The ammonite belongs to the extinct subgroup of cephalopod mollusks. It is a kind of fossil with a shell in spiral shape. This shell is rolled up like that of the snail and is composed of different dressing rooms separated by partitions. Only the last one was occupied by the animal.
This spiral shape gave him its name. Indeed, it looks like a ram's horn like the horns of Ammon, which symbolizes the Egyptian god, often represented in the guise of a ram. This is the naturalist Pliny the Elder (23 AD / 78 A.D.), who called ammonites by this name in his encyclopedia History natural.
For the record, a cephalopod is a mollusc with a head and mouth that are with tentacles. It should be noted that Today's cephalopods have no shell. Fossils of cephalopods such as ammonites used to be much more numerous.
The annihilation of ammonites took place at the same time as the extinction of the dinosaurs. Ammonite existed in the Jurassic era, 200 years ago. 66 million years ago. It was found in all the world's oceans world.
Anmonite is composed of calcium carbonate. It has a hardness of 4 to 6 on the Mohs scale. For comparison, diamond has the highest hardness, at 10 on the same scale. It has different colors ranging from brown to yellow brown.
Nearest descendants of the ammonite are squid, octopus, and the cuttlefish and nautilus. Ammonite species are excellent chronological markers in for their evolution. Thanks to their broad distribution and their speed of evolution, the ammonite fossils facilitate indexation and dating of rocks.
It should be noted that the ammonites can measure a few millimetres up to over 2 m diameter.
History and captions
The ammonite is often connected, because of its shape, to the circle of the evolution. This fossil is reputed to re-establish the spiritual link with nature and visit animals.
And he tells his own story that the first disc used by the Greeks in the Olympic Games was in fact an ammonite fossilized. Then, according to Greek belief just place an ammonite under the pillow to provide quality sleep or visions divine.
In India, the ammonite evoked the god Vishnu, god of the stability of the god of time, and was used to ceremonial offerings. Ammonites are mainly collected in the river Gandaki, Nepal. They are called Shaligram Shila.
In Europe in the Middle Ages, people thought the ammonite was a snake petrified. Thus, in England, ammonite is called "snakestone" or stone serpent. She was considered was proof of a miracle. Legend has it that Saint Hilda (614-680) eradicated the the snakes that invaded his monastery with their cutting off their heads. These would have curled up in a spiral and would have been changed into stone.
The benefits of ammonite at lithotherapy
Benefits for your health psychic
Psychologically, ammonites stimulate the survival instinct, provides dynamic stability, generates strong relationship with nature. All these actions provide peace and security for the wearer of ammonite. They allow him to take the decisions and overcome difficulties encountered in the life.
Anmonite eases the pain the loss of a loved one, the loss of a family, the painful break-ups or redundancies abuse. It gives us the strength to continue and sometimes, to take on new challenges. departures. It also helps challenges.
This incredible fossil helps to forget the painful past, enjoy the present and look to the future with peace of mind. It drives away relationships that give off negative energies. Ammonite can also convert all the energy received into positivity and love. It exudes a strong power protector.
The ammonite favors introspection and reconnection with oneself. She is excellent for meditation. It can explain the nature of certain blockages caused by trauma related to childhood. The wearer is then freed from his or her ghosts that haunt.
This fossil restores balance, helping to achieve a state of serene. It develops confidence in others: the wearer shows compassion and empathy. This fossil is also known for increase prosperity and chance.
Benefits for your health physical
The ammonite creates a state and therefore effectively combats stress. It combats its many consequences on the body.
This fossil gives the vitality and energy. Placed under a pillow, it keeps restless thoughts at bay and provides quality sleep without waking up nightmare. The wearer wakes up rested. In the long run, he may even consider resume physical activity, in parallel with sound work.
The ammonite and the signs astrological associates
The ammonite delivers numerous benefits and virtues for the entire natives of the zodiac. However, this fossil develops special affinities with certain astrological signs, such as the following:

- Aries : symbol action, zeal and courage. This sign represents enthusiasm, impetus and dynamism. Wearing an ammonite to make the right decisions and overcome the difficulties encountered in the life. Willing and decisive, he possesses a strong character and a fighting spirit. He is looking for loves confrontation and winning. fights. He likes to finish first no matter what competition. He says things frankly and is sorely lacking in diplomacy. He can thus hurtful. He always finishes what he He's an entrepreneur. He possesses leadership because he loves to dominate and lead. He has and knows how to show the way to others. Very charismatic, he appeals and is often surrounded by people. He knows what's good for him and for others. He's daring and doesn't hesitate to take the plunge in new projects. Warm and friendly, he can sometimes be a little authoritarianism. In love, he tends to fall in love very quickly, and many times. He burns with ardor, desire and shows himself passionate. He loves to conquer his or his partner. Romantic, he hates routine ;
- Gemeaux : symbol of movement, exchange and communication. This sign represents studies, numbers and the mind. Wearing a ammonite helps him forget the painful past, enjoy the present and look to the future serenely. Always pleasant, light and this sign is often very well surrounded. He considers that in life, he doesn't not to worry. He's often movement, and a lively mind and intellectual curiosity. It adapts easily wherever it is and is not afraid of change. He loves long journeys that far away, because he hates the routine. It makes everything seem slippery about him, yet he hides a beautiful sensitivity. Under its nonchalant appearance, it seems that nothing reaches him. But it's just a attitude that saves him in difficult times. He behaves like an eternal student and multiplies activities without necessarily complete. He is interested in everything and assimilates very quickly. He is positive and optimistic. At love, it proves to be seductive, light-hearted and fun. He likes to move from flower to flower multiplying experiments. It is neither possessive, nor jealous. He is very afraid of commitment and lose his freedom. He needs a relationship with someone who knows how to frame. As he matures, he'll have a great time. love story ;
- Verseau : symbol the future, modernity and friendship. This sign represents science, discoveries and originality. The port of an ammonite gives him the strength to carry on to move forward, make new beginnings and take on new challenges. This sign is totally focused on others: he is the sign of altruism. He is a great believer in goodness of human beings. He dreams of a world more egalitarian, abolishing social classes, disseminating knowledge generalized. It tends to show rebellious and sometimes anarchistic. He is a great utopian and idealistic. Sign of intelligence and the future, he's always coming up with new ideas to reform the company, but can't manage to bring them to fruition. This sign is reputed versatile, capable of change at any time. He's interested in all the latest and scientific advances. Be careful, as it can be brittle, dry and hard to work with. authoritarian. He can't stand people questioning question his ideas and opinions. In love, he doesn't want a passionate relationship. He needs to keep his independence and freedom. Looking for a partner independent and autonomous. He will prefer a friendship love.
The ammonite and chakras

Anmonite helps to chakra balance root. This chakra is located at the bottom of the spine. Oriented towards the Earth, it is directly linked to Man and provides him with survival and prosperity. The root chakra a balanced, harmonized approach to have confidence in herself. She loves life and feels a sense of well-being. She feels that she has power over her life.
The root chakra, unbalanced, not open enough, makes the hermetically sealed from the people around her the outside world in general. She no longer feels no emotions, no feelings towards anyone. It closes in on itself and becomes selfish, narcissistic.
The root chakra, unbalanced, closed, creates a total loss of reality. The person is unstable, has no no landmarks. She's terribly lacking in self-confidence. On the other hand, she doesn't feel no longer interested in sexuality and feelings.
Maintenance, purification and recharging the ammonite
From harvest to harvest your home, your ammonite was not purified. no longer charged. It was no longer in contact with the elements of nature sun, water or earth.
The ammonite, as a does not require purification intense. Plunge it into a very lightly salted for an hour. You can also also opt for sage fumigation or the use of a Tibetan bowl. Repeat the operation once a month by interview.
Recharge your ammonite with afternoon sun for 2 hours hours or simply place it on a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.