuel Harbert Hamilton, following its discovery in Easton in Pennsylvania.

It is said that the mica is the name of a family of minerals and metals. quartz and feldspar, it is one of the most important granite components.

Mica is a material thanks to its properties electrical insulation and hot. It is industrially manufactured transformed into mica paper. Then the rolls of mica paper. They can then be to be cut into sheets, which are stacked one on top of the other. They can be can also be packaged in lengths, which make then ribbons.

In many countries cases, mica has replaced asbestos because of its its resistance to high temperatures, it is used to combat fires.

Biotite is a black mica containing iron and magnesium. Like all micas, it can be cut into sheets very thin. They are used in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment insulation materials, paint, etc. We biotite is found in the composition of certain jewels because of its appearance aesthetic and decorative.

Biotite veins

The main deposits are in China, the United States and Japan. Australia, Germany and the United States. Italy.

Green benefits of biotite in lithotherapy

Its virtues on the psychic level

This stone provides softness, security and comfort. It is extremely useful for soothing anxiety, and even spasmophilia. It allows the evacuation of resentments deep-seated anger. It encourages introspection and helps to understand what doesn't work in our state general.

Biotite causes a certain open-mindedness: the of a biotite will tend to be more flexible, less rigid and more understanding. Visit in fact, this stone enables him to move forward while identifying the problems that block his path.

This means that once the problems identified, the bearer of this stone will be able to influence its life. These are said to be excellent protective stones. They have a powerful link with the sun and eliminate bad influences or repel waves negative.

This stone causes past traumas to be forgotten. At on the other hand, creativity and intuition are developing, making it possible to live a more liberated and filled with love. Carrying a stone biotite opens up to the world and its possibilities, with great serenity.

Its virtues physically

This stone provides quality sleep, because it soothes the body and mind. It is said that it strengthens the body.

It restores the water in the the body.

Wearing biotite increases the chances of combat intense sadness and depression melancholy thoughts.

It promotes the proper functioning of the chakra solar plexus.

Biotite and its astrological signs

Biotite is a mineral stone that can be worn by all signs of the zodiac, but its effectiveness is enhanced on natives of the following signs:

  • Verseau a symbol of the future, of modernity and of the of friendship. This sign represents science and new technologies. It's a sign of revolt and anarchy. It is reputed to be intelligence and possesses utopian ideas. As such, he has often a lot of projects he won't complete all the way. It's a sign that lives in its thoughts and in his world. Wearing a biotite allows it to move forward in life and to overcoming obstacles. He likes to make himself useful to those around him. In love, he only shows passion, because he distrusts them. He opt for a creative, intelligent partner, but a great deal of independence. He will avoid marriage and will no longer choose the pacs;

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, the home and the mother. This sign has a great imagination and a lot of sensitivity. It's hard for him to leave the world of childhood and remains very attached to his mother. He shows great intuition and he's very shy by nature. Wearing a biotite stone enables it to overcome shyness. He gets on in life and has a great need for softness and security. It's in that he thrives best in his familiar surroundings. more. In love, he is a great sentimentality and is one of the so-called "emotionally dependent". It is very faithful and will soon seek to found a family;

  • Lion: symbol of the power, of the generosity and pride. This sign loves be flattered, he's even vain. He loves luxury, celebrations and a sign of love. and heart. He shows great ambition, authority and passion. Sometimes it can even become a real tyrant. He's used to being obeyed. He has need the admiration of those closest to them to forward. Wearing a biotite enables it to to open up to the world, to show greater humility and compassion. In love, he vibrates literally, it's fiery and passionate. He is looking for his soul mate, but he's not will not resist multiplying conquests.

Les chakras linked to the biotite

Biotite placed on the root chakra, says base chakra (located at the perineum) provides a solid foundation. It gives its a more open and open-minded attitude attentive to others.

The solar plexus chakra is connected to the biotite promotes emotional release negative effects. It calms anxiety and anxiety attacks. panic.

Usage biotite

On arrival within your family of a biotite, you must take into account that this stone has undergone of shocks since its extraction and that it can having stored up negative energies. You it by purifying it and keeping it clean. recharging.

Operations, hereafter, are to be renewed in maintenance about once a month or after intensive use of the biotite.

Pass the stone under running water for a few minutes. Then dry it with a soft cloth. You You can also purify it using fumigation with incense, sandalwood or sage wood. There's another process that is to purify it in a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge it using the in the morning sun, so as not to to alter its color or, more reliably, on a cluster of or on an amethyst druse for a long time. 24 hours.

Camille ambiance nature : Wholesaler Expert in biotite

Camille Ambiance Nature has positioned itself as a leader in the distribution of quality natural stone, especially Biotite, known for its reflections and energetic properties. We we are committed to providing our customers, whether whether professional, therapist or hobbyist lithotherapy, authentic minerals and quality. Our selection of Biotite is the fruit of in-depth research, aimed at to offer stones that combine beauty Our expertise and our passion for natural stone enable us to advise our customers with precision. Choosing Camille Ambiance Nature like your wholesaler in biolite, you benefit from a guarantee of quality and authenticity, as well as a personalized service tailored to your needs Opt for Camille Ambiance Nature to enhance your collection or store with Biotite and other natural stones exceptional.

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