Reference : 3701459039616

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Galets hearts, spheres and eggs... - Spheres - Spheres 60-70mm
Pierre(s) : Quartz Hematoid
Dimensions (in mm): 60 - 70
. Color(s) : White / Red / Brown / Pink
Color(s) : White / Red / Brown / Pink
Color(s) : White / Red / Brown / Pink Quality: A = Good

*Sold without base.
Link to bases: Bases

Photo non contractual.

Histories and legends

Hematoid quartz is a rare variety of quartz. known as quartz. It is a mineral that belongs to the silicate group, sub-group tectosilicates, essentially composed of silicon dioxide. This variety of quartz surprises with its beautiful orange-red color or yellow-orange. These magnificent hues are due to the presence of hematite inclusions and/or limonite.

For the record, hematite is a species mineral that contains iron oxide and traces of titanium, aluminum and manganese. Limonite is a mass of iron hydroxides. microcrystalline.

Hematoid quartz is much less well known than rutile quartz or rose quartz. However, it is very popular because of its beautiful red, yellow or orange. They are also very popular in the world of lithotherapy for its many virtues protective, amplifying and purifying.

Hematoid quartz is also a very popular variety of rock crystal, sometimes nicknamed "fire quartz" or "ferruginous quartz". It has a trigonal crystal system with hexagonal network. It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. In comparison diamond has the highest hardness, at 10 out of 10. the same scale.

Despite its lack of public awareness, this mineral is increasingly being used by the jewellers who mount them in jewels, creating new splendid rings, necklaces or bracelets. We can also be found in the lithotherapy.

The etymology of the name quartz is explained with two hypotheses. Either the name quartz comes from name "quaterz" meaning bad ores until the 16th century, or the other hypothesis is a contraction of the German name "gewärz" designating a excrescence.

In the Middle Ages, the name quartz was applied to all crystals. Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), a famous scholar considered to be the specialist of mineralogy and metallurgy, has restricted this term to rock crystals.

Hematoid comes from two Greek names that we can be translated as follows: "haemato" from the Greek "aïmatos" meaning blood and "-oïde meaning "form, appearance".

In 1801, the name hematoid quartz was definitely attributed to this surprising quartz red by René Just Haüy (1743-1822), the famous French mineralogist. For your information, he there are no legends or myths for this stone, due to its recent discovery.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, in Madagascar, China and South Africa, etc.

The benefits of quartz hematoid in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Hematoid quartz is a powerful fortifying. The combination of quartz and hematite is used to transform negativity into positivity, balancing the energies and manage emotions. This stone helps to understand the subtlety between a conscious reaction and a unconscious.

Thus, this mineral develops clarity and psychic understanding. It provides optimism, confidence and and inner strength. We for people with health problems concentration and those who suffer from panic. It is also recommended for to apathetic, hyperactive and so-called HP (high potential).

A real energy booster, it gives the courage, the will to undertake and chase the procrastination. It combats fatigue and gloom. People who find it hard to stay and finish their project will be more sensitive to the benefits of this stone. It soothes anxiety, panic and hysteria. It significantly reduces and creates great stability emotional.

Hematoid quartz opens up the intake of awareness of emotions and helps develop the ability to listen, understand and patience. It brings feelings of empathy, compassion and care. It develops strength, courage and vitality.

Benefits for your health physics

Hematoid quartz is renowned for promote the proper circulation of fluids body.

It's an excellent stress reliever that fights effective against feelings of sadness intense. It promotes restful sleep, therefore gives energy and vitality.

It encourages people to return to work physical activity. This physical activity eliminate tension. It facilitates stress relief.

The wearing of a hematoid quartz is recommended for strengthening the body. In addition, it is renowned for its benefits on cycles women.

Hematoid quartz and signs astrological

Hematoid quartz is a crystal with powerful benefits for all natives of the zodiac. However, some signs astrological affinities with hematoid quartz. It is for the following astrological signs :

  • Scorpion: symbol of the death, transformation and animal desire. This sign represents instinct, sexuality and extremes. Wearing a hematoid quartz calms panic, anxiety and hysteria. This sign experiences violent emotions that it has sometimes difficult to control. He has great psychological skills and can therefore quickly identify the personality of the person you're talking to. He sometimes to the point of manipulation. Tyrannical, violent and unforgiving of betrayal. This sign is enigmatic and has a certain secretive and mysterious. He is whole and loyal his friends can count on him. Underneath brutal, he hides a loving and affectionate nature. He's very hard to pin down. He has a taste for success and will stop at nothing to achieve it. get what he wants. He proves formidable and nothing can stand in its way. path. In love, he's mysterious and secretive, manipulative. He likes to possess others, multiply sexual experiences and defy morality. He has the reputation of being a lover extraordinary. Over the years, he has mellowed. and aspires to start a family;

  • Sagittarius: symbol of the philosophy and the arts. religion. This sign represents the law, abroad and adventure. Wearing a hematoid quartz allows it to open up to others and develop feelings empathy and compassion. This sign is optimistic and lucky. Thanks to his positivity, he makes an excellent leader. His colleagues enjoy working with him and follow him naturally. Sign of the foreigner and He loves to travel the world. He needs a great deal of freedom and cannot to have a job where he'd be locked in. Warm, cheerful and joyful, it can get carried away for a number of projects, but without actually carrying them out to the end. He has a lot of trouble holding his promises. But be careful, because it can hypocrisy, especially in the milieu professional. He can't stand being gives advice and then becomes very susceptible. In love, he is seductive and has a double personality. He's looking for his soul mate while behaving like a libertine. He has very afraid of losing his freedom and will choose one or an independent partner. Her maturity brings serenity and he will be happy to share your life with your better half;

  • Verseau: symbol of the future, of friendship and fraternity. This sign represents freedom, science and new technologies. Wearing a quartz hematoid develops clarity of mind and psychic understanding. It provides optimism and self-confidence. This sign dreaming of a fairer, more egalitarian world with knowledge dissemination through widespread. It represents utopia and can even anarchy. He rebellion and will seek to develop ideas to reform the world. He has incredible intuition, and his sense of smell is unerring. ever. He hates doing nothing and activities. However, he finds it hard to all his projects come to fruition. He lives in his and finds it hard to confide in others. He may intolerant and proud. Highly He's curious and creative. He loves designing and using all kinds of technological gadgets. In love, he is extremely suspicious. He's not sentimental, nor romantic. He prefers friendships without passion. His or her partner will have to be independent. He's not for marriage and prefers pacs.

Hematoid quartz and chakras

Hematoid quartz helps to balance the root chakra. This chakra is located at the base of the spinal column. When the root chakra is balanced, energy flows freely through the person's body. She feels secure and grounded. She feels well-being and a fulfilled sexuality. She is in excellent physical condition lots of vitality.

The root chakra out of balance, too open, raises questions, doubts and concerns. excess. The person becomes authoritarian, selfish, violent and often hyperactive. She seeks to accumulate material goods and money. She tends to abuse alcohol, various addictions and the pleasures carnal.

The root chakra unbalanced, underactive, generates fears about survival. The people are constantly afraid of running out of everything, food, money, etc. She is afraid of dying in and is always stressed. She suffers a serious lack of self-confidence. She is unable to solve the problems of the everyday life.

Maintenance, purification and quartz recharging hematoid

From its extraction to your home, hematoid quartz could neither be purify, nor recharge with the help of elements of nature, such as rain, snow and earth and sun. As soon as he joined your home, it is essential to proceed with the purification and recharging of your crystal. The following operations are to be renewed in maintenance at least once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Pass your stone under the running water of the tap. Gently dry with a soft cloth to remove any residues. last impurities. For even greater purification light, use sage fumigation or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your hematoid quartz with rays outside the full moon. You can also also put it on an amethyst geode or on a rock crystal cluster for 24 hours hours.

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