Reference : SP0039

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Parts Numbered - Spheres
Pierre(s) : Rhodonite
Dimension: 100mm
. Weight: 1848g
. Color(s) : Black / Rose
Color(s) : Black / Pink
Color(s) : Black / Pink Quality: A = Good
. Contractual photos

Vertus De La Rhodonite :

First and foremost, Rhodonite stimulates and purifies the cardiac energy center it is associated. As a result, just like the Rhodochrosite is a very useful stone for love and well-being. Also, it helps foster love and union in the within a couple who feel weakened. In addition, this stone has the ability to show us the way to find its own way. Rhodonite is also useful for to soothe sleep because it is a very good stone for relaxation. As a result, it will be very pleasant to take a break in work or our activities in order to succeed to clear our minds.

Tradition and Symbolism :

Traditions : Love stone.
Chemical composition: Metasilicate of manganese.